All the petitions which closed in May 2014, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Stop the planned Islamic centre in Keighley town centre and the potential for cultural clashes given its proximity to two public houses
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Monday 5th May 2014
278 signatures
Why can't we start a disasters emergency charity/fund to help with drainage on the Somerset Levels?
Open from Wednesday 5th February 2014 to Monday 5th May 2014
7 signatures
Save the old Birmingham Central Library
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Monday 5th May 2014
280 signatures
MP's should use B&B when away from home and not 2nd home funded by the taxpayer.
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Monday 5th May 2014
9 signatures
Upgrade the A21 starting in 2014
Open from Wednesday 5th February 2014 to Monday 5th May 2014
8 signatures
Restore UK Sport funding for basketball
Open from Wednesday 5th February 2014 to Monday 5th May 2014
2,242 signatures
A broken promise of 'Cradle to the Grave' health care
Open from Monday 4th November 2013 to Sunday 4th May 2014
3 signatures
instead of adding 20% on to fizzy drinks why not try lowering prices on healthy food/drinks to stop obesity
Open from Monday 4th November 2013 to Sunday 4th May 2014
6 signatures
Do Not Allow Leeds United FC To Fall Into The Hands Of Crooks, Despots, Shysters & Rip-Off Merchants
Open from Tuesday 4th February 2014 to Sunday 4th May 2014
5 signatures
Hove Station Footbridge - Disabled Access Petition
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
28 signatures
oppose any change to school hours
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
771 signatures
Legal Protection of British Sign Language
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
17 signatures
Save Tamesides School Crossing Patrols
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
10 signatures
Make the passport an endorsable licence to travel
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
2 signatures
lower speed limit on mersley downs
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
192 signatures
Add bittering agents to antifreeze to prevent injestion by animals.
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
4,052 signatures
Free Cake Friday
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
9 signatures
Seek withdrawl of the Queens honours of anyone guilty of serious crime
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
17 signatures
Motability penalises low income mobility scooter users
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
3 signatures
Cancer Family Support Fund.
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
16 signatures
help for Somerset Levels residents
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
21 signatures
Bring Back The Bradbury
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
2,563 signatures
Increase support for Epilepsy & Mental Health Illnesses in Leeds
Open from Monday 3rd February 2014 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
2 signatures
Reform of the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (SRA) Compensation Fund and Solicitor’s Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)
Open from Friday 3rd May 2013 to Saturday 3rd May 2014
285 signatures
The bLack of respect campaign
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
42 signatures
Making PSHE/Health & Emotional Education a Core Component of UK Schools
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
164 signatures
Stop the multiple sclerosis Social care lottery
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
21 signatures
The importance of human rights in daily life decisions
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
1 signatures
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
1 signatures
Georgian and Russian Negotiations
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
4 signatures
Mandatory eating disorder policies for schools
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
57 signatures
Disabled nappy changing facilities
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
54 signatures
Set up an independent complaints committee and governing body for Social Services
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
284 signatures
Legal aid for dads to have access to their children
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
27 signatures
Primary Curriculum 2014 - no thanks to the draft proposals
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
1 signatures
Stop propsed cuts to our bus service
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
35 signatures
Ethical trading
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
9 signatures
Put Walter Bagehot on a banknote
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
70 signatures
Stamp Duty
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
11 signatures
Introduce Corporation Tax Threshold for New Buiness Startups
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
2 signatures
Television Licence Fee
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
60 signatures
Ban the sale of young puppies & kittens without their mothers being present
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
111,572 signatures
We want our hot summers back
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
4 signatures
Establish new government back energy company in the energy market
Open from Thursday 2nd May 2013 to Friday 2nd May 2014
4 signatures
Legal representatives of criminals convicted of serious offences such as terrorism, murder, rape and paedophilia to be prosecuted
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
3 signatures
Change the conviction for common assault
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
30 signatures
The family court system should recognise Parental Alienation and the practise directions need to be changed to mitigate problems in the current system
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
890 signatures
Create a Written Constitution
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
14 signatures
Allow balisongs.
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
6 signatures
make porn illegal
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
12 signatures
stop legal aid to second time offender if convicted first time
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
5 signatures
Time Limit on Criminal Prosecutions
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
3 signatures
Capital punishment for all sex offenders
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
17 signatures
Request for overhaul of court process and investigation into the impact and treatment of victims during child sexual abuse cases
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
284 signatures
Help Small Business's by Providing Job Seekers to Work.
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
4 signatures
Need for Disaster/Contingency plans for volcano eruption
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
6 signatures
Yearly Manifesto
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
3 signatures
Let's do the Swiss (Dog Licensing and Microchipping)
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
10 signatures
Make it possible to countersign the petitions on this epetition site
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
5 signatures
Orthodox Bishops
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
10 signatures
Fight to prevent needles deaths from diabetes
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
122 signatures
Increase awareness of unseen diabetic complications
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
3 signatures
Grammar school for hull
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
24 signatures
bring down car tax
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
9 signatures
No Taxation before Income
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
33 signatures
breatherlisers in cars
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
4 signatures
allow preserved railways to operate at 60mph
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
6 signatures
seat belts on buses to be law
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
2 signatures
Step-Free National Rail Journey Planner
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
2 signatures
Abolish the British Parking Association and return control of parking to local councils
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
6 signatures
nationalise motorway service stations
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
2 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:41:18 +0000