Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Require HSE to disregard time passed when deciding whether to investigate
Open from Monday 15th April 2024 to Wednesday 29th May 2024
9 signatures
Require all drivers to switch to winter tyres in November as a mandatory measure
Open from Wednesday 21st December 2022 to Wednesday 21st June 2023
9 signatures
Require schools to follow a 5 on, 1 off, 5 on, 2 off weekly schedule
Open from Tuesday 6th September 2022 to Monday 20th March 2023
9 signatures
Reduce land ownership and transactions registration transition period to 28 days
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2022 to Friday 23rd September 2022
8 signatures
Introduce cash rewards for Olympic medal winners and their coaches
Open from Tuesday 8th February 2022 to Monday 8th August 2022
8 signatures
Ban publication of names and photos of convicted criminals
Open from Tuesday 21st September 2021 to Monday 21st March 2022
9 signatures
Turn York's ring-roads (A1237 & A64) into a motorway
Open from Monday 20th September 2021 to Sunday 20th March 2022
9 signatures
Remove Italy from amber list
Open from Thursday 26th August 2021 to Saturday 26th February 2022
9 signatures
Move the Stage 4 opening a week earlier from 21 June
Open from Monday 17th May 2021 to Wednesday 17th November 2021
7 signatures
End visa requirements for Thai nationals who want to visit England.
Open from Friday 14th May 2021 to Sunday 14th November 2021
9 signatures
Prioritise pregnant women in their third trimester for Covid-19 vaccination
Open from Thursday 13th May 2021 to Saturday 13th November 2021
9 signatures
Introduce an independent regulator to oversee English football
Open from Thursday 20th May 2021 to Saturday 20th November 2021
9 signatures
Extend deadline for applying for £10k Covid Grants from 31.03.21 till 30.04.21
Open from Monday 12th April 2021 to Tuesday 12th October 2021
9 signatures
Bring forward the May 17th ease of restrictions
Open from Tuesday 27th April 2021 to Wednesday 27th October 2021
8 signatures
Fund attachment aware and trauma informed training for elected politicians
Open from Monday 29th March 2021 to Wednesday 29th September 2021
9 signatures
Permanently increase Business Rates relief to 100% for all Charity Retail Shops
Open from Wednesday 31st March 2021 to Thursday 30th September 2021
9 signatures
Permit leisure flying and allow flight schools to reopen.
Open from Thursday 18th March 2021 to Saturday 18th September 2021
7 signatures
Extend Embryo Destruction statutory cooling-off period by 1-year due to COVID
Open from Tuesday 6th April 2021 to Wednesday 6th October 2021
8 signatures
Extend the forced Embryo Destruction time limit during the COVID-19 pandemic
Open from Tuesday 20th April 2021 to Wednesday 20th October 2021
9 signatures
Expand Bounce Back Loan eligibility to businesses established since March 2020
Open from Monday 8th March 2021 to Wednesday 8th September 2021
7 signatures
Freeze business rates for the financial year ending 2022
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2021 to Tuesday 17th August 2021
9 signatures
Start British Summer Time a month earlier this year, on 28th February, 2021
Open from Friday 12th February 2021 to Thursday 12th August 2021
6 signatures
Stop Basic Rate Tax Payers paying the High Income Benefit Charge
Open from Thursday 11th February 2021 to Wednesday 11th August 2021
8 signatures
Change the date that the clocks go forward to Saturday 13th February 2021
Open from Monday 8th February 2021 to Sunday 8th August 2021
8 signatures
Theory test centres should be considered essential and open during restrictions
Open from Monday 8th March 2021 to Wednesday 8th September 2021
7 signatures
Extend the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme to cover death by careless driving
Open from Tuesday 26th January 2021 to Monday 26th July 2021
9 signatures
Make it Mandatory for Teachers to have Video Calls with pupils
Open from Wednesday 20th January 2021 to Tuesday 20th July 2021
7 signatures
Require schools to send hard copies of teaching material during closures
Open from Wednesday 20th January 2021 to Tuesday 20th July 2021
8 signatures
Ensure work completed since Christmas is not used for exam results
Open from Friday 22nd January 2021 to Thursday 22nd July 2021
7 signatures
Provide regular, weekly coronavirus testing for Adult Day Support Workers
Open from Thursday 14th January 2021 to Wednesday 14th July 2021
9 signatures
Offer weekly Covid-19 testing to all school staff
Open from Monday 25th January 2021 to Sunday 25th July 2021
9 signatures
Fund refunds for people who were unable to travel in Tier 4
Open from Monday 22nd February 2021 to Sunday 22nd August 2021
9 signatures
Increase funding for 'under cover' outdoor sports facilities during wet weather
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Monday 5th July 2021
9 signatures
Move Christmas to 25th February 2021
Open from Tuesday 29th December 2020 to Tuesday 29th June 2021
9 signatures
Move Leeds to tier 2 for Christmas
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
8 signatures
Reopen the RoATP for new Employer Provider Applications
Open from Monday 21st December 2020 to Monday 21st June 2021
7 signatures
Teach Health and Social Care as a compulsory KS3 subject
Open from Friday 18th December 2020 to Friday 18th June 2021
9 signatures
Fund 50% of a shops average profits for all shops affected by Lockdown.
Open from Monday 7th December 2020 to Monday 7th June 2021
7 signatures
Ban all non-elite football matches until 2021.
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2020 to Tuesday 22nd June 2021
8 signatures
Provide Government grants to businesses for COVID-19 prevention measures
Open from Monday 7th December 2020 to Monday 7th June 2021
8 signatures
Introduce a stay on eviction proceedings for tenants over Christmas
Open from Monday 30th November 2020 to Sunday 30th May 2021
7 signatures
Extend Visa extensions for health workers during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Open from Friday 15th January 2021 to Thursday 15th July 2021
9 signatures
Allow student loan holders to suspend their payments for up to 12 months.
Open from Tuesday 15th December 2020 to Tuesday 15th June 2021
8 signatures
Make the 2021 second payment on account optional for self-employed taxpayers.
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Monday 5th July 2021
7 signatures
Set maximum passenger numbers on public transport during Covid-19
Open from Friday 4th December 2020 to Friday 4th June 2021
7 signatures
Create a COVID rating system for leisure facilities & increase financial aid.
Open from Monday 4th January 2021 to Sunday 4th July 2021
8 signatures
Provide a grant equal to November 2019 revenues for businesses required to close
Open from Friday 4th December 2020 to Friday 4th June 2021
8 signatures
Extra Financial support for indoor soft play having to close for the second time
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
9 signatures
Allow interest-only payments on Bounce Back Loans for up to 10 years
Open from Friday 6th November 2020 to Thursday 6th May 2021
9 signatures
Allow companies to access some of their un-used levy to pay apprentice wages.
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2020 to Thursday 3rd June 2021
9 signatures
Move deadline of secondary school application to end of November.
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
9 signatures
Limit compulsory DNA sample taking and offer an incentive to test voluntarily
Open from Thursday 29th October 2020 to Thursday 29th April 2021
9 signatures
Create a separate Humanitarian Fund Tax for big businesses and high earners
Open from Monday 26th October 2020 to Monday 26th April 2021
9 signatures
Reconsider the quarantine for the Greek islands
Open from Tuesday 6th October 2020 to Tuesday 6th April 2021
8 signatures
Lockdown areas with high Covid-19 rates
Open from Thursday 15th October 2020 to Thursday 15th April 2021
8 signatures
All accused to be made to come to court for sentencing.
Open from Tuesday 6th October 2020 to Tuesday 6th April 2021
9 signatures
Allow the earning of loyalty points towards stage one baby formula, pumps etc.
Open from Thursday 8th October 2020 to Thursday 8th April 2021
9 signatures
Increase the limit on how much fuel can be claimed at 0.45p from 10k to 20k
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
9 signatures
Exempt foreign students from quarantine upon their arrival in September
Open from Friday 21st August 2020 to Sunday 21st February 2021
7 signatures
Provide funding to COVID support groups still running
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
8 signatures
Increase the rateable valuable limit for business grants in the leisure industry
Open from Friday 3rd July 2020 to Sunday 3rd January 2021
9 signatures
Provide guarantees to mortgage lenders for the extension of mortgage periods.
Open from Friday 10th July 2020 to Sunday 10th January 2021
8 signatures
Require the Environment Agency to suspend the fishing close season
Open from Tuesday 26th May 2020 to Thursday 26th November 2020
9 signatures
Implement emergency legislation to allow volunteering in key businesses
Open from Wednesday 27th May 2020 to Friday 27th November 2020
8 signatures
Lockdown food shops to stop spreading viruses
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
8 signatures
Close all food stores on a Sunday during this lockdown
Open from Friday 24th April 2020 to Saturday 24th October 2020
9 signatures
Limit Universal Credit & Working Tax Credit increases to those affected by virus
Open from Tuesday 21st April 2020 to Wednesday 21st October 2020
9 signatures
Close high street banks and building societies due to Coronavirus
Open from Wednesday 8th April 2020 to Thursday 8th October 2020
9 signatures
Remove pay setting power for Council Leaders and Executives from local authority
Open from Friday 4th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Re - instate student maintenance grant backdated to August 2016.
Open from Friday 4th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Ban ties from being mandatory uniform in the pursuit of gender equality.
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Change the House of Commons' layout to a circular room to reduce toxic debate.
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Teenagers should be allowed to drive motorbikes 50cc-120cc from age 14 upwards.
Open from Tuesday 1st October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Everyone aged 12 and over should be able to vote in the next BREXIT referendum
Open from Friday 4th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
Compulsory for vehicles on roads to have their dipped headlights on at all times
Open from Monday 30th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Break the Brexit deadlock through a two-question referendum.
Open from Monday 30th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
DVLA to process licensing renewals after medical examinations much quicker
Open from Thursday 3rd October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Ban selling energy drinks to under 16's
Open from Monday 30th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Ban of toy replica guns in the UK
Open from Friday 27th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Allow Child Trust Funds to be placed in Help to Buy ISA’s for those who are 16ys
Open from Friday 27th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
2 referendums on Brexit, No Deal vs deal in 2019, Rejoin vs stay out in 2036
Open from Monday 30th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Get rid of life in UK tests for those who went primary and secondary school here
Open from Monday 23rd September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Create more hereditary titles as a greater honour than a knighthood.
Open from Tuesday 24th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
school hours should be shortened.
Open from Friday 27th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
We call for tougher regulation on sunbed use.
Open from Thursday 19th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
all new kids cycles to come with a free cycle helmet compulsory
Open from Wednesday 18th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Leave EU, stay in Single Market and Customs Union until we have a referendum.
Open from Wednesday 18th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
Increase the bursary for intial teacher training in Religious Education
Open from Monday 16th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Over 50% of the Electorate Must Vote in Favour, to Change UK Constitution.
Open from Tuesday 17th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Change Bike Legislation so that 16 year olds can ride 125cc
Open from Thursday 12th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Brexit resolution: tailored second referendum
Open from Friday 13th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Do not hold an election until after 31st October 2019.
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Referendum to Remain in the EU; Leave with no deal; or call a general election
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Make Parliament implement Brexit by 31st DECEMBER 2019 or revoke Article 50.
Open from Friday 13th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
Let’s have a referendum on whether we should have a decisive Brexit referendum.
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
8 signatures
Require landlords to rehome tenants in the event of flood or fire
Open from Tuesday 10th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
put a cap on how much childcare providers charge working parents
Open from Monday 9th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
7 signatures
Parliament to grant a referendum on May's deal or No deal.
Open from Thursday 19th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures
Take away the Ebacc in schools.
Open from Friday 6th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
9 signatures
Lower the age of regular breast screening for those who had an early menopause
Open from Thursday 5th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
6 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 05:09:50 +0000