Submitted by Simon Brewster on Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Published on Thursday 12th January 2023
Current status: Closed
Closed: Wednesday 12th July 2023
Signatures: 40
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Agreement ~ By the NHS ~ concerns ~ Cross ~ Economy ~ fund ~ KING ~ Madely ~ NHS ~ NHS and Social Care ~ Social care ~ The NHS ~ Years
Seek cross-party agreement on policy and funding for the NHS and social care
We believe that the current Government should not set policy and funding for the NHS and Social Care on its own. I would like to see the Government take a cross-party approach to agree on policy and funding, taking into account all the concerns identified by the NHS, Kings Fund, BMJ and ADSS.
It seems clear that the current approach to NHS/social care policy is not working. Over the last ten years policy and decisions have not been made and we can wait no longer. The answer is not blaming efficiency or even increased private sector involvement, it’s just underfunding and an inability to make uncomfortable political decisions. The disagreements within Government just add to inaction and greater suffering and hardship by service users, employees and increasingly the economy.
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