All the petitions which were submitted in June 2016, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Make Leave campaign's promise of an extra £350m/wk for the NHS legally binding
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
do MPs think possible major cabinet changes require a general election
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow EU Citizens to vote for the Referendum and General Elections.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Brexit negotiations must be led by a cross-party body.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make petrol tax cheaper for sports car drivers
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
15 signatures
STAND BY the majority vote to LEAVE the EU and do not allow a 2nd referendum!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give the right to vote to EU citizens having lived in the UK for 5 years or more
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
36 signatures
Stop all future referendums from July 2016
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
9 signatures
BSDHT want HEE to financially support the training of dental hygiene/therapy
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Call general election to elect government who wants to stay in Europe.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Take the Norway model forward into negotiations with the EU as our exit plan
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 11th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Petition the petition asking for a 2nd referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure that the £350m per week promised by Brexit Leave go to the NHS
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Remove Peerage from Lord Alan Sugar
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Call for Govt. to make the EU Ref result to Leave a legally binding instruction
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Following the Outcome of the E.U Referendum, Hold a General Election.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Elect Paul Day as Prime Minister, New thinking for a new start
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: honours
To sack David Lammy MP for ignoring the right for people to vote.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
The electorate are entitled to be presented with the facts in an election!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Politicians to answer direct questions with yes/no answer before explaining why
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 11th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Stop a 2nd Referendum on a topic that has already been voted on, e.g the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do NOT have a 2nd EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop a second referendum on the EU vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
To stop a second European referendum happening
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make another Eu referendum unlawful as it has already been decided
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Investigate the misinformation used by both campaigns during the EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Disregard the Result of the Advisory Referendum on the UK's membership of the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
We have already voted let our votes stand !!!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
We the undersigned call upon HM Government to respect the EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Parliament to stand by the referendum results, and not to call a 2nd referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Get the prime minister to invoke article 50, the exit plan should start now!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age to 16 for the 2nd EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: no-action
Ensure the government agree to keep us in the EEA and EFTA in exit negotiations
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Rerun Brexit referendum with voting rights for all British citizens abroad.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure the democratic decision by the majority on the EU referendum is upheld
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age to 16 for referenda with long term consequences
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Reduce the legal age of voting from 18 to 16.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Article 50 of the Lisbon Agreement
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Nigel Farage should take control of Britain's exit from the EU in Brussels
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: honours
The result of the EU Referendum to leave should be final
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
HM Government to initiate talks to allow Scotland to remain in the E.U.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
14 signatures
Block the petition for a second referendum on the EUROPEAN UNION
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop a second referendum that was refused for out
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the petition to petition against another referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
I want Fish n Chips served in Newspaper again
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Set the voting age for a second EU referendum to 16.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: no-action
Call a General Election pre-Brexit so the public can decide how to leave the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop a second referendum on leaving or staying in the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Petition the House of Comm's to debate a vote of no confidence in the Government
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Get David Cameron to leave now and to get a move on to leave from the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop Brexit! We, Britain's youth, deserve to have a say in our own futures
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Declare June 24th to be our Independence Day and create an extra bank holiday.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Before invoking Article 50, there should be a free vote in Parliament.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Maintain the referendum result and prevent democracy being subverted
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
To stop the 2nd referendum from occurring. Leave won fair and square.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
For the decision to be respected and no further second referendum to take place.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Respect the democratic vote and not hold a second EU ref.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ignore the result of the EU referendum and leave the decision to Parliment.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the 2nd referendum vote and begin the leave of EU process
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
David Cameron to withdraw his resignation & remain Prime minister of the UK
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: honours
The House of Commons to call a General Election following the EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The UK parliament should exercise its sovereignty and vote to remain in the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
EU Referendum rules and upholding EU referendum majority result of Leave
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Use proportional representation to elect UK governments at a general election.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call on the Government to Trigger Article 50 and repeal EC Act 1972.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
77 signatures
Call a General Election following the leave vote and the resignation of the PM.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
No second EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Conduct a vote of elected MP'S to decide if the UK should leave the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ignore the petition for a second referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Declare Brighton and Hove independent from the UK and apply to join the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age in The United Kingdom to fifteen
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give 16 and 17 year olds a vote on our eu membership
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
EU referendum with the right to vote for British citizens on the continent
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A referendum on whether we would want Scotland to remain as part of the Union.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
In case the 2nd referendum doesn't go our way can we have a 3rd
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Keep the UK in the single market and continue to allow free movement of people
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
29 signatures
Call a General Election when a new PM is chosen for the Conservative Party
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
HM Government to allow 16 and 17 year old UK residents to vote in referendums.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Delay submission of intent to leave the EU (Article 50) until there is a new PM
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Monday 11th July 2016 to Wednesday 11th January 2017
15 signatures
To not hold a second referendum on our decision to leave the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make repeating false claims in an election campaign a criminal offence
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
We the undersigned petition HM Gov. to initiate Article 50 immediately.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
No to a 2nd E.U Referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
A petition against the petition which is petitioning against the EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Disregard the petition for a second EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Prevent this divided UK referendum catastrophe from ever happening again.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
34 signatures
Call a general election before Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is invoked.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure Parliament make it clear that EU referendum vote to Leave is binding.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Vote in the House of Commons on whether to enact Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
To reject moves for a 2nd EU referendum based on retrospective legislation.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Have better support for people with learning disabilities in schools
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
11 signatures
Upon 17,410,743 signatures, decline to give effect to the EU referendum vote.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The UK has decided to leave the EU. Article 50 should be invoked immediately!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Sign this petition if you think there shouldn't be another Referendum on Brexit!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call for vote of no confidence in the government due to lack of Leave vote plan
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
The British have voted on the referendum. Stop whining and do your job
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Emergency council of Order to Repeal 1972 EU Commision we can swiftly exit EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop a second referendum and the UK to commit it's withdraw from the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
The £350 million saved from leaving the EU MUST be spent on the NHS.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A vote of no confidence in Mr Jeremy Corbyn
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant Thu, 06 Mar 2025 15:38:37 +0000