All the petitions which were submitted in June 2016, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
Allow a Revote for the EU referendum where 16's and overs have the right to vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Calling for a Parliamentary vote on the EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Jeremy clarkson to become the prime minister
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: honours
Hold a vote in Parliament determining whether or not to invoke article 50.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Calling Queen Elizabeth II to withhold assent of the UK leaving the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Call a General Election so we the public decided who takes GB out of EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
That the result of the EU referendum be legal as the majority of the voted to go
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Opposing the petition for a 2nd EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a legally binding Euro referendum, 16+ voting age, 2-week campaign.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 29th June 2016 to Thursday 29th December 2016
20 signatures
Ignore William Oliver Healey
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
For the next Election, reform a more accurate and fair voting system.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Let 14-17 year olds to vote in a second EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Implement a 'Swiss style' process of Direct Democracy in the UK.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
NO to a 2nd EU referendum re-run
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Erect a statue of Nigel Farage in the Parliament for UK Independance Day.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
128 signatures
Stop any further Brexit referendum from be held in UK.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Say NO to a second referendum on Britain leaving Europe.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Introduce digital vote at National Elections and on National Consultations
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Counter petition against second referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
HM government to allow Parliament a debate and vote on the UK's Brexit strategy
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
A General Election Now!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A legal challenge should be made against the recent EU Referendum Result
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
To sack Tottenham MP David Lammy from his post in parliament
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a referendum on whether there should be another EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ignore calls for a 2nd EU referendum. There was plenty of time to vote.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow MPs to vote to remain or leave the EU and act on that decision.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
David Lammy MP to be sacked for wanting to disregard the referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Reject any Petition for Another Referendum Exit from the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
MPs to have final vote on EU membership due to low 4% referendum result margin.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold a 2nd EU Referendum requiring a majority vote of the registered electorate.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
I petition to prevent a second referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Only a Prime Minister chosen by a general election may invoke Article 20 of TFEU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 12th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow a second EU referendum for those that voted Brexit but now Regrexit
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give 16 and 17 year olds a vote to stay in or leave the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Trigger a General Election when a Prime Minister resigns.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Adele for Prime Minister
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: honours
Hold MPs accountable for dishonesty which misleads the electorate
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Lower the voting age to 16 in a referendum deciding our future as a country
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Demand Government Invokes Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
For HM Government to veto any attempt for a second Scottish independence vote.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make increasing fuel prices illegal and have them locked at 99.8p per litre
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a referendum on rejoining the EU every tenth year, starting June 2026.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
12 signatures
Remove Boris Johnson permanently from Parliamen
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Scrap BBC licence fee due to biased coverage of referendum result.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
No Second Referendum, If Decision Was To Stay A Second One Wouldn't Be Allowed!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ban prominent EU activists guilty of blatant misinformation from public office.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Invoke article 50, withdraw the UK from the EU as per the referendum result
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not use the EU referendum result as a mandate to trigger Article 50
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The EU referendum held on 23rd June must be declared void.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Don't indulge a second EU In/Out Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ban a second EU Brexit referendum in the name of democracy
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Disregard any petition to overturn the original referendum result.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop another UK referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Electoral Commission to conduct an independent inquiry into the EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Not to hold a further EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Refuse to activate the withdrawal clause in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
NO to further instability and scaremongering, No a possibile second referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 20th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow students (12-16 age) to vote in the (second) EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
7 signatures
Veto a petition regarding a second vote on the EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
The people decided - Exit the EU now !
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure all future national referendums need more than 50% of electorate to pass
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
37 signatures
The country has spoken, now raise article 50 and help us leave the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the petition for a new EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
EU referendum on 24/06/2016 was was an advisory, non-binding referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Demand Another Scottish Referendum without the English Vote This Time
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make David Cameron begin the process of removing us from the EU immediately.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ignore any calls for another EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow Parliament free vote on Brexit
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure that Nigel Farage is included in Brexit negotiations
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: honours
We call on the government to ignore the petition calling for a 2nd EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Cancel the BBC television License & make them fund themselves via a subscription
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Have a free vote amongst MPs on whether Britain should leave the EU or not.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold another EU referendum for voters aged 16 to 35
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
7 signatures
Let democracy win, ignore the calls for a second EU Referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Nigel Farage should be included in the negotiating team to exit the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: honours
Call a 2nd EU Referendum as voter registration was extended after the deadline.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Uphold the result of the democratic referendum on leaving the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
The Petition calling for the brexit result to stand
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop another referendum for the EU and get article 50 underway
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Give The Parliament of the United Kingdom the power to block the Brexit.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Order public inquiry into accuracy of Vote Remain & UKIP Campaign Claims
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
UK voters want the European Referendum result of Leave respected.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
To call 2nd EU Referendum - Voting age to have been lowered from 18 to 16.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age to 16
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Offer all pro-EU British citizens a grant to relocate to Europe.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
9 signatures
Criminalise deliberately lying to electorate to win votes under false pretences.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 12th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not exit The EU by triggering Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Request that David Cameron stay on as Prime Minister.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
NO 2nd EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Instigate article 50 to begin the UK withdrawal from the EU immediately
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
PM D.CAMERON INVOKE ARTICLE 50. Uphold the wishes of the majority of the UK.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a General Election before enacting Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Negotiate for and ensure the continuation of the ERASMUS program.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Parliament to vote on whether or not to proceed with withdrawal from EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Refuse to have another EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Brexit isn't legally binding,it's advisory only. Let our MPs decide.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Respect the wishes of the voters and exit the EU immediately
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make it mandatory to display a halal food sign in businesses serving halal food.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 30th June 2016 to Friday 30th December 2016
64 signatures
Article 50 should not be invoked without a Parliamentary majority
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make it a criminal offence for a politician to knowingly lie during an election.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate Thu, 06 Mar 2025 18:12:40 +0000