Have your say on government e-petitions

Make mental health medication free on the NHS

Submitted on Thursday 23rd March 2017

Published on Monday 3rd April 2017

Current status: Closed

Closed: Tuesday 2nd May 2017

Signatures: 136

Tagged with

Drugs ~ Enable ~ Individuals ~ Money ~ NHS

Petition Action

Make mental health medication free on the NHS

Petition Details

Mental health issues are a chronic illness that are not covered under medical exemption forms. It is often the case that people with mental health issues have long periods of no work therefore, no income to cover for the cost of medical prescriptions.

Additional Information

Mental health issues often require ongoing prescriptions to help manage symptoms & enable individuals to function in day-to-day life - to get & keep jobs, study, & properly care for themselves. Often individuals need to try many different drugs before finding one that works, & need to continuously take the drug for months or years. This is very expensive for those that may already be struggling with money due to their mental health.
Not being able to afford your medication sets you recover back.

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