Have your say on government e-petitions

Require local authorities provide interim accommodation to all homeless people

Submitted by Alison Denham on Sunday 21st August 2022

Published on Thursday 25th August 2022

Current status: Closed

Closed: Saturday 11th March 2023

Signatures: 110

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Army ~ Covid ~ Covid-19 ~ Covid-19 pandemic ~ Escaping ~ Government ~ Homeless ~ Homes ~ Housing ~ INCREASE ~ Interim ~ local ~ Made ~ Madely ~ Money ~ Offered ~ Pandemic ~ People ~ Police ~ Priority ~ relationship ~ Remove ~ right thing ~ street ~ The Army ~ The Government ~ The Police ~ Violence

Petition Action

Require local authorities provide interim accommodation to all homeless people

Petition Details

We want the Government to amend the Housing Act 1996 - by amending section 188 to remove the references to 'priority need', and repealing section 189 - so that local authorities must offer immediate accommodation to anyone without a home, and not just those identified as having a ‘priority need'.

Additional Information

People become homeless for many reasons, such as relationship breakdown, leaving the army, leaving care, escaping violence or being made redundant.

In a caring society no one should have to sleep on the streets. Currently only those deemed a priority have a right to immediate accommodation.

In places where all homeless people are housed it can save money to the health service, the police service and the expense to housing services of rejecting them and then having to fight appeals.

The Government increased support during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide safe accommodation to people without homes. Do the right thing now. Don’t let anyone have to sleep on the street.

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