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Criminals/Prisoners/Riots/Looters to Contribute Financially to Prison Stay

Submitted on Sunday 14th August 2011

Published on Tuesday 16th August 2011

Current status: Closed

Closed: Thursday 16th August 2012

Signatures: 2

Tagged with

Prison ~ TV

Petition Action

Criminals/Prisoners/Riots/Looters to Contribute Financially to Prison Stay

Additional Information

Authorities to have permission to sieze goods (TV, Ipod, Ipad, designer clothes etc), belonging to newly sentenced persons to sell to where seen fit. Monies acquired to then be fed into the prison system to fund at least some of offender prison costs. Includes those with suspended sentences and community service.

Authorities to have the means to claim a percentage of newly released prisoners future income. This will be fed back into the prison system to help fund some or all of their stay.

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