All the petitions which closed in January 2019, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Make it illegal for pedestrians to cross a road where a crossing is visible.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
16 signatures
Keep Beechen Cliff as a state school as supported by parents and pupils
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
16 signatures
Make it compulsory for domesticated cats and dogs to be spayed/neutered.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
1,036 signatures
Force all Govia Rail Franchises to freeze ticket prices for at least one year.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
166 signatures
Prevent absent parents from travelling outside the UK if maintenance is unpaid
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
23 signatures
Increase the funding and support for the production of shale gas by fracking
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
33 signatures
Introduce a national day called
National Ability Day.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
75 signatures
UK government should provide visa facilities in Afghanistan.
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
10 signatures
Urge Iceland to stop killing endangered whales
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
274 signatures
Require drivers over the age of 65 to retake their driving test
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
21 signatures
Allow the disabled access to biodegradable single use plastics in any future ban
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
13 signatures
Portable barbecues, not disposed of safely, start wildfires. Restrict their sale
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
18 signatures
Fund mental health facilities for Salisbury
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
35 signatures
Make creative writing an A level subject again.
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
33 signatures
Make a legal requirement for signs to be placed 1000m before a mobile speed trap
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
19 signatures
Lower the tax on alcohol sold in pubs and clubs
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
54 signatures
Make health and nutrition a compulsory subject at Key Stage 2 and 3 level.
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
18 signatures
Scrap NHS surcharge for non EU living in UK who already pay N.I contributions
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
4,165 signatures
Lower Company Car Tax (BIK) on all company cars
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
26 signatures
No more than 1 junction or 5 miles of roadworks, on a motorway or A road
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
16 signatures
Strip abusive parents of parental rights
Open from Wednesday 18th July 2018 to Friday 18th January 2019
15 signatures
Lower the age of consent to 14 or 15
Open from Wednesday 18th July 2018 to Friday 18th January 2019
14 signatures
Legislate to ensure all future England football matches are 'free to air'
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
46 signatures
Discontinue Pay As You Dine and Reinstate Monthly Food Charges
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
9 signatures
Make all trespassing a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
280 signatures
Drastically improve funding for Mental Health Services within the UK
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
19,250 signatures
Stop the ban of menthol cigarettes when the UK leaves the EU
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
16 signatures
Have a Nicola Sturgeon statue in Westminster
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
12 signatures
Ban plastic carrier bags completely, this is to include ALL retailers.
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
119 signatures
The government should require all rail companies to offer part season tickets.
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
16 signatures
Require employers to protect employees with food allergies at work
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
168 signatures
Cap car parking charges in hospitals to £1.00 per hour
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
14 signatures
Re-introduce free milk in primary and secondary schools
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
13 signatures
Introduce on the Spot Fines for Leaving Animals in an Unattended Private Vehicle
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
6,143 signatures
Introduce a health and safety law on the maximum temperature in a workplace
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
750 signatures
Change the colour of becons to red when stationery for recovery vehicles
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
707 signatures
Require large employers to publish their parental leave and pay policies
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
269 signatures
Create a new permanent national UK bank holiday: "Bank holiday of Pride."
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
54 signatures
Add recycling to the curriculum. Even if it's 1 day a year - possibly a visit.
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
9 signatures
Devolve TV Broadcasting to Scottish Government Arts, Culture & Sport Ministry
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
36 signatures
Urge the Nigerian Government to protect civilians
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
27 signatures
Mandatory Autism Awareness training in ALL educational settings
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
80 signatures
Stop returning failed asylum seekers to Zimbabwe before 30th July 2018 elections
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
360 signatures
Make 30 hours free child care available to all working parents including non-EU
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
39 signatures
Ensure British food standards are met in any free trade agreement with USA
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
142 signatures
Stop animals being given away as prizes or sold at funfairs.
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
40 signatures
Constitution to prevent ceding sovereignty to foreign powers without referendum
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
109 signatures
Make Jordan Pickford’s birthday (March 7th) a national holiday
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
8 signatures
Replace the compulsory subject of RE for basic level psychology and counselling.
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
19 signatures
Introduce statutory LGBT+ element for Initial Teacher & School Governor Training
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
572 signatures
Establish Compulsory Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshops for Secondary Schools
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
17 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to feed and encourage seagulls to nest
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
12 signatures
Introduce Online Sales Tax to fund NHS spending increase
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
8 signatures
Abolish business rates in favour of sales tax to rejuvenate town centres.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
16 signatures
We want our Government to follow the lead of Australia & ban commercial sunbeds
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
15,368 signatures
Keep British Summer Time (BST) all year round in UK
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
561 signatures
Ban Staples From Newspapers
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
22 signatures
Limit new drivers 1100cc- first 12 mths, 14000cc-12-24 mths, 1600cc-24-36 mths
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
11 signatures
Stop the sale of cot bumpers in the UK
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
142 signatures
Fund research into carbohydrate polymers as an alternative to plastic
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
62 signatures
Use the money paid at hospital parkings for the NHS
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
18 signatures
Change the law for protection for Police Service Animals
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
209 signatures
Reform the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and repeal Breed Specific Legislation.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
36,665 signatures
Make it compulsory for 14-16 year olds to learn working life skills in school
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
36 signatures
Overturn a Home Office decision regarding a Kidney Donor who was refused a visa
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
1,083 signatures
Rescind Art.50 if Vote Leave has broken Electoral Laws regarding 2016 referendum
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
203,235 signatures
Ask Esther McVey to make a further statement to Parliament
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
59 signatures
Make a crime that is motivated by prejudice against homelessness a hate crime.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
165 signatures
Make Dementia/Alzheimer's care completely funded by the NHS
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
188 signatures
Make medical insurance compulsory for foreign nationals visiting the UK.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
3,388 signatures
Give my parents visa to attend my graduation ceremony and see my wee girl Nara
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
143 signatures
Require all schools to allow pupils to wear skirts
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
12 signatures
Use paper-based assessments for those DWP claimants who have been through abuse.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
26 signatures
Require all schools to provide a trouser alternative during summer periods.
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
10 signatures
Legislate to make all sewage treatment plants into biomass digesters.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
107 signatures
Introduce retesting every ten years for drivers/driving license.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
25 signatures
Raise Firefighters' wages to a reasonable living wage (+ all emergency services)
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
18 signatures
We call on Goverment to provide an extra £10M a year for Leicestershire Police.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
606 signatures
Stop NHS patients being weighed in public waiting rooms and corridors.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
88 signatures
Make it compulsory for councils to have zebra crossings outside every school
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2018 to Friday 11th January 2019
27 signatures
Allow Bashir Ahmadzai to stay in the UK indefinitely.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
571 signatures
Make Mobility allowance available from birth on need, remove age discrimination.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
89 signatures
Examine Greybull's actions in respect of insolvency of Monarch Airline/Holidays.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
11 signatures
Pay healthcare students a wage while on placement
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
21,152 signatures
Make gay conversion therapy a criminal offence
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
51 signatures
Work with EU to allow promotion/marketing of infant formula milk(under 6months)
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
23 signatures
Ban the use of fireworks unless it’s a controlled and / or organised event
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
22,459 signatures
British National (Overseas) Citizens should be given full British Citizenship.
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
11,928 signatures
Remove the 'minimum ban' on drink drivers and replace with a lifetime ban
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
17 signatures
Ban the sale of single-use, portable BBQs
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
19 signatures
Introduce yearly mental health checks on the NHS
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
23 signatures
I believe that it should be mandatory for ALL lunch breaks to be paid.
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
15 signatures
Ban Smart Meters
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
26 signatures
Abolish International Student Fees and Finance Ineligibility for UK Citizens
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
14 signatures
Introduce a Licencing system for cyclists and tighten up cycle law.
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
86 signatures
Raise concerns with the French Government regards concert on Sword beach
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
167 signatures
Government to make lie detector tests compulsory for suspects.
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
17 signatures
Employers to allow employees paid time off to attend NHS blood donation
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
22 signatures
Ban building on all greenfield sites.
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
45 signatures
Increase firefighters pay!
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
78 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:53:37 +0000