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Change legislation to make all valid forms of ID are universally accepted

Submitted on Tuesday 22nd September 2015

Published on Monday 28th September 2015

Current status: Closed

Closed: Monday 28th March 2016

Signatures: 22

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Petition Action

Change legislation to make all valid forms of ID are universally accepted

Petition Details

If you can't drive or dont have a passport or don't want to carry your passport around with you then why should you struggle?

Additional Information

for those without a passport or drivers license then finding ID that is accepted by clubs and shops can be an issue. Many valid forms of ID are available e.g. Citizencard, however many clubs and shops don't accept these despite endorsement by the security industry, police and trading standards.
As a result this petition aims to bring about change whereby legislation will enforce that these vaid forms of ID are universally accepted.

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