All the petitions which opened in June 2012, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Universal housing benefits to be paid to landlords
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
3,406 signatures
Make home checks a legal requirement when homing animals
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
45 signatures
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
25 signatures
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th September 2012
13 signatures
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th September 2012
133 signatures
National Gay Student Awareness Project
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
7 signatures
The Control Birds of Prey.
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
34 signatures
disclose which animal-testing labs test which drugs
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
4 signatures
Save St. Helier
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
333 signatures
Save South London Healthcare NHS Trust
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
531 signatures
Call for the Government to censure Barclays Bank and demand the tightening of rules on financial misconduct
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
6 signatures
Please stop British corporations from sending technical and customer service jobs abroad
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
35 signatures
Withdraw Barclays' Banking Licence
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
1,020 signatures
Intervention to reduce recent mortgage increases in the light of fixed libor rate rises
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th June 2013
2 signatures
Hold a public enquiry into systemic fraud in the banking industry
Open from Friday 29th June 2012 to Saturday 29th September 2012
85 signatures
NO to London formula one proposal
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
3 signatures
Petition to prohibit turning right
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
2 signatures
Childrens Passports
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
2 signatures
Cyber bullying
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
4 signatures
Cymru not Wales
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
9 signatures
More Needle Exchanges
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
1 signatures
The Costly price of degrees and academic judgement in University and the freedom of information act
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th September 2012
3 signatures
Don't go back to the O-level keep the GCSE
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
27 signatures
Public inquiry into wrongdoing and ethics of bankers
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th September 2012
18,457 signatures
repealing liquid law on flights
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
2 signatures
Bus Times, Stagecoach monopoly
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th December 2012
10 signatures
Ban Money Priting by the Bank of England
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
3 signatures
Full disclosure of all Government documents relating to the 1972 building workers strike and the conspiracy trials at Shrewsbury
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
33,735 signatures
Move Gay Pride March in London from July 7th 2012
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
1 signatures
Amend equality legislation for vegans and vegetarians.
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
67 signatures
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
51 signatures
for the British government to condemn the violence against unarmed civilians in Sudan
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th December 2012
21 signatures
Give back the money stolen from charities by the Olympics
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
74 signatures
Create a skills swap immigration visa
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th September 2012
6 signatures
Call for the complete overall of the UK immigration system, in particular recent changes in immigration rules.
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th December 2012
19 signatures
Allow immigration of non EU spouses
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
3,287 signatures
Illegal Immigration Resolve
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
27 signatures
Romanian citizen's right to work for UK businesses or public sector
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
45 signatures
Psychiatric care for soldiers
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
21 signatures
section 340 of the 1968 insolvency act
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
5 signatures
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
1 signatures
Voluntary Sector
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Wednesday 27th March 2013
1 signatures
Collect Tax before Cutting Benefits
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th December 2012
7 signatures
Everyone to pay 25% tax on income earned in the UK
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
3 signatures
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
17 signatures
Abolish the sex offenders register
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
4 signatures
Benefit Eligability
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
8 signatures
Stop The Government Leaving another Generation on the scrap heap
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
5 signatures
petition regarding stopping benefits for invalids and the benefits for government employees
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
22 signatures
Reform the Dole
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
Limit State Payments to a Maximum of Two Children
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
39 signatures
Housing Benefit ending under 25s
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th December 2012
1,861 signatures
2 year mortgage break on diagnoses of cancer
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
309 signatures
lower retirement age to 60
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
40 signatures
Individual benefits package not to be greater than minimum national wage
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
8 signatures
Honour the promise in the Coalition Agreement not to increase the state pension age for men and women.
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th December 2012
36 signatures
Compulsory Community Work For Long Term Unemployed Benefit Recipiants
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th December 2012
7 signatures
maternity pay
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
Restructure National Lottery Prize Breakdown
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th December 2012
2 signatures
government offices and departments
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
2 signatures
Vision Impairment Certificate for permanent Diplopia
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
Free sanitary products for women
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
35 signatures
Lets make MS a priority in the Dept of Health Corporate plans
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
33 signatures
Search and Rescue Helicopter for N.Ireland
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
7 signatures
To put the bank of england on the high street
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
1 signatures
put a tax on all uk internet sales
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th June 2013
3 signatures
close the HMRC freedom of information loophole
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th September 2012
2 signatures
Make Dog Fouling Subject To National, Criminal Legislation
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
15 signatures
Stop 'Animal Protection Agencies' Obstructing Legitimate Reptile Shows
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
7 signatures
Law of Succession - a childless spouse
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th September 2012
2 signatures
STOP Female Genital Mutilation (FGM / ‘cutting’) in Britain
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
2,785 signatures
All MP's should begin each new parliament with a week in a deprived area of their constituency
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
Brain Tumours
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
21,186 signatures
Links to duplicate petitions
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
10 signatures
If the very wealthy can avoid paying tax, make the meagre state pension non-taxable.
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
7 signatures
reduce fuel duty tax by 50p
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
4 signatures
placental abruption awareness in ante natal clinics
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
241 signatures
Reduce the number of Managers and Executives in the NHS by 50%
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
6 signatures
Create funding for students that stopped receiving EMA this year.
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
No Lords Reform without a Referendum
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
30 signatures
Government projects to source equipment from UK firms with preference over others
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
Mandatory Publication of Cabinet Members' Tax Records
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
13 signatures
Get rid of half-term
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
4 signatures
Every primary school should have a teacher dedicated to PE
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
93 signatures
start factories again
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
2 signatures
To compel the met office to use weather modification techniques to improve the weather in this country
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
4 signatures
Endorse driving licences for cycling offences
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
7 signatures
Ban cyclists from the road and build more cycle paths
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
38 signatures
Compulsory motorway driving lessons for all new drivers
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th December 2012
7 signatures
The Future of Tolls on the Severn River Crossings
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
34 signatures
2012 Corporation Tax
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
9 signatures
Give more emphasis to Tax Evasion/Avoidance than Welfare Cuts
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th December 2012
149 signatures
Reduce maximum company payment terms to a maximum of 60 days from date of invoice
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
1 signatures
Global Super-Rich Tax
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
8 signatures
No more tax payers money for policing royal weddings
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
110 signatures
Export Tax Credit
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
91 signatures
Inquiry into the Tax Affairs of elected Government Ministers and Conservative donors to define a "Moral Compass" for the rest of the country
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
5 signatures
That David Cameron apologises for his inheritance being increased by using tax avoidance and repays what is owed to the public purse
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th September 2012
5 signatures
Sort out the mess that is RBS/NatWest
Open from Monday 25th June 2012 to Tuesday 25th June 2013
2 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:29:56 +0000