Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Urge the Indian Government to revoke the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)
Open from Friday 13th March 2020 to Sunday 13th September 2020
85 signatures
Britain to Rejoin the European Union After Brexit.
Open from Tuesday 7th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
85 signatures
Make the Union Jack a standard part of all public service uniforms & vehicles.
Open from Friday 27th October 2017 to Friday 27th April 2018
85 signatures
The UK parliament should close down this petition website.
Open from Thursday 2nd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
85 signatures
Immediately provide Covid-19 vaccines to Nepal
Open from Thursday 10th June 2021 to Friday 10th December 2021
85 signatures
Change the Order of the British Empire to the Order of the British Commonwealth
Open from Wednesday 28th September 2022 to Tuesday 28th March 2023
84 signatures
Declare 23 June every year a national holiday - "Brexit Day".
Open from Friday 8th December 2017 to Friday 8th June 2018
84 signatures
John Bloor "The Father of modern British Motorcycles"
Open from Wednesday 16th October 2013 to Thursday 16th October 2014
84 signatures
Require any MP found guilty of lying to be removed from office
Open from Monday 9th January 2023 to Sunday 9th July 2023
84 signatures
Make St George's day a public holiday.
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
83 signatures
Make Companies who make furloughed employees redundant pay them a retraining fee
Open from Thursday 16th July 2020 to Saturday 16th January 2021
83 signatures
Allow paganism to be taught in schools as part of the RE curriculum
Open from Thursday 25th January 2018 to Wednesday 25th July 2018
83 signatures
Arm all Police officers in Britain
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
83 signatures
Turkish occupying forces out of the Cyprus
Open from Friday 9th September 2011 to Sunday 9th September 2012
83 signatures
All British military personnel including members of the Commonwealth should be granted British Citizenship
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2012 to Thursday 25th July 2013
83 signatures
Help Save British Ice Hockey to fund them thorough hard times due to Covid 19
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
83 signatures
If 2nd referendum occurs, change rules. Give 16+ & expats ex uk 15 + yrs a vote.
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
83 signatures
Waive liability of dog owners when an intruder is attacked in the home.
Open from Monday 18th December 2017 to Monday 18th June 2018
82 signatures
Pull out of Afghanistan immediately to halt further troop injuries and deaths
Open from Tuesday 18th September 2012 to Tuesday 18th December 2012
82 signatures
Seek to join Comprehensive & Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Open from Wednesday 1st April 2020 to Thursday 1st October 2020
82 signatures
Make alcohol imports for personal use duty and tax free for UK residents
Open from Tuesday 26th April 2022 to Wednesday 9th November 2022
82 signatures
Altaf Hussain be Investigated & tried
Open from Friday 24th May 2013 to Saturday 24th May 2014
82 signatures
List which country components come from for products which are 'made in the UK'
Open from Wednesday 15th July 2020 to Friday 15th January 2021
82 signatures
Introduce financial measures to support SMEs during Coronavirus outbreak
Open from Tuesday 24th March 2020 to Thursday 24th September 2020
82 signatures
HM The Queen - 10 September 2015
Open from Thursday 24th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
81 signatures
Reinstate pension age of 65 men 60 women for British citizens above 50 years old
Open from Thursday 1st December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
81 signatures
That the British government should do everything within its power to oblige Israel to ratify the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
81 signatures
Stop the initiative to give UK citizenship to Chinese Hong Kong citizens.
Open from Monday 20th July 2020 to Wednesday 20th January 2021
81 signatures
Make 26th & 27th July 2021 a one off Double Bank Holiday - Christmas in July!
Open from Thursday 26th November 2020 to Wednesday 26th May 2021
81 signatures
Commit to not storing US nuclear weapons in the UK
Open from Monday 6th June 2022 to Tuesday 20th December 2022
81 signatures
Change Immigration rules for non eu partners.
Open from Thursday 20th October 2016 to Thursday 20th April 2017
81 signatures
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
81 signatures
Take action to support South African citizens/British nationals in South Africa
Open from Tuesday 20th July 2021 to Thursday 20th January 2022
81 signatures
Save healthcare budgets and many thousands of British people's lives
Open from Friday 7th October 2011 to Sunday 7th October 2012
81 signatures
No to Syrian Refugees
Open from Friday 16th August 2013 to Saturday 16th August 2014
81 signatures
Enforce the operation of constantly monitored CCTV across the Rail Network to combat criminal activity and ensure public safety.
Open from Thursday 15th September 2011 to Saturday 15th September 2012
80 signatures
Standards of Service From MPs and Ministers
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
80 signatures
HMG & FCO to provide Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag with support and
Open from Friday 16th May 2014 to Sunday 16th November 2014
80 signatures
Bring back retrospective death penalty for murderers and paedophiles
Open from Wednesday 3rd August 2016 to Friday 3rd February 2017
80 signatures
Driver Fatigue and Unsafe Working Practice in the Haulage industry
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
80 signatures
British Bill of Rights
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
80 signatures
UK Government to stop using the term 'Islamic State' & refer to them as 'Daesh'.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
80 signatures
Change the drinking age in pubs to 14 and alcohol purchasing age in pubs to 16
Opened on Thursday 19th December 2024
80 signatures so far
Make all foreign vehicles entering the UK pay a road tax.
Open from Tuesday 26th July 2016 to Thursday 26th January 2017
79 signatures
Send any returning Jihadists back.
Open from Monday 23rd June 2014 to Tuesday 23rd September 2014
79 signatures
Fund more horse safety signs on roads accessed by horse riders.
Open from Monday 3rd December 2018 to Monday 3rd June 2019
79 signatures
Stop Hurting Muslims
Open from Tuesday 2nd October 2012 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
79 signatures
We do not want a Norwegian EEC paid membership trade deal, or a Swiss deal.
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
79 signatures
Prevent Donald Trump from entry to the British Isles
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
79 signatures
Reinstate the words "European Union" on newly issued British passports.
Open from Friday 3rd May 2019 to Sunday 3rd November 2019
78 signatures
Abolition of Visitors Visa charges for "non E.U." Spouses and Partners
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Wednesday 4th March 2015
78 signatures
HM Governments position, in regards to the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands and its dependencies.
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
78 signatures
Enable UK expats to have votes for life
Open from Monday 30th November 2020 to Sunday 30th May 2021
78 signatures
Stop the proposed NI increase and use the foreign aid budget to fund social care
Open from Tuesday 14th September 2021 to Monday 14th March 2022
78 signatures
Stop The Franco-British military pact as it was not debated in Parliament
Open from Thursday 2nd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
78 signatures
Demand for access to dvds for Deaf/hearing impaired
Open from Wednesday 8th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
78 signatures
Remove the EU flag from British number plates
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
77 signatures
Abolish the Monarchy
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
77 signatures
Put a lesson on Inter-sectional Feminism in the British PSHE curriculum.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
77 signatures
Allow dependant parents to join British Citizens in UK
Open from Friday 3rd January 2014 to Saturday 3rd January 2015
77 signatures
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Thursday 8th November 2012
77 signatures
Open from Tuesday 10th December 2013 to Wednesday 10th December 2014
77 signatures
Sanction the South African Government, if it fails to act on all farm murders.
Open from Friday 24th November 2017 to Thursday 24th May 2018
77 signatures
Enable settlement route to Tier 2 ICT visa holders
Open from Thursday 29th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
76 signatures
Automatic British Citizenship for descendants of British grandparents
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2020 to Friday 26th February 2021
76 signatures
Continuous blood glucose monitoring for Type 1 diabetics to be funded by NHS
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
75 signatures
Government attitude towards personal defense calls for a review of UK gun laws.
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
75 signatures
A review of the statutory payments made for redundancy in the UK to bring us in line with our European counterparts.
Open from Thursday 24th November 2011 to Thursday 24th May 2012
75 signatures
Military Action against Islamic extremism in Iraq
Open from Monday 11th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
75 signatures
Raise concerns about the treatment of British Kurds with the Turkish Government
Open from Friday 17th June 2022 to Saturday 31st December 2022
75 signatures
Make it tougher for foreign buyers to purchase UK properties
Open from Tuesday 26th July 2016 to Thursday 26th January 2017
75 signatures
Introduce statutory regulation of the media.
Open from Monday 27th July 2020 to Wednesday 27th January 2021
74 signatures
Take out all British soldiers from Afghanistan before 2013.
Open from Wednesday 31st August 2011 to Friday 31st August 2012
74 signatures
The Government inaugurates a system to record all entry and exit to Britain.
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
74 signatures
Investigate the destruction of Windrush records by the Home Office.
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
74 signatures
Enforce economic sanctions against African countries who allow big game hunting.
Open from Friday 9th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
74 signatures
NO UK government can ever sell an publicly owned infrastructure without a referendum first
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Wednesday 20th March 2013
74 signatures
UK Government should recognise The Bahamas Government Covid vaccination program.
Open from Wednesday 29th September 2021 to Tuesday 29th March 2022
74 signatures
Withdrawal of British Passport’s for undesirables
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
73 signatures
Parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in the current British Government
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
73 signatures
We demand a cap on energy company profits!
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Monday 15th April 2013
73 signatures
Ending abuse in Madrasas (Islamic schools)
Open from Wednesday 7th September 2011 to Friday 7th September 2012
73 signatures
200 Year Battle of Waterloo Celebrations
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
73 signatures
Make the teaching of Black history compulsory in primary and secondary schools.
Open from Wednesday 28th April 2021 to Thursday 28th October 2021
73 signatures
Demand the approval of a sovereignty/independence referendum in Hong Kong
Open from Tuesday 11th August 2020 to Thursday 11th February 2021
73 signatures
UK Government to Defend and Support Rohingya (Burmese Muslims)
Open from Wednesday 29th January 2014 to Thursday 29th January 2015
73 signatures
Withdraw the UK from the European Convention on Human Rights
Open from Wednesday 18th October 2017 to Wednesday 18th April 2018
73 signatures
Amend Representation of the Peoples act 1983 to include Social Media campaigns.
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
72 signatures
Create a British pledge of allegiance & patriotism similar to America
Open from Thursday 24th September 2015 to Thursday 24th March 2016
72 signatures
Stop foreign/indirect aid to India & China and redirect the money to the NHS.
Open from Thursday 26th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
72 signatures
Revert legislation governing firearms to the Firearms Act 1937
Open from Monday 18th July 2022 to Wednesday 1st February 2023
72 signatures
Require a minimum turnout of 70% and a majority of 10% in the EU referendum
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
72 signatures
Create fast-track Asylum process for Afghan refugees
Open from Thursday 16th September 2021 to Wednesday 16th March 2022
72 signatures
Open from Tuesday 29th November 2011 to Thursday 29th November 2012
72 signatures
get all British homeless into houses before other countries
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
72 signatures
Issue a two-year flight ban for travelers who cause disruption on airplanes
Open from Friday 5th August 2016 to Sunday 5th February 2017
72 signatures
Apology for Prime Ministerial misrepresentation of fact
Open from Monday 14th January 2013 to Tuesday 14th January 2014
71 signatures
Hold referendum on any privatisation of public service broadcasters
Open from Friday 8th April 2022 to Saturday 22nd October 2022
71 signatures
Gay marriage rights
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
71 signatures
Make Driving Lessons Compulsory
Open from Friday 9th March 2012 to Sunday 9th September 2012
71 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:06:55 +0000