Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Introduce a Ceiling for the UK Population
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th February 2012
64 signatures
Keep the EU off our British Birth Certificates
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Wednesday 12th February 2014
64 signatures
Block Scotland spending another £14M of British money on another referendum.
Open from Tuesday 10th May 2016 to Thursday 10th November 2016
63 signatures
Get rid of the EU flag on cars number plates in Britain
Open from Monday 12th September 2016 to Sunday 12th March 2017
63 signatures
Re-establish the cross-party committee examining Britain’s relations with the EU
Open from Monday 18th January 2021 to Sunday 18th July 2021
63 signatures
Mark June 23 as Independence Day in national calendar & make it a Bank Holiday
Open from Wednesday 5th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
63 signatures
Review the EU Cookie Law
Open from Thursday 17th May 2012 to Friday 17th May 2013
63 signatures
Waive all fees for EU citizens applying for permanent residency or citizenship
Open from Tuesday 26th July 2016 to Thursday 26th January 2017
63 signatures
Govt is not entitled to hold a view on the EU referendum, only individuals.
Open from Monday 21st March 2016 to Wednesday 21st September 2016
63 signatures
EU Pensions
Open from Wednesday 21st December 2011 to Friday 21st December 2012
63 signatures
Dissolve Parliament after leadership elections to trigger a General Election
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
62 signatures
Hold a public enquiry into the legitimacy of the result of the EU Referendum.
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
62 signatures
Mandatory life sentence for anyone caught committing a Terror attack
Open from Wednesday 3rd August 2016 to Friday 3rd February 2017
62 signatures
Recognition of the Armenian Genocide
Open from Tuesday 26th April 2016 to Wednesday 26th October 2016
62 signatures
Stabilise UK Population
Open from Tuesday 20th September 2011 to Thursday 20th September 2012
62 signatures
The UK should renegoiate it's membership with the EU
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
62 signatures
Change the law on airport slots to favour ecological practices
Open from Monday 16th March 2020 to Wednesday 16th September 2020
61 signatures
Don't take any more Refugees in from Europe and Africa
Open from Friday 4th September 2015 to Friday 4th March 2016
61 signatures
Block Turkey joining EU
Open from Thursday 25th October 2012 to Friday 25th October 2013
61 signatures
A Gen Election before Article 50, free of first past the post for EU membership.
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
61 signatures
Free test to release scheme for EU/international students with family abroad.
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2021 to Tuesday 17th August 2021
61 signatures
Introduce a "statue of limitations" on the majority of criminal offences.
Open from Tuesday 1st December 2015 to Wednesday 1st June 2016
61 signatures
The government must also put case for leaving the EU on it's referendum leaflet.
Open from Friday 8th April 2016 to Saturday 8th October 2016
61 signatures
We should have a referendum to quit NATO and save us from starting a major war.
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
60 signatures
Force UK rail firms to offer Mon-Friday season tickets, to reduce ticket costs.
Open from Tuesday 15th January 2019 to Monday 15th July 2019
60 signatures
UK Government to open talks with EU on rejoining Custom Union and Single Market
Opened on Monday 16th December 2024
60 signatures so far
The EU flag be flown from parliament on alternate days with the Union Flag.
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
60 signatures
Reject the Brexit Deal agreed by Theresa May and reopen negotiations immediately
Open from Tuesday 4th December 2018 to Tuesday 4th June 2019
59 signatures
The government must take action against ISIS now!
Open from Friday 11th September 2015 to Friday 11th March 2016
59 signatures
Ban phone companies in the UK from charging any roaming charges
Open from Friday 15th January 2021 to Thursday 15th July 2021
59 signatures
Allow NON-EU parents/ family members of British Citizens to settle in UK.
Open from Wednesday 20th July 2016 to Friday 20th January 2017
59 signatures
Make David Cameron personally fund his folly trips within the EU
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
59 signatures
EEA 2 Applications
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
59 signatures
Veterinary surgeons from outside the UK sit the statutory MRCVS examinations.
Open from Thursday 22nd February 2018 to Wednesday 22nd August 2018
59 signatures
Allow EU citizens who are resident in the UK to vote in any future UK referendum
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
59 signatures
Stop Internal Market Bill, enabling Government to break international law
Open from Thursday 29th October 2020 to Thursday 29th April 2021
58 signatures
Guarantee rights of UK Nationals resident in other EU states will not change.
Open from Thursday 8th September 2016 to Wednesday 8th March 2017
58 signatures
Do not allow ingredients used only in cosmetics to be used on animals
Open from Thursday 19th August 2021 to Saturday 19th February 2022
58 signatures
Seek closer political ties with Australia, Canada and New Zealand
Open from Wednesday 28th August 2013 to Thursday 28th August 2014
58 signatures
Email everyone who has signed a petition to register to vote in elections
Open from Wednesday 22nd May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
58 signatures
Brexit deal must contain a clause allowing us rejoin the EU on the same terms
Open from Friday 9th March 2018 to Sunday 9th September 2018
58 signatures
Do not trigger Article 50 until second EU referendum.
Open from Friday 1st July 2016 to Sunday 1st January 2017
58 signatures
Eliminate the state pension & benefits to pay for the costs of brexit
Open from Thursday 8th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
57 signatures
Require public sector vehicles be purchased or leased from UK manufacturers
Open from Tuesday 15th September 2020 to Monday 15th March 2021
57 signatures
Protect The EU Ban On Cosmetic Animal Testing!
Open from Monday 8th October 2012 to Tuesday 8th January 2013
57 signatures
The UK should ban the importation of Shark Fins for personal consumption
Open from Friday 20th November 2020 to Thursday 20th May 2021
57 signatures
Gerard Batten, to lead the delegation negotiating terms for leaving the EU
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
57 signatures
Allow dependents of BN(O) VISA holders to work for UK Civil Service
Open from Tuesday 17th May 2022 to Thursday 1st December 2022
57 signatures
In a 2nd independence referendum, Scots living outside Scotland will get a vote
Open from Thursday 30th June 2016 to Friday 30th December 2016
57 signatures
Introduce compulsory ID Cards for all UK citizens
Open from Monday 17th August 2015 to Wednesday 17th February 2016
57 signatures
Ban all uk benefits from immigrants including eu and non eu immigrants
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
57 signatures
Allow the public to decide by referendum on any Brexit 'no deal' not Parliament
Open from Monday 6th August 2018 to Wednesday 6th February 2019
56 signatures
Treat HM Forces the same as 'any other group' with regards to National Insurance Contributions.
Open from Friday 18th January 2013 to Thursday 18th July 2013
56 signatures
Recognise Irish passport cards & Gibraltar ID cards at UK Border Force's eGates
Open from Friday 19th August 2022 to Sunday 5th March 2023
56 signatures
Reinstate Passport renewals adding time left to new passport, as per prior 2018
Open from Wednesday 5th May 2021 to Friday 5th November 2021
56 signatures
We call for a special task force to combat 'Post Brexit Hate Crimes'
Open from Monday 27th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
56 signatures
Implement RSPCA approved standards to all UK livestock farms
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
56 signatures
Recognition of the genocides in Iraq between 1968 and 2003
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
56 signatures
Lobby for EU declaration of support of the Falklands as a British Overseas Territory
Open from Thursday 22nd December 2011 to Saturday 22nd December 2012
55 signatures
Creation of dedicated UK citizen-only passport control channels at UK airports
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th August 2012
55 signatures
Keep EU food labelling regulations following Brexit to highlight allergens
Open from Tuesday 17th October 2017 to Tuesday 17th April 2018
55 signatures
Recommission Britannia and give the Queen her boat back - she's earned it!
Open from Monday 19th September 2016 to Sunday 19th March 2017
55 signatures
We are asking UK government to impose sanctions on Gabon
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
55 signatures
Deporting suspected terrorists
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
54 signatures
Ensure that all legislation complies with international law
Open from Thursday 8th October 2020 to Thursday 8th April 2021
54 signatures
Stop EU directive to provide Gypsy & Traveler sites in our villages and on green belt land
Open from Friday 8th March 2013 to Saturday 8th March 2014
54 signatures
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
54 signatures
A Referendum on how the UK leaves the EU
Open from Friday 3rd May 2019 to Sunday 3rd November 2019
54 signatures
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
54 signatures
Public Transport Costs
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
54 signatures
Referendum on the Accession of Turkey to the EU
Open from Friday 5th August 2011 to Sunday 5th August 2012
54 signatures
EU Referendum
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2011 to Thursday 2nd February 2012
54 signatures
Introduce Politics into the Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
54 signatures
Referendum: Switch from EU/Single Market to EFTA/Single Market
Open from Wednesday 18th June 2014 to Thursday 18th September 2014
53 signatures
Open from Wednesday 6th February 2013 to Thursday 6th February 2014
53 signatures
Negotiate with EU to end the 90 day limit on staying in Schengen area countries
Opened on Thursday 19th December 2024
53 signatures so far
Positive immigration, reform benefits, stop health tourism, fairer deal to British born citizens with non EU spouses
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
53 signatures
Make accusing someone of been a racist without hard evidence a criminal offence.
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
53 signatures
Make it illegal for mass prayer sessions to be held in public places
Open from Monday 5th October 2015 to Tuesday 5th April 2016
53 signatures
Elmbridge Borough to become 33rd London borough following EU referendum
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
53 signatures
Legally-set minimum Room-sizes for all New Builds!
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2011 to Thursday 9th August 2012
53 signatures
Resist emotional and political pressure to admit any more non EU citizens.
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
53 signatures
Student Loans should be available to students who want to study within the EU
Open from Thursday 27th March 2014 to Friday 27th March 2015
52 signatures
Incorporate Scotland's Place in Europe in UK BREXIT negotiations and final deal
Open from Friday 17th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
52 signatures
Give the working taxpayer more control over how their contributions are spent.
Open from Monday 14th September 2015 to Monday 14th March 2016
52 signatures
Implement mandatory anti-racism training for all police officers
Open from Thursday 21st July 2022 to Saturday 4th February 2023
52 signatures
hgv speed limits
Open from Monday 19th May 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
52 signatures
British Citizens must given the same rights as European citizens in the UK
Open from Wednesday 13th December 2017 to Wednesday 13th June 2018
52 signatures
Say no to an extension to article 50
Open from Thursday 18th April 2019 to Friday 18th October 2019
52 signatures
We want the UK Government refuse to pay any exit payment to the EU on leaving
Open from Monday 20th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
52 signatures
EU taking away Habeas Corpus 31-5-14 unless stopped by Govt
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Wednesday 4th March 2015
52 signatures
Trigger Article 16
Open from Wednesday 9th February 2022 to Tuesday 9th August 2022
52 signatures
A 5 year ban from public office for politicians who knowingly lie to the public.
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
52 signatures
Apply to join the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA)
Open from Thursday 14th April 2022 to Friday 28th October 2022
51 signatures
Grant pre-settled status to all those who applied before 30 June 2021.
Open from Thursday 30th September 2021 to Wednesday 30th March 2022
51 signatures
Negotiate so British citizens who pay pension in S. Korea can be refunded
Open from Monday 16th January 2023 to Sunday 16th July 2023
51 signatures
Remain in the EU and pursue negotiations for Reform
Open from Friday 23rd August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
51 signatures
Lowering the voting age to 16
Open from Friday 29th July 2016 to Sunday 29th January 2017
51 signatures
Freedom to live and work in the UK for commonwealth citizens.
Open from Monday 9th November 2015 to Monday 9th May 2016
51 signatures
Stop Ports Package 3 Petition
Open from Wednesday 28th November 2012 to Thursday 28th November 2013
51 signatures Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:10:15 +0000