All the petitions which closed in October 2018, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Issue an RAF centenary medal to all serving RAF personnel.
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
955 signatures
Expel Israeli Ambassador, after attacks on the State of Palestine.
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
270 signatures
Ask the EU under Article 50(3) TFEU to extend the period before Brexit
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
17 signatures
QTS for Indian teachers.
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
74 signatures
Introduce a South African Vulnerable Persons' Resettlement Programme
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
31 signatures
NHS to provide badges for chronically/long term ill people for public transport
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
60 signatures
Student Finance made available for part time Paramedic degree
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
135 signatures
Change when employers can dismiss employees without cause back to one year.
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
18 signatures
Parent and Child Parking Badge
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
210 signatures
Make feminine hygiene products free.
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
17 signatures
Insist the Government give a 50% discount for Council Tax single occupants
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
40 signatures
Ban fruit and veg being wrapped/packaged in plastic by 2020
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
82 signatures
Withdraw the UK from the EU even if Parliament rejects the final Brexit deal.
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
8,344 signatures
Make it compulsory for motorbikes to have different coloured headlamps to cars
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
11 signatures
All NHS hospitals should provide vegan meals including dairy free spread & milk
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
494 signatures
Launch a National Consultation on Reducing Plastic Usage
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
35 signatures
Minimum of 10 years for causing death by careless or dangerous driving
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
41 signatures
Teach about Babylonian history in schools!
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
10 signatures
Make it compulsory for vendors to produce a Home Survey prior to marketing
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
10 signatures
Make Battle of Britain Day, the 15th of September, a public holiday.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
40 signatures
Make 30th November a national holiday in memory of Sir Winston Churchill
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
17 signatures
Increase the defence budget to strengthen and build up the UK's Armed Forces.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
38 signatures
Prevent child abduction and work to ensure abducted children are
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
49 signatures
Companies to accept all holiday requests from families during school holidays.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
7 signatures
Start supplementing milk with Vitamin D.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
14 signatures
Allow Ambulances on non-emergency journeys to use Bus Lanes.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
18 signatures
Test pregnant women and newborn babies for Group B Streptococcus (GBS)
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
320 signatures
Make it mandatory for security staff to have a body-worn camera.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
19 signatures
Make our NHS hospital wards and waiting rooms across the UK infertile friendly.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
2,074 signatures
Training for all teachers and doctors to identify autism in males and females
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
131 signatures
Make supermarkets supply a point in store to discard excessive packaging
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
26 signatures
Extend Sunday trading hours
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
56 signatures
To impose an immediate two-way arms embargo between the UK and Israel
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
7,986 signatures
Allow homosexuals to give blood freely
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
359 signatures
Repair pot holed roads by introduction of vignette system for foreign drivers
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
13 signatures
Make garden bonfires and any external fires illegal without a permit.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
62 signatures
Introduce a reassuring EM radiation limit for homes and schools (eg 1,000 µW/m2)
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
111 signatures
Working people should be awarded 100% of the non working partners tax allowance
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
24 signatures
Provide nationwide equal access to suitable wheelchairs to all who need one.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
47 signatures
Local councils to provide drinking fountains in towns and cities.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
125 signatures
Invite Vladimir Putin to the UK to discuss UK-Russia relations
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
18 signatures
An urgent debate on strategies for effectively combating gun and knife crime
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
13,158 signatures
Legalise medical cannabis for difficult to treat epilepsies in children.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
1,362 signatures
Bring in a 3 day cooling off period when buying an animal from a pet shop.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
155 signatures
Make Philip Hammonds Brexit Preperation Fund the NHS Fund instead.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
392 signatures
Abolish the TV licence
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
5,680 signatures
Introduce MPs to represent the interests of British citizens living abroad.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
2,202 signatures
Make St Georges Day a Bank Holiday in England.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
3,577 signatures
Amnesty for anyone who was a minor that arrived In Britain between 1948 to 1971
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
180,482 signatures
Return funding for sixth form students for the last three financial years
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
20 signatures
The right to register with two GPs for students studying away from home
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
57 signatures
Make sign language part of the national curriculum
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
337 signatures
Add Multiple Sclerosis to the Medical Exemption list
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
15,346 signatures
Encourage schools to expell students who are bullying others.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
43 signatures
Raise the Penalty for Uninsured Motorists
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
15 signatures
Stop roll out of "Academies" to SEN schools.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
15 signatures
Improve mental healthcare provisions available for prisoners
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
12 signatures
Revise and implement strategies to improve the quality of life for care leavers
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
531 signatures
Eliminate the use of black plastic in food packaging.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
936 signatures
Make financial management a compulsory part of education in schools
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
11 signatures
Provide more government funding to help our struggling hospices to survive.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
90 signatures
Make boxing safer/ Save lives
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
1,975 signatures
Make lymph sparing liposuction for lipedema available on the NHS
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
2,342 signatures
Ban over taking on the A35 one of Dorset’s most dangerous roads!
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
25 signatures
Raise awareness of Mental illness in the South Asian and Islamic communities
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
12 signatures
Mandatory training in ALL aspects of Domestic abuse for Family courts & Cafcass.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
3,949 signatures
Increase the amount of support given to sexual assault and rape victims.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
114 signatures
Issue legal guidance that IVA completion certificates should be issued promptly
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
152 signatures
We want a public enquiry into whether children are needlessly taken into care
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
246 signatures
Change business rates for child care providers and make them zero VAT rated.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
10,915 signatures
Hold a referendum to determine the will of the people for NHS and care funding.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
54 signatures
Have GMT all year round.
Open from Thursday 5th April 2018 to Friday 5th October 2018
27 signatures
Stop Myxomatosis killing wild Rabbits by developing a lifetime vaccine
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
249 signatures
Scrap the charges for child arrangement applications
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
116 signatures
Impose a safety check on all animal toys
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
13 signatures
Make the judgement and discrimination of mental illness unlawful.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
34 signatures
Make food manufacturers include the potassium content and Phosphate on labels.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
24 signatures
Stop all animal testing in the UK
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
70 signatures
Mandatory weekly hour classes in current politics in secondary schools.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
14 signatures
Change the law and policy concerning box junctions.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
19 signatures
Debate scrapping the television licence fee and discuss other funding options.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
60 signatures
Bring back nit nurse to UK schools send them home till treated and clear 2018
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
15 signatures
stop car insurance companies increasing premiums for no-fault accidents
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
67 signatures
Improve access to healthcare for homeless people
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
70 signatures
Stop UK coastal crude oil pollution threat; ban Colter offshore oil rig.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
1,061 signatures
Make anti-GD2 treatment available on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
30,387 signatures
New law on the ratio of qualified staff/carers to patients in nursing homes
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
44 signatures
Make nonconsensual medical intervention for intersexed people illegal.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
10 signatures
Introduce new regulations for the development of Artificial Intelligence.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
11 signatures
Make Staffordshire Bull terriers wear a harness or muzzle in public.
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
21 signatures
Cap council tax at 2% per annum maximum from 2019 onwards
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
40 signatures
All children should be tested for Autism before they are five years old
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
50 signatures
Give all UK residents the right to vote in local government elections
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
514 signatures
Start charging for non-emergencies in A & E across the U.K
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
13 signatures
Remove Chris Brown’s ban from the U.K. and allow him access to the country.
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
42 signatures
Reverse the changes to allow for Textiles & Technology to be stand alone GCSEs.
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
7,439 signatures
If you are an English citizen, you should not have to pay to attend university.
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
16 signatures
Introduce LGBT+ education to the primary curriculum in schools
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
17 signatures
Stop providers of Buy to Let mortgages discriminating against benefits claimants
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
73 signatures
Abolish the 3-month rule so that people receiving chemotherapy can obtain PIP
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2018 to Wednesday 3rd October 2018
5,716 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:51:55 +0000