Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Make it law so that the NHS will always be in public hands
Open from Monday 21st March 2016 to Wednesday 21st September 2016
10,165 signatures
for the government to provide funding , equipment and the specialist staff
Open from Sunday 20th March 2016 to Tuesday 20th September 2016
12 signatures
Any consideration-wholly or partially-of NHS Professionals must be debated fully
Open from Sunday 20th March 2016 to Tuesday 20th September 2016
33 signatures
Spend ALL Surplus National Insurance Payments On The NHS
Open from Sunday 20th March 2016 to Tuesday 20th September 2016
624 signatures
Provide prime time TV warnings about carbon monoxide poisoning to save lives
Open from Sunday 20th March 2016 to Tuesday 20th September 2016
1,158 signatures
Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
26 signatures
Arthritis/Anklyosing Spondylitis to be added to the NHS medical exempt list.
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
2,626 signatures
Review the NHS111/Ambulance Service and ensure adequate governance/safeguarding.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
473 signatures
Save Violet Melchett Health Centre in Chelsea from Closure
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
21 signatures
Get Chiropractors working in the NHS
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
37 signatures
Food tolerance testing on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
7 signatures
Make Crown Indemnity available to all NHS GP practices in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,207 signatures
Allow Pensioners free dental treament
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
8 signatures
Implement a Fibroids Education Awareness and Screening Program
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
27 signatures
Increase NHS Pay in Accordance with the Living Wage Increases
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
5,486 signatures
Tax "junk foods", & give the money to Companies who produce healthy products.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
24 signatures
Call an emergency parliament session to properly discuss NHS Reinstatement Bill.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
14,434 signatures
Flash glucose monitoring systems to be available on the NHS.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
318 signatures
Make companies legally obliged to allow staff time off work to donate blood
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
18 signatures
Make Parking free for doctors in NHS.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
10 signatures
Free IVF treatment for women with diagnosed fertility problems.
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2016 to Friday 9th September 2016
5,226 signatures
The NHS MUST stop giving free treatment to immigrants immediately!
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2016 to Friday 9th September 2016
31 signatures
Balance bike lessons on the National Curriculum for all Early Years children.
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2016 to Friday 9th September 2016
83 signatures
Abolish PFI contracts in the NHS
Open from Wednesday 9th March 2016 to Friday 9th September 2016
13 signatures
Demand a public inquiry into how EU medical expenses have been going unclaimed.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
19 signatures
Free fruit should be given to children in schools! To promote healthilyLifestyle
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
20 signatures
Provide funding for makaton training to all healthcare professionals for free.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
68 signatures
Make Cannabis Oil (THC & CBD) Legal and Available on the NHS in the UK
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
4,283 signatures
Ban artificial colours (E numbers) from children's medicine in the UK
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
72 signatures
Support breastfeeding mothers by giving us access to specialists when we need it
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
3,680 signatures
Formation of an independent public inquiry into the governments 7 day NHS plans.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
928 signatures
DWP to recognise Hidradenitis Suppurativa as a debilitating medical condition.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
330 signatures
We, the public, call for an emergency re-run of the general election.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
8,603 signatures
Give the Meningitis B vaccine to all UK children by cutting overseas aid budget
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
34 signatures
Allow pharmacists to have basic prescribing rights for minor illnesses
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
15 signatures
Make basic healthcare part of the curriculum in high schools.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
54 signatures
Introduce NHS funding for Forensic Psychology doctorate students
Open from Monday 29th February 2016 to Monday 29th August 2016
137 signatures
Hold a General Election in 2016
Open from Monday 29th February 2016 to Monday 29th August 2016
177,014 signatures
Ensure Fair access to mental health services and therapies, nationwide.
Open from Monday 29th February 2016 to Monday 29th August 2016
155 signatures
Give People of England a referendum on creating a devolved English Parliament
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
28 signatures
Stop HS2 & fund the NHS & West/East Coast mainlines for the same or less cost!
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
91 signatures
Provide a Suit/Professional clothing Allowance for all Citizens.
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
36 signatures
Increase the rate of pay for NHS Nurses.
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
109 signatures
Remove or reduce Parliament’s recess dates
Open from Friday 26th February 2016 to Friday 26th August 2016
125 signatures
An urgent review of life saving cancer drugs
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
3,067 signatures
Ensure everyone has access to TV and radio whilst staying in a UK NHS hospital.
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
25 signatures
Offer equal opportunity across the uk to all couples for ivf funding in the nhs
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
3,813 signatures
Provide male domestic violence/rape helpline information in men's toilets.
Open from Thursday 25th February 2016 to Thursday 25th August 2016
81 signatures
Stop using the unfair Carr-Hill formula to fund GP practices in England
Open from Wednesday 24th February 2016 to Wednesday 24th August 2016
26 signatures
Abolish the CCG system established in 2013
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2016 to Tuesday 23rd August 2016
30 signatures
Make bridging hormone prescriptions easier to obtain for transgender people
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2016 to Tuesday 23rd August 2016
1,942 signatures
I want the government to STOP the privatization of the UK.
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
22 signatures
Add Multiple Sclerosis to the Medical Exemption list and revise the entire list.
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
95 signatures
Ensure those who live in supported housing are exempt from the LHA cap.
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
4,506 signatures
SOS: Save Our Surgery- The University Health Centre Huddersfield Is Under Threat
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
1,552 signatures
Label baby food "suitable from 6 months" as per W.H.O and N.H.S recommendation.
Open from Monday 22nd February 2016 to Monday 22nd August 2016
80 signatures
Government to invest in Neuroblastoma relapse treatment(common childrens cancer)
Open from Friday 19th February 2016 to Friday 19th August 2016
5,319 signatures
Provide better and quicker mental health services in England.
Open from Friday 19th February 2016 to Friday 19th August 2016
76 signatures
Instigate a National 'End of Life Wishes' Day via NHS, Councils, Schools, Homes
Open from Thursday 18th February 2016 to Thursday 18th August 2016
25 signatures
Stop poaching healthcare professions from 3rd world and poorer nations.
Open from Thursday 18th February 2016 to Thursday 18th August 2016
11 signatures
Introduce a Fixed Penalty Notice and Fine - Excessive Alcohol Consumption in A&E
Open from Thursday 18th February 2016 to Thursday 18th August 2016
39 signatures
Help me get back nhs ivf for mid and north east essex
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
127 signatures
Offer the NHS breast screening service to all women over the age of 21.
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
100 signatures
Call for a vote of no confidence for David Cameron
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
168 signatures
Support the work of Maternity Services Liaison Committees nationwide
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
197 signatures
Make the details of bids for public sector provision in the NHS public.
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
35 signatures
Jeremy Hunt to work shifts with Doctor's and Nurses to comprehend NHS stress.
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
190 signatures
Secretary of State for Health must be or have been a senior medical practitioner
Open from Wednesday 17th February 2016 to Wednesday 17th August 2016
3,059 signatures
Give the NHS back to the people. The NHS is a service paid by the taxpayer.
Open from Tuesday 16th February 2016 to Tuesday 16th August 2016
74 signatures
A referendum keeping the NHS free for the nation at the service delivery point.
Open from Monday 15th February 2016 to Monday 15th August 2016
195 signatures
Make it illegal to privatise the NHS
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
104 signatures
Support individuals with Electrosensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
890 signatures
Stop selling off public assets in the false name of austerity.
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
109 signatures
Make it a legal requirement to set minimum nurse staffing levels on acute wards.
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
76 signatures
For Jeremy Hunt NOT to impose the new junior doctor contracts.
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
347 signatures
pay off all the NHS PFI debt. without reducing the current NHS budget
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
217 signatures
NHS doctors should not be allowed to charge fees for care home visits
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
7 signatures
Invest in a single nuclear deterrent with USA, France & Europe and stop Trident
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
11 signatures
Consider a vote of No Confidence in Jeremy Hunt, Health Secretary
Open from Thursday 11th February 2016 to Thursday 11th August 2016
339,925 signatures
Student nurses & midwives should get paid for hrs worked if bursary is scrapped
Open from Thursday 11th February 2016 to Thursday 11th August 2016
808 signatures
Improve the salary and working conditions of Junior Doctors
Open from Thursday 11th February 2016 to Thursday 11th August 2016
16 signatures
Jeremy Hunt to resume meaningful contract negotiations with the BMA.
Open from Thursday 11th February 2016 to Thursday 11th August 2016
120,680 signatures
Hold referendum on NHS as public service funded by progressive general taxation.
Open from Wednesday 10th February 2016 to Wednesday 10th August 2016
4,816 signatures
Raise awareness in the NHS of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
Open from Wednesday 10th February 2016 to Wednesday 10th August 2016
49 signatures
Make it mandatory that all schools+colleges have atleast 1 full time counsellor
Open from Tuesday 9th February 2016 to Tuesday 9th August 2016
451 signatures
Investigate and address the NHS Paramedic recruitment and retention crisis
Open from Tuesday 9th February 2016 to Tuesday 9th August 2016
103 signatures
Vote on freezing foreign aid handouts for the next 4 years
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
45 signatures
Extend Coroner jurisdiction to examine unexpected Stillbirth in Labour\Delivery
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
722 signatures
MPs who use private healthcare should be barred from voting on the NHS
Open from Friday 5th February 2016 to Friday 5th August 2016
28 signatures
Please bring back nhs funding for fertility treatment in South Norfolk.
Open from Friday 5th February 2016 to Friday 5th August 2016
143 signatures
NHS to provide an optional antenatal class for mums with one or more child.
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
42 signatures
The NHS must be funded by a separate tax, with all funds going exclusively to it
Open from Thursday 4th February 2016 to Thursday 4th August 2016
16 signatures
Make it so only Doctors take managerial positions in the NHS
Open from Friday 29th January 2016 to Friday 29th July 2016
37 signatures
Stop giving Essure (a permanent method of sterilisation) on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 27th January 2016 to Wednesday 27th July 2016
81 signatures
Introduce blood testing to the diagnosis process of mental health illnesses
Open from Tuesday 26th January 2016 to Tuesday 26th July 2016
73 signatures
Have the House of Commons debate TTIP and implications for the UK as a whole.
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
20,018 signatures
Stop the government scrapping Attendance Allowance (AA)
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
3,033 signatures
Reinvest the Google tax bill settlement in the NHS.
Open from Monday 25th January 2016 to Monday 25th July 2016
20 signatures
Require government bodies to allow use of gender-neutral honorifics e.g. "Mx"
Open from Sunday 24th January 2016 to Sunday 24th July 2016
1,278 signatures
Stop NHS England offering PET/CT services to private companies such as Alliance
Open from Sunday 24th January 2016 to Sunday 24th July 2016
34 signatures Mon, 24 Feb 2025 01:35:20 +0000