Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Stop The Torture, Send Suneet Jeerh, Grant Cameron and Karl Williams Home
Open from Thursday 28th February 2013 to Friday 28th February 2014
649 signatures
All British goods and produce to be clearly marked with the union flag
Open from Friday 13th October 2017 to Friday 13th April 2018
647 signatures
Update the treason laws to deal with British terrorists
Open from Wednesday 6th March 2019 to Friday 6th September 2019
647 signatures
Create a national system to provide animal health certificates at a fixed cost
Open from Friday 22nd January 2021 to Thursday 22nd July 2021
646 signatures
Automatic British Citizenship for UK Military Service by non British Nationals
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2020 to Wednesday 16th June 2021
644 signatures
Ban Contaminated Green Waste
Open from Monday 15th April 2013 to Tuesday 15th April 2014
641 signatures
Make it illegal for pension funds to be plundered.
Open from Friday 27th May 2016 to Sunday 27th November 2016
634 signatures
Maintain British Summer Time year round. Stop putting the clocks back an hour.
Open from Thursday 1st October 2015 to Friday 1st April 2016
633 signatures
Review CAA regulations for return to flight of ex military aircraft.
Open from Thursday 30th July 2015 to Saturday 30th January 2016
631 signatures
UK Government must oppose the propsed EU directive of the killing of surplus lab animals by a 'percussive blow to the head'.
Open from Monday 5th September 2011 to Monday 5th December 2011
631 signatures
Scrap Universal Jobmatch
Open from Monday 3rd December 2012 to Monday 3rd June 2013
629 signatures
Start the EU accession process to join the EU in the event of Brexit.
Open from Wednesday 11th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
627 signatures
Ban the sale of live plucked goose and duck down pillows in British shops.
Open from Friday 24th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
625 signatures
Petition for The BBC to fund itself.
Open from Monday 10th March 2014 to Tuesday 10th March 2015
624 signatures
Bring home the last dambusters Lancaster bomber.
Open from Tuesday 19th September 2017 to Monday 19th March 2018
623 signatures
The UK to remain a part of Euratom
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
622 signatures
Make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights inviolable in UK law
Open from Friday 4th September 2020 to Thursday 4th March 2021
622 signatures
Make restaurants state how they source their meat and how it was slaughtered.
Open from Monday 23rd March 2020 to Wednesday 23rd September 2020
614 signatures
Make Service In Armed Forces An Automatic Route To Full British Citizenship.
Open from Monday 20th December 2021 to Monday 20th June 2022
611 signatures
Recognition of Somaliland
Open from Monday 17th February 2014 to Tuesday 17th February 2015
611 signatures
Ensure that the Brexit EU deal maintains free trade, research, and movement.
Open from Tuesday 12th July 2016 to Thursday 12th January 2017
610 signatures
The PM Must Stop All UK Aid Being Given To India in 2012 Not In 2015!
Open from Thursday 20th September 2012 to Friday 20th September 2013
608 signatures
stop the continued islamification of great britain
Open from Tuesday 5th February 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
607 signatures
Reverse plans to require Voter ID
Open from Friday 11th November 2022 to Thursday 11th May 2023
607 signatures
Lower the wage requirement of British citizens with a non-EU spouse.
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
604 signatures
Reduce The Minimum Income Requirement for Spouse Visa
Open from Wednesday 1st November 2017 to Tuesday 1st May 2018
602 signatures
Save the QE2 and Bring her Home
Open from Monday 7th January 2013 to Sunday 7th April 2013
598 signatures
Do not disband 2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards)
Open from Monday 9th July 2012 to Tuesday 9th July 2013
593 signatures
Increase UK Police funding in light of the terrorist acts in Paris.
Open from Thursday 19th November 2015 to Thursday 19th May 2016
591 signatures
New "UK Person" status for nationals of countries that prohibit dual nationality
Open from Thursday 5th March 2020 to Saturday 5th September 2020
590 signatures
Ban halal meat
Open from Monday 19th August 2013 to Tuesday 19th August 2014
587 signatures
25% Pay cut for MPs to prove willingness to tackle the deficit
Open from Monday 14th November 2011 to Wednesday 14th November 2012
585 signatures
Leaving the Single Market should be subject to a parliamentary vote
Open from Friday 13th October 2017 to Friday 13th April 2018
583 signatures
Social dumping Of seafarers
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2012 to Wednesday 8th May 2013
583 signatures
Don't tax Adult Colouring Books as they are a therapy
Open from Monday 23rd May 2016 to Wednesday 23rd November 2016
581 signatures
Take citizenship from any British citizen who goes abroad to join terrorists
Open from Monday 15th February 2016 to Monday 15th August 2016
580 signatures
Provide a linked network of traffic-free horse riding & carriage driving routes.
Open from Friday 9th February 2018 to Thursday 9th August 2018
577 signatures
Oppose further applications by the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) to the Privy Council to gain an “exclusive” Royal Charter in Acupuncture
Open from Thursday 30th May 2013 to Friday 30th May 2014
576 signatures
Only British citizens should vote in British elections
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th February 2012
576 signatures
Cancel Free-Flow Charging Proposals for the Dartford Crossing
Open from Monday 7th January 2013 to Tuesday 7th January 2014
573 signatures
Change religious slaughter law to mirror the licensing requirements in Germany
Open from Tuesday 13th February 2018 to Monday 13th August 2018
572 signatures
Strip UK Islamic State fighters against the UK of their citizenship for Treason
Open from Friday 25th September 2015 to Friday 25th March 2016
572 signatures
Stop giving tax-payers' money to the Terrence Higgins Trust
Open from Tuesday 25th September 2012 to Wednesday 25th September 2013
571 signatures
Allow Bashir Ahmadzai to stay in the UK indefinitely.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
571 signatures
Commission an official memorial in London for the Northern Ireland Veterans.
Open from Monday 20th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
569 signatures
Increase the Old Age Pension NOW and for ALL Pensioners
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th May 2012
568 signatures
Stop the merger of BAE Systems and EADs
Open from Thursday 13th September 2012 to Friday 13th September 2013
566 signatures
Stop housing asylum seekers at airport hotels
Open from Friday 1st April 2016 to Saturday 1st October 2016
566 signatures
Stop the sale of arms to Saudi-led military coalition.
Open from Wednesday 16th September 2020 to Tuesday 16th March 2021
566 signatures
Keep British Summer Time (BST) all year round in UK
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
561 signatures
Ban all wipes packaging that says flushable
Open from Monday 15th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
560 signatures
Clarify plans to protect UK Research and Universities from impacts of leaving EU
Open from Thursday 15th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
556 signatures
Introduce Emergency Visitor Visa for families of citizens with critical illness
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2018 to Thursday 3rd January 2019
556 signatures
Bring Forward The Date Of The Next General Election to 2013
Open from Friday 23rd March 2012 to Saturday 23rd March 2013
556 signatures
Do not make the British taxpayer pay for the renovation of Buckingham Palace!
Open from Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
555 signatures
Isimeli Baleiwai
Open from Wednesday 25th July 2012 to Thursday 25th July 2013
550 signatures
That legal proceedings be commenced against the Spanish Government for their harassment of all EU citizens crossing the Gibraltarian/ Spanish border
Open from Tuesday 11th February 2014 to Wednesday 11th February 2015
549 signatures
stop child benefit to children who do not reside inthe uk to eu and non eu residents in uk
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
549 signatures
Allow Turkish People to enter the United Kingdom without such high restrictions
Open from Thursday 14th January 2016 to Thursday 14th July 2016
549 signatures
Stop the persecution of Zander in British canals, rivers and ponds.
Open from Tuesday 27th September 2016 to Monday 27th March 2017
548 signatures
Petition Calling For PM To Appoint A Cabinet Minister For Mental Health
Open from Wednesday 13th August 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
546 signatures
David Cameron to apologise for misrepresenting incapacity benefit claimant figures and end Atos' role in assessments
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Tuesday 8th November 2011
545 signatures
Offer financial support for out of work Seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
543 signatures
Seek mutual recognition of professional qualifications between EU & GB
Open from Monday 17th May 2021 to Wednesday 17th November 2021
541 signatures
A Public Inquiry into Carillion plc & the awarding of HS2 contracts
Open from Friday 19th January 2018 to Thursday 19th July 2018
534 signatures
Stop unrestricted fishing for cuttlefish, so the population has time to breed.
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
532 signatures
Stop Khat (Qat) banning proposal
Open from Wednesday 23rd January 2013 to Thursday 23rd January 2014
529 signatures
Grant immunity from prosecution for military, whilst on Govt Duty.
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
528 signatures
Urge the US to discard H.R.158 Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act of 2015
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
528 signatures
David Cameron to Resign as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Open from Monday 24th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
522 signatures
Renationalise Royal Mail
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
520 signatures
Hong Kong Extradition law: Pressure China with economic sanctions
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
520 signatures
Drop the EU Withdrawal Agreement on the basis that it is unconstitutional.
Open from Thursday 29th November 2018 to Wednesday 29th May 2019
518 signatures
Keep the iconic burgundy British passport
Open from Tuesday 2nd January 2018 to Monday 2nd July 2018
516 signatures
Do not remove anyone's British citizenship
Open from Wednesday 24th November 2021 to Tuesday 24th May 2022
514 signatures
Remove all French words from the cover of new British passports.
Open from Friday 5th August 2016 to Sunday 5th February 2017
513 signatures
Apply for the UK to join the EFTA
Open from Thursday 28th January 2021 to Wednesday 28th July 2021
511 signatures
National Memorial for all those who died while in service to their country.
Open from Monday 14th April 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
511 signatures
Reduce The Minimum Income Requirement for Spouse Visa
Open from Monday 7th January 2019 to Sunday 7th July 2019
509 signatures
Allow a CHOICE of antibody tests in an alpaca TB breakdown & pay MARKET VALUE COMPENSATION
Open from Wednesday 7th May 2014 to Friday 7th November 2014
509 signatures
Save Our Lollipop People
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Tuesday 7th February 2012
508 signatures
Condemn the actions of the 1970-79 Governments in taking the UK into the EEC
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
506 signatures
Secure the release of Jack Letts who is detained in northern Syria
Open from Thursday 9th November 2017 to Wednesday 9th May 2018
506 signatures
Stop the British army's pay change and save soldiers losing money !!!!!!!!
Open from Thursday 28th January 2016 to Thursday 28th July 2016
503 signatures
UK referendum on Scottish currency union
Open from Thursday 25th April 2013 to Friday 25th April 2014
497 signatures
Pressure all governments to assist migrants on Belarus/Poland border.
Open from Monday 15th November 2021 to Sunday 15th May 2022
497 signatures
Call for No Confidence in PM Theresa May
Open from Friday 3rd February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
497 signatures
Amnesty for Albanians who moved to the UK following the Kosovo war.
Open from Monday 15th February 2021 to Sunday 15th August 2021
497 signatures
Establish a more inclusive Honours system: “The Order of British Excellence”
Open from Tuesday 18th May 2021 to Thursday 18th November 2021
497 signatures
Seek continued participation in the European Solidarity Corps
Open from Tuesday 2nd February 2021 to Monday 2nd August 2021
496 signatures
Do NOT spend £28 million on the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022
Open from Monday 15th March 2021 to Wednesday 15th September 2021
496 signatures
Stop The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Open from Thursday 22nd May 2014 to Saturday 22nd November 2014
495 signatures
Make British Sign Language a compulsory subject in the national curriculum
Open from Wednesday 5th August 2020 to Friday 5th February 2021
494 signatures
No UK Money to Bail Out Eurozone
Open from Tuesday 8th November 2011 to Thursday 8th November 2012
493 signatures
Stop Islamic law being adopted by British legal system
Open from Monday 24th March 2014 to Tuesday 24th March 2015
490 signatures
STOP British Pension discrimination.
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
488 signatures
Ensure remaining UK Citizens and ARAP approved are evacuated from Afghanistan
Open from Tuesday 7th September 2021 to Monday 7th March 2022
487 signatures
Reciprocal removal of visa waiver for US citizens for the discriminatory HR158
Open from Monday 1st February 2016 to Monday 1st August 2016
487 signatures
Fund a monument to celebrate Brexit
Open from Wednesday 13th January 2021 to Tuesday 13th July 2021
487 signatures
Urge the UN and India to carry out a plebiscite on the future of Kashmir
Open from Thursday 21st October 2021 to Thursday 21st April 2022
486 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:56:28 +0000