All the petitions which were submitted in September 2014, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note: Every petition originally rejected during the 2010-2015 Parliament was added to the data API in June 2017 with a rejection date in June 2017. So any petitions that were submitted during that Parliament, but were rejected, will all have the same rejection date on the system. That doesn't mean they were left that long to actually be rejected, it's just an oddity of the petition data API.
Legalisation of cannabis for medical use
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop slandering Florence Nightingale as racist
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
No Blame Divorce
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Stop Ian Duncan Smith Rolling out Prepaid Benefit Cards
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5,624 signatures
Legalisation Of Cannabis For Medical
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
make a tracker GPS for all children will stop children going missing
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Pay MPs' expenses by prepaid card
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Require New York Bakery Co to bring back pre-sliced bagels
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
A referendum on having power devolved to the regions of England
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
I want to share with you an idea should be applied in the economy
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Legalise Marijuana and regulate for Medical Uses
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Make creative subjects a compulsory option for GCSE students
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
We support the people of Hong Kong in their quest for democracy. We urge the UK government to do all it can to ensure the Basic Law is honoured
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
A Higher Minimum Wage For Zero Hour Contracts
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
11 signatures
Justice for Yorkshire
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Force insurers/brokers/comparison sites to check write off category of vehicles before quoting.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
A referendum on a federal system for the UK with power devolved to the regions of England
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Ban tobacco
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age to 16
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Get the NHS to fund all of Ben's rehabilitation and equipment
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
29 signatures
Not to Relax or Repeal Fox Hunting Ban
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Repurpose Motorway Speed Camera Gantries To Avoid Fatal Accidents
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3,536 signatures
payrises for emergency services staff
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
No need to retake your cbt after the age of 30 and get a photo card saying that you have fully completed cbt
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Close Hooters Nottingham
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
20MPH Speed limit outside Whitburn Primary and Marsden Primary
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
101 signatures
Name MPs' suspected of fiddling expenses
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
help the children
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
free parking for the first hour in all car parks
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 7th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Ban on Sweat Shops
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Send a shipment of umbrellas to help the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Election manifesto,s should be honoured or goverment can be kicked out.
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Stop The Wildlife Slaughter
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
19 signatures
7 day working week for Members of Parliament
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
BCG (TB) vaccination
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Complete Abolition of The House of Lords
Submitted on Tuesday 30th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Support Hong Kong Democracy
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Lets keep Sky in school!!!!
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Prevent still births in uk
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Restrict height of trees to prevent shading of solar panels.
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 15th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Tamworth General Hospital
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
278 signatures
anti personal information spyed through mobile phone, air waves frequencies, TV and satellite
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
save portsmouth interaction group
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
combine police forces
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Giving Deaf children a fair chance
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
414 signatures
international aid
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Sparta Boxing's fight for premises
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Introduce a Higher Rate of VAT for Luxury Brands to help tackle the deficit
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Ban driving with any level of alcohol
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
Food Allowance
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Abolish the UK's Visa regime for the Republic of Montenegro
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
101 signatures
Unemployed Car Insurance
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Reduce Child Benefit Costs
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
5 signatures
IHT 1984 Lifetime Gifts Increases
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Removal of political funding of anti-democratic entities
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Banning the wearing of the HIJAB in public
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Justice for Archie Lateef Hart
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
49 signatures
Autism Assistance Dogs Registration
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
90 signatures
Request to all academic institutions to test fire alarms at specific intervals for some days whenever students in halls tend to disturb other people
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
internet magna carta
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Petition to Close RETHINK 84-85 Marston Road Stafford
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
MP's should take personal responsibility for terrorism
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
MP's should take personal responsibility for terrorism
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Further subsidise train travel in the UK and reduce regional fare disparity
Submitted on Monday 29th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
Get Pro Clubs on Fifa 15 for Xbox 360
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Study at School.
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Fine for being drunk
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
4 signatures
No to a communist Hong Kong
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
9 signatures
UK Government to Support Hong Kong Democracy and to Prevent A Second Tiananmen Massacre in Hong Kong
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Grant Oscar Wilde a Posthumous Pardon
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
8 signatures
Calling on British government to defend Hong Kong
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Make alcohol and smoking illegal
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Friday 3rd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
Hong Kong requests Great Britain for urgent help
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Bring back hanging for paedophiles, serial murderers and serial rapists (if the proof is strong enough; dna, cctv, fingerprints).
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Let Lee James have an Appeal
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Support Hong Kong Democracy and Prevent A Second Tiananmen Massacre in Hong Kong
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Concern on the violence action the violent action from Hong Kong Police against the unarmed Civilians
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
British government: condemn authorities' use of violence against peaceful demonstrators in Hong Kong
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
UK to oblige its Sino-British joint declaration to support democracy in Hong Kong.
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
13 signatures
Make the road outside deepoint primary school safe with more road markings and more parking
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back Capital Punishment
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Recall the MP for Braintree
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Change child sex abuse laws
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
england should get to vote whether to stay in the uk
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Limit children's access to electronic devices and mobile technology
Submitted on Sunday 28th September 2014
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
Islamic State is not a state
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Thursday 2nd October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
7 signatures
Ofsted complaints open to freedom of information
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: honours
Stop the unnecessary euthanasia of healthy animals.
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Monday 29th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
12 signatures
No referendum on Scottish independence for 100 years
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
EA to fix servers and recompense UT players.
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: irrelevant
Reconsider Dual Carriageway through Ingleby Barwick
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Monday 6th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
45 signatures
create heritage route 23 between trafalgar sq and paddington using rml's
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2 signatures
make wearing an helmet while riding a bicycle compulsory
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 9th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
3 signatures
UKIP's Nigel Farage to be involved in ALL 2015 General Election televised debates
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
2,196 signatures
Support Hong Kong Democracy and Prevent A Second Tiananmen Massacre in Hong Kong
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: duplicate
Urban Exploration Law Reform
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Tuesday 30th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
1 signatures
We reject the Parliament vote to commence further military action in the Middle East
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Rejected on Wednesday 21st June 2017 - reason: no-action
Support Hong Kong Democracy and Prevent A Second Tiananmen Massacre in Hong Kong
Submitted on Saturday 27th September 2014
Open from Wednesday 1st October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
15 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:56:15 +0000