Have your say on government e-petitions

Give all NHS front line staff an extra week's holiday for dealing with COVID-19

Submitted on Thursday 26th March 2020

Rejected on Tuesday 12th May 2020

Current status: Rejected

Rejection code: duplicate (see below for details)

Petition Action

Give all NHS front line staff an extra week's holiday for dealing with COVID-19

Petition Details

Give all front line NHS staff (including cleaners) an extra week's paid annual leave for their work on dealing with COVID-19.

Additional Information

Our NHS front line staff have been working tirelessly to get COVID-19 under control, working long hours and putting themselves at great personal risk for the good of our society. When the virus is under control, they should be given an extra week's paid annual leave as a token of gratitude for their efforts and dedication, and to allow them time to recuperate.

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This petition was rejected

The Government e-Petitions Team gave the following reason:

There's already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

You are more likely to get action on this issue if you sign and share a single petition.

You may wish to sign this petition calling for the same action: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/308903

You can find out more about coronavirus and how you can protect yourself and others here:


The Government has also created an online service to help you out what you can do if you’re struggling because of coronavirus: www.gov.uk/find-coronavirus-support

You can read NHS tips to help if you are worried about coronavirus here: www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/coronavirus-covid-19-anxiety-tips

You can read impartial analysis of the Government response to coronavirus and policy developments here: commonslibrary.parliament.uk/coronavirus/

You may also be interested to know that because of the large number of petitions that have been started in relation to coronavirus, the Petitions Committee has been questioning the Government about its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Find out more and watch the Committee put questions suggested by petitioners to Government Ministers and the Deputy Chief Medical Officer: committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/news/145767/committee-question-deputy-chief-medical-officer-and-ministers-on-coronavirus-response/

Read letters asking further questions of Government Ministers: committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/publications/3/correspondence/

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