Have your say on government e-petitions

End donation based funding for political parties and elections.

Submitted on Sunday 1st September 2019

Published on Tuesday 10th September 2019

Current status: Closed

Closed: Wednesday 6th November 2019

Signatures: 17

Tagged with

Individuals ~ Money

Petition Action

End donation based funding for political parties and elections.

Petition Details

Rather than relying on the current system, where political parties, as well as individual politicans, receive donations from individuals and companies, instead an amount of public money be set aside for anyone wishing to stand.

The money spent would need to have full receipts.

Additional Information

Additionally, any campaign leaflets would need to be fact checked prior to being approved for use, by an independent, impartial group. Any issues found would need to be addressed before approval.

The idea behind this, is to allow for fairer, more reliable, clearer election campaigning.

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