Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Inquiries into rape, abuse and systematic grooming of children be independent
Open from Monday 26th March 2018 to Wednesday 26th September 2018
205 signatures
UK Government to implement the Bercow: Ten Years On recommendations
Open from Monday 26th March 2018 to Wednesday 26th September 2018
11,621 signatures
Remove Homework in all primary schools in England
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
16 signatures
Make it illegal to smoke within 10 metres of a dwelling if it is hotter than 25C
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
22 signatures
Stop change 4 life's campaign on healthy eating and lifestyle
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
9 signatures
Ban exams, instead get graded for classwork.
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
40 signatures
Take all income into account when calculating for Child Maintenance payments
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
82 signatures
Give parents paid leave for school closure/sickness for their children
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
22 signatures
Less burden of proof for post war commonwealth citizens seeking naturalisation
Open from Friday 30th March 2018 to Sunday 30th September 2018
250 signatures
Introduce Emotional Assistance Pet Act to prevent suicides and help families!
Open from Friday 30th March 2018 to Sunday 30th September 2018
20 signatures
Stop providers of Buy to Let mortgages discriminating against benefits claimants
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
73 signatures
All children should be tested for Autism before they are five years old
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
50 signatures
Introduce LGBT+ education to the primary curriculum in schools
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
17 signatures
Make anti-GD2 treatment available on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
30,387 signatures
Make nonconsensual medical intervention for intersexed people illegal.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
10 signatures
Scrap the charges for child arrangement applications
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
116 signatures
Bring back nit nurse to UK schools send them home till treated and clear 2018
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
15 signatures
Mandatory weekly hour classes in current politics in secondary schools.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
14 signatures
Impose a safety check on all animal toys
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
13 signatures
We want a public enquiry into whether children are needlessly taken into care
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
246 signatures
Mandatory training in ALL aspects of Domestic abuse for Family courts & Cafcass.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
3,949 signatures
Make sign language part of the national curriculum
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
337 signatures
Amnesty for anyone who was a minor that arrived In Britain between 1948 to 1971
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
180,482 signatures
Legalise medical cannabis for difficult to treat epilepsies in children.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
1,362 signatures
Make financial management a compulsory part of education in schools
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
11 signatures
Working people should be awarded 100% of the non working partners tax allowance
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
24 signatures
Prevent child abduction and work to ensure abducted children are
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
49 signatures
To impose an immediate two-way arms embargo between the UK and Israel
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
7,986 signatures
Training for all teachers and doctors to identify autism in males and females
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
131 signatures
Companies to accept all holiday requests from families during school holidays.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
7 signatures
Parent and Child Parking Badge
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
210 signatures
Expel Israeli Ambassador, after attacks on the State of Palestine.
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
270 signatures
Allow undiagnosed children to travel to different countries to treat & diagnose
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
24,446 signatures
Raise the legal age to 25 for buying knives or blades of any type.
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
9 signatures
Changes to Children Act 1989
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
380 signatures
Schools to teach anti crime and anti gang culture within schools.
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
59 signatures
Fund free BSL lessons for every parent or carer of a Deaf child in the UK
Open from Friday 13th April 2018 to Saturday 13th October 2018
15,677 signatures
Place Mindfulness in to the UK school Curriculum
Open from Friday 13th April 2018 to Saturday 13th October 2018
35 signatures
Ban the sale of peanut products in cinemas
Open from Monday 16th April 2018 to Tuesday 16th October 2018
13 signatures
Make it compulsory that new borns have a heart scan before leaving hospital
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
1,892 signatures
All children aged 16 to 19 in further education should be entitled to EMA
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
139 signatures
Kids with allergies must have a right to eat safe food from home at eateries.
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
3,240 signatures
Legislation ensuring airlines must seat vulnerable people with their guardians
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
1,494 signatures
Make it mandatory for all schools in England to teach fire safety awareness.
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
227 signatures
Make the referral process for SPD easier and raise awareness of the condition
Open from Friday 20th April 2018 to Saturday 20th October 2018
138 signatures
Change the gcse scheme back to A,B,C instead of grades 9-1 so it’s easier
Open from Friday 20th April 2018 to Saturday 20th October 2018
21 signatures
Ban the use of high-frequency sonic deterrents against young people
Open from Monday 23rd April 2018 to Tuesday 23rd October 2018
12 signatures
Make ADHD part of the blue badge scheme
Open from Tuesday 24th April 2018 to Wednesday 24th October 2018
38 signatures
Outdoor nature-based learning to be compulsory and weekly in all English schools
Open from Wednesday 25th April 2018 to Thursday 25th October 2018
1,164 signatures
Ban Mobile Phones on School Grounds
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
30 signatures
Ensure money raised from new sugar levy is divided between education and the NHS
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
39 signatures
Supermarkets to be legally obliged to sell high sugar cereals separately.
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
96 signatures
Stop use of ‘no study’ status as part of ‘Immigration Bail’ for migrant children
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
47 signatures
Make home to school disabled transport free for young adults aged 16 to 19
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
925 signatures
Make it an offence for a parent to stop child contact with the other parent
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
359 signatures
Reverse changes to the Direct Schools Grant
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
311 signatures
2 year prison sentence for carrying knives
Open from Tuesday 1st May 2018 to Thursday 1st November 2018
14 signatures
Raise awareness of the devastating effects of Coercive Behaviour.
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
445 signatures
Make teaching coping mechanisms compulsory in secondary schools
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
123 signatures
Base income tax on combined household income for a fair tax system
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
77 signatures
Require all businesses who sell food to provide dairy alternatives
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
13 signatures
Parents should have the right to choose who looks after their children.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
19 signatures
Make Asthma inhalers free, like other medicines are for other ailments
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
236 signatures
The environment to be taught as a compulsory subject throughout school life.
Open from Thursday 3rd May 2018 to Saturday 3rd November 2018
111 signatures
Make a law on age for babysitting and being left home alone
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
12 signatures
Bring the deadline to eliminate plastic by 2042 forward
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
598 signatures
Please keep our Island Studio school OPEN in East Cowes Isle of Wight
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
39 signatures
Make it a criminal offence not to report child abuse
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
21 signatures
Make school food-growing (and self-sufficiency) part of the National Curriculum.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
241 signatures
Recognise autism assistance dogs as an Assistance Service Dog like guide dogs.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
54 signatures
Reduce the minimum income requirement for UK Family Visas.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
2,941 signatures
All Mainstream Schools should have the resources to teach deaf children.
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
21 signatures
Remove swimming from the English national curriculum for school students.
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
7 signatures
Provide Medway funding to build Abbey court special needs secondary school
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
3,824 signatures
Give children under the age 18 the right to 10 days education free a year
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
41 signatures
Make homework optional/non-compulsory and ban detention and isolation
Open from Monday 14th May 2018 to Wednesday 14th November 2018
14 signatures
The Government Must Cut Waiting Times For Children’s Mental Health Services
Open from Wednesday 16th May 2018 to Friday 16th November 2018
8 signatures
Have all children educated in co-ed, non-faith schools.
Open from Wednesday 16th May 2018 to Friday 16th November 2018
173 signatures
Make it illegal for school children to be punished for dinner money arrears
Open from Thursday 17th May 2018 to Saturday 17th November 2018
2,394 signatures
Increase the maintenance loan for all students, regardless of parental income.
Open from Thursday 17th May 2018 to Saturday 17th November 2018
19 signatures
Investigate the health impact of mobile technology on children and young people
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
125 signatures
Make it illegal to have alcohol at school events in which children are present.
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
13 signatures
Stop traumatising images on cigarette and tobacco packaging
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
16 signatures
A complete review of the justice system in reference to sexual criminals
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
10 signatures
Year 10 & Year 11 students should focus on GCSEs and not have to do PE.
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
21 signatures
Scrap the 2 child limit on the benefits system
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
29 signatures
Remove all benefit caps on Kinship/sgo carers
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
14 signatures
Yarl's Wood should be closed down as unfit for purpose.
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
19 signatures
Improve school lunch standards to ensure all children eat lunch
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
12 signatures
Provide mental health training to all teachers
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
11 signatures
Cancel fees for children born in UK before their parents acquired settlement
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
33 signatures
Allow postgraduate students the right to financial support for childcare.
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
43 signatures
Give working mums support to pay child care for children between birth - 3yrs
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
81,327 signatures
Make homework voluntary across all schools.
Open from Thursday 24th May 2018 to Saturday 24th November 2018
21 signatures
Urge the Indian Government to investigate and prevent Sterlite pollution
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
33 signatures
Get schools to teach life skills and how to handle emotions
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
107 signatures
Ban hatching projects in schools
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
2,786 signatures
Ban smoking around schools and nurseries premises
Open from Thursday 31st May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
17 signatures
Allow working parents free childcare ALL YEAR up to the age of 10.
Open from Friday 1st June 2018 to Saturday 1st December 2018
73 signatures
Put pressure on Donald Trump to end the separation of migrant families.
Open from Monday 4th June 2018 to Tuesday 4th December 2018
18,352 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 16:51:51 +0000