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institutionalised strip searching children

Submitted on Monday 4th March 2013

Published on Monday 4th March 2013

Current status: Closed

Closed: Wednesday 4th September 2013

Signatures: 7

Tagged with

Children ~ month

Petition Action

institutionalised strip searching children

Additional Information

Regarding the report in the Observer 3/3/13 that despite the MInistry of Justice recommentations that the regular strip searching of children between the ages of 12 and 17 should stop, there were 43,960 cases over a 21 month period.
In our current technological climate there is no reason other than to punish or humiliate to expose already desturbed children to this institutionalised humiliation.
I partition this government to make public a report that this practise has been stopped forthwith. The damage being done to these children is unthinkable.
I request respectivly this partition to be considered with your urgent attention.

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