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Make cycle lane use mandatory for bicycles where safe cycle lanes are provided

Submitted by Martin Richardson on Tuesday 8th September 2020

Published on Monday 5th October 2020

Current status: Closed

Closed: Monday 5th April 2021

Signatures: 33

Relevant Departments

Tagged with

Car use ~ country ~ Electric ~ Injuries ~ Injury ~ Millions

Petition Action

Make cycle lane use mandatory for bicycles where safe cycle lanes are provided

Petition Details

Make the use of cycle lanes mandatory for all bicycles, electric bicycles and push scooters where cycle lanes are provided (this includes pop up cycle lanes)

Cyclists who fail to use provided lanes put themselves at increased risk of injury, and litigation by riding in traffic &having an accident

Additional Information

All over the country local authorities are investing millions in creating new cycling infrastructure both to encourage safe riding & reduce pollution as a result of increased cycle uptake and reduced car use

Some cyclists do not use cycle lanes where provided. This increases their risk of being involved in a serious or fatal incident with a vehicle & also increases claims against motorists regardless of fault

Making cycle lanes mandatory could reduce the number of injuries & fatalities on the road

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