Submitted on Sunday 15th December 2024
Rejected on Friday 7th February 2025
Current status: Rejected
Rejection code: irrelevant (see below for details)
Allow HGVs in Scotland to do 50mph on single carriageways
Allowing HGVs to increase the speed limit from 40mph to 50mph on single carriage ways like in England and Wales decreasing congestion and frustration on the road which lead to fatalities which could be prevented.
HGVs are safer than ever with all the technology and safety features, allowing HGVs to do 50mph in Scotland on single carriage ways will reduce congestion which will also reduce the chances of motorist making unnecessary and dangerous overtakes due to being frustrated. It also allow deliveries to be completed faster increasing profits to the local economy. In England and Wales it is legal to do 50mph on single carriage ways so Scotland should be allowed to have the same limits across the board.
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The Government e-Petitions Team gave the following reason:
Your petition is about something that the Scottish Government is responsible for. That means that the UK Government and Parliament can't look into it.
The Scottish Parliament has its own Public Petitions Committee. If you'd like to send your petition to the Scottish Parliament, you can find out more here: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:15:05 +0000