All the petitions which were rejected in September 2019, sorted by rejection date from newest to oldest.
Compulsory for all Secondary schools to have at least one qualified counsellor.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make it illegal to not have at least one Guidance Counsellor at every secondary.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Regulate, and introduce registration of, pressure groups and their funding.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Allow people to register privately trained emotional support animals
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Keep NHS care free for all EU nationals, regardless of status, after Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Petition FOR The Prorogation of Parliament & we leave the EU on 31st Oct 2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ensure that proroguement of Parliament as agreed by HM the Queen is not stopped
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Government to Prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
We the people of the U.K. insist on the prorogue of Parliament please share
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the proroguing of Parliament to deliver what 17.4m voted for in 2016.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson Proroguing Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Porogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do not NOT prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
The Prorogue for Parliament must go ahead as Planned!!!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament until 1 November 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Parliamentary sovereignty over the PM to be respected by the monarch.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Postpone conference season to allow for Brexit debates in Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Send a humble address to the Queen to stop the Government Proroguing Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop the coup
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support democracy in an internal J & K political process, not Indo-Pak hegemony.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Too hot working conditions for Catering staff
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
A new Prime Minister to be chosen by secret ballot of MPs
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: honours
Issuing all police officers with a firearm (hand gun) to ensure their safety
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
The UK to leave the EU without a deal on 31October2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ban non-stun slaughter in the UK and Northern Ireland with no exemptions.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Free Healthcare for pets/animals (PHS - Pet Health Service)
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support John Bercow to use his prerogative to stop the suspension of parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Call an immediate General Election
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make a clean break 'No Deal' Brexit on the 31st October 2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Legally recognise 'Parental Alienation' as a medical illness within Family Court
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop no-deal with A50 revocation signed by majority of MPs
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
We support the PMs endeavours to deliver Brexit by whatever means available
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Back Boris achieving the strongest hand possible in Brexit negotiations whatever
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Dismiss Boris Johnson as Prime Minister.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: honours
We want a General Election before we leave the EU
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
People’s vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: honours
Allow Boris Johnson to Bypass Parliament to finish brexit and get the job done!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Take Back Control - Revoke Article 50
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Immediately release the contingency plans for a no-Deal Brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Make sure BREXIT happens WITH or WITHOUT a deal on October 31st.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the EU on the 31 October 19 with a deal or no deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Deliver Brexit by October 31st 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
I want to leave the EU Deal or no Deal on 31st of October 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
For the UK to leave the EU by October 31 with or without a deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the EU on 31st October 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Get us out of the EU on 31 Oct 19 by any means.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stand together and leave the EU with NO DEAL on 31st October 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Uphold democracy, respect the 2016 referendum result and leave EU on 31.10.2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Petition for no deal brexit on 31 October
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ensure Brexit happens by 31st October
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Britain should leave the EU on the 31st October, with or without a deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the EU on 31st October 2019 with a deal or no deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Let our PM do his job and deliver what we voted for, "Brexit". Deal or not!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Deliver Brexit by 31 October 19 deal or no deal and restore faith in democracy.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Leave the European Union on 31st October, 2019 with or without a deal
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Please do not delay brexit. Do not extend Article 50.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Respect the referendum result and quit the EU on 31/10/19 deal or no deal.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the Prime Minister's decisions to ensure that we leave Europe.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Let Brexit happen on October 31st WITH or WITHOUT a deal.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Ask UK government to agree to stop Brexit when 18 million sign this petition.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Should the UK have another referendum for/against Brexit?
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: irrelevant
Stop remain politicians, from halting suspention of parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Show MPs the public accept no deal has to be an option don't block it
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
For all MP’s to respect the vote of the people and stop blocking Brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Stop MPs trying to block a 'No Deal' exit from the EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Prevent mps from creating law to stop a no deal brexit.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Stop MP's blocking the prorogation of Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
MPs, Stop trying to block Brexit or the Halloween departure date!
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
All construction projects to replace the Co2 absortion lost by removing trees
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow prorogue to continue then the UK leave the EU with no deal on 31/10/2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
We agree with prorogue of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue Parliament until 1st November 2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorogue parliament to allow democracy and our constitution to prevail.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Prorogue. Get on with Brexit
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Continue to Prorogue parliament until 1st November 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris leave on the 31st October 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
I agree with the proroguing of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support the prime Minister in his intention to leave the EU.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Insist the UK Gov't continue with Prorogue of Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
I agree with the Prime Minister on Proroguing Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
In Support of Boris Johnson and Brexit, Deal or no Deal 31st October 2019.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Do prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow Boris Johnson to close parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Prorougue parliament as planned by PM Boris Johnson.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Parliament must be prorogued or be dissolved.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Back Boris Johnson to prorogued parliament to honour the referendum result
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson to leave EU and move economy forward by all means
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: no-action
Ignore the petition to stop Boris from proroguing Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Allow boris johnson to suspend parliament as per his plan.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Do not cancel the prorogue parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
In support of the proroguing Parliament to achieve Brexit on 31st October 2019
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support Boris Johnson in his proroguing parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
Support The U.K. PM on asking Her Majesty the Queen to prorogue Parliament.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
To vote FOR the suspension of parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate
MPs must support Boris Johnson in his strategies for leaving the EU, or resign.
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: honours
Prorogue Parliament
Rejected on Tuesday 3rd September 2019 - reason: duplicate Mon, 03 Mar 2025 23:08:32 +0000