All the petitions which were rejected in September 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Boris Johnson continues to prorogue Parliament & get UK out of EU deal/no deal.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back governments plan to prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the government closure of parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament -
Agreement with PM’s request to The Queen
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Drugs testing at every festival!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Support Prime Minister's decision to prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris in his decision to prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support boris johnson to prorogue parliament and lets get on with brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support for Boris and the Queen to suspend parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Counter back re Support of Boris and his decision to close Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
keep parliament shut until brexit has been delivered
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make the 1st of November a national holiday after regaining our independence
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Prime Minister Johnson in his battle for us to leave the EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Back the Prime Minister to deliver Leaving the EU by 31st October 2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
To Allow Boris Johnson to prorogue Parliament .
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the petitions trying to petition against proroging parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban working when temperatures reach 30° in a work place
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Confirmation that the Prime Minister was right to prorogue parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support PM's Propagation of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
continue with plans to suspend parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Petition to prorogue Parliament allowing the people referendum vote to leave EU
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Parliament should be prorogued as MP’s failed to deliver Brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ignore the petition: Do not prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Uphold the suspension of parliament and ensure the UK leaves the EU by 31 Oct
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
DO Prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Abandon Brexit and revoke Article 50
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Align MP's pension entitlement date with that of their constituents
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Support PM’s plan to porogue Parliament & leave EU deal or no deal on 31st Oct.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow the government to dissolved parliament to ensure Brexit is delivered.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Petition to ignore the petition do not Proroguing parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do not allow the prorogue Parliament to be cancelled.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
back the prime ministers plan to prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do Prorogue Parliament in order to get Brexit done an leave the EU
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson to porough Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris Johnson's Brexit Position
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
To prorogue the government
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Mr Boris Johnson in his aim to leave the European Union
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Ensure that the U.K remains in a customs union with the EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave Boris Johnson to get on with his job and prorogue parliament to leave eu
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Porogue Parliament, and respect the wishes of 17.4 million people.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue or Dissolve Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make Amazon pay the shopping bag fee for their plastic shipping/shopping bags.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Allow The PM to carry out all necessary and required actions to allow Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
We the undersigned agree with boris johnson proroguing parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Petition in Support of Prorogation of Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ensure parliament is porogued.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
The Government acted correctly to prorogue Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the Prorogue of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson's decision to Prorogue Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Call an International State of Emergency over Climate Change
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
We want to show we support Boris Johnson
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Agree prorogue of Parliament for UK's withdrawal from the EU on 31 October, 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris in his decision to prorogue parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
To back Boris Johnson and the government's decision to prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support PM to prorogue parliament and ensure we leave the EU on 31.10.19
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Respect suspending parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Agree with Boris Johnson suspending parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Our government has our full support to prorogue parliament until mid October
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris Johnson Suspending Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ignore the petition to stop Boris suspending parliament make BREXIT happen!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson in the shutting down of parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Declare your support for the Prime Ministers decision to prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Continue to prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
We back Boris to get us out of Europe
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament and support Boris
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Her Majesty's Prime Minister Boris Johnson request closing Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do prorogue Parliament - for the good of the UK
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the Prime Minister in proroguing parliament!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Defend the Governments action in suspending Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris Johnson shutting down parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ignore the petition - Do not prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament, debit prorogued or dissolved to prevent extended art 50
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Keep Boris Johnson’s proroguing of Parliament in force.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow proroguing of parliament to continue as planned.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament to allow the Government to concentrate on the exit process
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris and parogue parliament and leave the EU on time deal or no deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament until after 31st October to Ensure BREXIT happens
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue parliament and ensure parliamentarians respect the public’s vote.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
We fully support the Prorogue of Parliament in order to secure Brexit on Oct 31
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Prime Minister decision to prorogue Parliament & bring in Queen's Speech
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Prorogation of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson’s act of proroguing parliament in order to assist Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
TOEIC allegation "Justified", give us legal stay in UK.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Prorogue Parliament September 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Johnson's decision to prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Draw GCSE/A level results from an assessment average over the course period
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Install camera’s or speed humps in the new forest to stop animals being killed
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Prevent the Government from prorogueing parliament to force through no-deal.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prevent the Government from Suspending Parliament and Enabling a No Deal Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Keep Parliament open, and not suspend proceedings to properly debate Article 50
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prevent the PM’s plan to prorogue Parliament in order to force No Deal through.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop prorogation of parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Propose legislation on 3rd September to prevent prorogation & extend Article 50
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop Boris Johnson suspending parliament to force through no-deal Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the PM from shutting down Parliament - the voice of our MPs must be heard!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rescind the Order for the prorogation of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the parliamentary suspension in September.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:30:33 +0000