Have your say on government e-petitions

We the undersigned, call for an immediate cessation of any action being taken to reimpliment any part of the EU Data Retention Directive into UK law.

Submitted on Thursday 10th July 2014

Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017

Current status: Rejected

Rejection code: duplicate (see below for details)

Petition Action

We the undersigned, call for an immediate cessation of any action being taken to reimpliment any part of the EU Data Retention Directive into UK law.

Additional Information

The Government plans to re-introduce legislation which would force communications companies/ISPs to continue to retain details of citizens activity for a period of up to one year, possibly longer.

The Government says that new legislation will "enshrine existing rights".

However, in a recent ruling at the European Court of Justice, the European Data Retention Directive which gave those powers to government was ruled invalid on the grounds that the directive:

"entails a wide-ranging and particularly serious interference with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and to the protection of personal data, without that interference being limited to what is strictly necessary".

The ruling removed the obligation for companies to retain records of customers calls, texts and emails.

It is simply unfair to subject British citizens to UK specific legislation when a higher court has ruled the previous law to be in violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of The EU.

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This petition was rejected

The Government e-Petitions Team gave the following reason:

There's already a petition about this issue. We cannot accept a new petition when we already have one about a very similar issue.

You are more likely to get action on this issue if you sign and share a single petition.

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