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Launch an independent Public Inquiry into Government & NHS Covid-19 spending

Submitted by Alex Hicks on Wednesday 31st August 2022

Published on Monday 5th September 2022

Current status: Closed

Closed: Sunday 19th March 2023

Signatures: 1,888

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Companies ~ concerns ~ Corruption ~ Covid ~ Covid-19 ~ Ensure ~ Government ~ High Court ~ independence ~ launch ~ measures ~ minister ’s ~ Ministers ~ Money ~ NHS ~ NHS COVID ~ NHS Covid-19 ~ Officials ~ place ~ Public inquiry ~ Specialist ~ Spending ~ Test & Trace ~ testing ~ The Government ~ vaccine

Petition Action

Launch an independent Public Inquiry into Government & NHS Covid-19 spending

Petition Details

There should be a fully independent Public Inquiry into Government & NHS spending on Covid-19, including Test & Trace, Vaccines, Consultancy & PPE.

Any personal connections between MPs and companies awarded contracts must be fully investigated

Additional Information

The Government's use of a "VIP" fast track for suppliers of Covid personal protective equipment (PPE), some of which had connections to ministers and officials, was ruled unlawful by the High Court. Transparency International raised concerns that 20% of covid-19 contracts raised one or more red flags for possible corruption.

If public money has been wasted this must be fully investigated & measures put in place to ensure it never happens again. The inquiry should be led by specialist forensic auditors.

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