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Request OFQUAL to instruct exam boards to stop including marks for spelling.

Submitted on Friday 28th May 2021

Rejected on Thursday 3rd June 2021

Current status: Rejected

Rejection code: irrelevant (see below for details)

Petition Action

Request OFQUAL to instruct exam boards to stop including marks for spelling.

Petition Details

I would like OFQUAL and the exam boards to acknowledge that including marks for spelling in exams unfairly disadvantages those who have a specific learning difficulty.

And that removing marks for spelling would make exams a more accurate assessment of knowledge and ability, rather than spelling.

Additional Information

Being able to spell does not reflect knowledge or ability. Marking pupils down for spelling not only disadvantages, it punishes them for having dyslexia.

Dyslexia is considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010 and penalising spelling mistakes is discriminatory. Marking for spelling perpetuates misconceptions about dyslexia. This undermines the self-confidence of those who have it and can limit their life chances.

Exams should be a fair test of ability and knowledge, not spelling.

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This petition was rejected

The Government e-Petitions Team gave the following reason:

Petitions must call for a specific action that the UK Government or House of Commons is responsible for. Decisions about marking exams are a matter for individual schools and exam boards, not the Government or House of Commons.

Under the Equality Act 2010 schools and education authorities already have had a duty to provide reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils. You can read more about this duty here: www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/reasonable_adjustments_for_disabled_pupils_1.pdf

If you think you might have been treated unfairly and want further advice, you can contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service: www.equalityadvisoryservice.com/

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