Ban Sharia Courts
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th February 2012
354 signatures
Increase funding for end of life care
Open from Friday 17th May 2024 to Wednesday 29th May 2024
353 signatures
Require cyclists display registration, pay road tax and have insurance
Open from Tuesday 19th September 2023 to Tuesday 19th March 2024
353 signatures
Review how patients are diagnosed and treated under the Mental Health Act
Open from Tuesday 19th April 2022 to Wednesday 2nd November 2022
353 signatures
Allow wedding receptions in Tier 3 in line with wakes
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
353 signatures
Reintroduce shielding with financial support
Open from Tuesday 20th October 2020 to Tuesday 20th April 2021
353 signatures
Make any bailouts for UK airlines conditional on reducing emissions
Open from Thursday 23rd April 2020 to Friday 23rd October 2020
353 signatures
Make it a criminal offence in the UK not to report discovering a death
Open from Tuesday 27th November 2018 to Monday 27th May 2019
353 signatures
Reduce the risk of flooding by halting major developments on our floodplains
Open from Tuesday 14th November 2017 to Monday 14th May 2018
353 signatures
Allow people who need IVF to have babies to have 2 live births through the NHS.
Open from Friday 27th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
353 signatures
Stop all Funding to the EU
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
353 signatures
Ban supermarkets from throwing away/ spoiling unsold food.
Lets feed the needy!
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
353 signatures
Include SMEs in Carrier Bag Levy
Open from Monday 1st December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
353 signatures
Ban the use of methylisothiazolinone in uk
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Monday 2nd June 2014
353 signatures
Free Prescription for Students
Open from Thursday 4th July 2013 to Friday 4th July 2014
353 signatures
Wheelie Bins needed for Newquay/Cornwall
Open from Wednesday 3rd July 2013 to Thursday 3rd July 2014
353 signatures
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
353 signatures
Leave clocks on British Summer Time all year round
Open from Thursday 31st August 2023 to Thursday 29th February 2024
352 signatures
Extend deadline and provide funding for supported housing to achieve EPC rating
Open from Tuesday 13th June 2023 to Wednesday 13th December 2023
352 signatures
Require local support services for families affected by substance abuse
Open from Thursday 5th May 2022 to Saturday 19th November 2022
352 signatures
Allow those who suffer from Coeliac Disease to join the Armed Forces
Open from Thursday 5th March 2020 to Saturday 5th September 2020
352 signatures
In further public vote on course of leaving the EU, "Remain" not an option shown
Open from Monday 26th November 2018 to Sunday 26th May 2019
352 signatures
Make malicious, false reports or allegations to authorities a criminal offence.
Open from Monday 12th March 2018 to Wednesday 12th September 2018
352 signatures
Produce statutory guidance on how universities should support Dyslexic students.
Open from Wednesday 24th January 2018 to Tuesday 24th July 2018
352 signatures
Mandatory for alcoholic drinks to display the dangers of alcohol when pregnant
Open from Wednesday 20th December 2017 to Wednesday 20th June 2018
352 signatures
Stop the Government sending £1.3 billion in foreign aid to China.
Open from Saturday 11th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
352 signatures
Private companies doing work for the NHS should display their logos on site.
Open from Friday 16th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
352 signatures
Change planning laws so all New House Builds must have hedgehog holes in fences
Open from Monday 8th February 2016 to Monday 8th August 2016
352 signatures
Exempt National Insurance contributing migrants from the proposed immigration health surcharge
Open from Friday 27th March 2015 to Monday 30th March 2015
352 signatures
Milton Lockhart Estate
Open from Thursday 6th March 2014 to Friday 6th March 2015
352 signatures
Issue birth certificates for all babies born still from 10 weeks gestation.
Open from Friday 10th March 2023 to Sunday 10th September 2023
351 signatures
Fund HPV home tests as an alternative to cervical screening
Open from Friday 10th March 2023 to Sunday 10th September 2023
351 signatures
Hold a referendum on England becoming independent from the UK
Open from Monday 30th May 2022 to Wednesday 14th December 2022
351 signatures
Introduce character education to the curriculum under PSHE
Open from Tuesday 16th March 2021 to Thursday 16th September 2021
351 signatures
Publish details of arts and heritage package and provide guidance for sectors
Open from Monday 3rd August 2020 to Wednesday 3rd February 2021
351 signatures
Prioritise keyworkers being vaccinated against COVID-19 first for free
Open from Wednesday 1st July 2020 to Friday 1st January 2021
351 signatures
Stop Natural England revoking GL04, GL05 & GL06 licences to shoot birds
Open from Monday 13th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
351 signatures
Mandatory training for Police and DV Agencies about DV Issues in BME Communities
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2018 to Thursday 13th September 2018
351 signatures
Introduce a 10-day guarantee for safer, simpler and faster pension switching
Open from Monday 20th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
351 signatures
Decisions must be issued within 6 months after asylum is claimed
Open from Friday 16th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
351 signatures
Keep the Ellen Badger Minor Injuries Unit, Shipston, open 24 hours
Open from Monday 15th December 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
351 signatures
Urgent Revision of sentencing for driving offences
Open from Thursday 5th June 2014 to Friday 5th September 2014
351 signatures
Stop the plans to turn Salford into Manchester
Open from Thursday 22nd September 2011 to Saturday 22nd September 2012
351 signatures
Create an independent regulatory body for MPs like other professionals
Open from Wednesday 5th July 2023 to Friday 5th January 2024
350 signatures
Require water companies to pay a rebate when untreated sewage is discharged
Open from Friday 14th April 2023 to Saturday 14th October 2023
350 signatures
Make university fees free
Open from Tuesday 10th March 2020 to Thursday 10th September 2020
350 signatures
Support and promote a Military Spouse Appreciation Day in the UK
Open from Friday 18th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
350 signatures
Public confidence in MPs
Open from Wednesday 27th March 2013 to Thursday 27th March 2014
350 signatures
Financial Protection for Gift Cards/Vouchers when companies go into administration.
Open from Thursday 8th November 2012 to Friday 8th November 2013
350 signatures
Academy schools should not be forced on parents by the government
Open from Wednesday 15th February 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
350 signatures
Mandatory life sentence for involvement in trafficking women & children for sex
Open from Thursday 7th April 2022 to Friday 21st October 2022
349 signatures
Inquiry into treatment of those with mental disorders by justice system
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Monday 5th July 2021
349 signatures
Home fee status for EU students in UK after August 2021
Open from Tuesday 18th August 2020 to Thursday 18th February 2021
349 signatures
Legislate that the National Health Service cannot be part of any trade deal.
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2020 to Thursday 28th January 2021
349 signatures
Grant student mothers the same protections as working mothers
Open from Monday 24th September 2018 to Sunday 24th March 2019
349 signatures
Make a fair, set amount of maintenance per child and not 25% of income!
Open from Wednesday 7th February 2018 to Tuesday 7th August 2018
349 signatures
Make equine strangles notifiable to DEFRA
Open from Wednesday 29th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
349 signatures
Drop the 7 Day NHS manifesto - it's not safe.
Open from Wednesday 18th November 2015 to Wednesday 18th May 2016
349 signatures
Allow the creation of new tax-payer funded grammar schools.
Open from Monday 19th October 2015 to Tuesday 19th April 2016
349 signatures
Right to vote for British Citizens irrespective of where they are registered
Open from Tuesday 28th July 2015 to Thursday 28th January 2016
349 signatures
CHC funding and Primary Health Needs need to be defined and not just "concepts"
Open from Friday 28th February 2014 to Saturday 28th February 2015
349 signatures
Save HMS Plymouth from the scrapyard
Open from Tuesday 22nd October 2013 to Wednesday 22nd October 2014
349 signatures
GP Increase their lack of knowledge regarding Fibromyalgia
Open from Thursday 23rd August 2012 to Friday 23rd August 2013
349 signatures
Paediatric CPR & Basic First Aid to be given to expectant Parents during Ante Natal Care
Open from Monday 27th February 2012 to Wednesday 27th February 2013
349 signatures
Rescind the law on the Sale of Incandescent light bulbs
Open from Wednesday 2nd November 2011 to Friday 2nd November 2012
349 signatures
Make helmets a legal requirement for all self-propelled vehicles
Open from Monday 25th July 2022 to Wednesday 8th February 2023
348 signatures
Hold a referendum on making Cornwall a constituent nation of the UK
Open from Tuesday 8th June 2021 to Wednesday 8th December 2021
348 signatures
Take South Kesteven & South Holland out of Tier 3
Open from Thursday 3rd December 2020 to Thursday 3rd June 2021
348 signatures
Pass law to ensure no unsaleable goods are destroyed but donated to good causes.
Open from Tuesday 10th March 2020 to Thursday 10th September 2020
348 signatures
Require all school transport to use child locks
Open from Tuesday 8th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
348 signatures
Honour the Righteous Among the Nations at the UK Holocaust Memorial
Open from Tuesday 12th March 2019 to Thursday 12th September 2019
348 signatures
Follow France’ lead and ban all five pesticides linked to bee deaths
Open from Monday 18th March 2019 to Wednesday 18th September 2019
348 signatures
Employ IDVA's (independent domestic violence advocate) in ALL family courts
Open from Monday 4th February 2019 to Sunday 4th August 2019
348 signatures
Promote plant-based lifestyles
Open from Tuesday 23rd October 2018 to Tuesday 23rd April 2019
348 signatures
Provide and fund a home education for 16-19 yrs olds with chronic conditions
Open from Friday 4th November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
348 signatures
Hold an urgent referendum to change voting to Proportional Representation.
Open from Thursday 30th June 2016 to Friday 30th December 2016
348 signatures
Please make it LAW to Scan all animals on a regular basis at the vets
Open from Tuesday 28th June 2016 to Wednesday 28th December 2016
348 signatures
Make staff happiness an inspection criteria for Ofsted.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
348 signatures
Mothers Know Best/ For Beth - Title of ; Law Bethany's Law
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2012 to Thursday 6th June 2013
348 signatures
All airbrushed images in advertising and the media should be clearly labelled as being so.
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
348 signatures
The impact of green policies on household energy bills
Open from Tuesday 6th September 2011 to Thursday 6th September 2012
348 signatures
Stop all smart motorways and re-instate all hard shoulders
Open from Tuesday 30th April 2024 to Wednesday 29th May 2024
347 signatures
Fund extension of NHS LSF bursary for students taking a 2nd degree
Open from Tuesday 5th January 2021 to Monday 5th July 2021
347 signatures
Require councils to add shades to LED street lamps automatically
Open from Friday 11th December 2020 to Friday 11th June 2021
347 signatures
Provide grant assistance for electric vehicle conversions
Open from Tuesday 9th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
347 signatures
Make it illegal for cycle races/time trials to race on open, public ways/roads.
Open from Friday 22nd June 2018 to Saturday 22nd December 2018
347 signatures
Legalise a new class of light electric vehicles
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
347 signatures
Give grieving parents of a stillborn baby a birth certificate
Open from Tuesday 17th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
347 signatures
Amend the recall of parliament act 2015 to allow the electorate to dismiss MPs
Open from Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
347 signatures
For Jeremy Hunt NOT to impose the new junior doctor contracts.
Open from Friday 12th February 2016 to Friday 12th August 2016
347 signatures
Switch the UK voting system from FPTP to single transferable vote.
Open from Tuesday 9th February 2016 to Tuesday 9th August 2016
347 signatures
Reconsider the awarding of the c2c franchise in view of December 2015 timetable
Open from Wednesday 16th December 2015 to Thursday 16th June 2016
347 signatures
Ban Sharia Laws in the UK
Open from Monday 15th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
347 signatures
Animal Welfare Funding in the UK
Open from Friday 31st January 2014 to Saturday 31st January 2015
347 signatures
Repeal of Chancel Repair Liability Act of 1932
Open from Wednesday 11th September 2013 to Thursday 11th September 2014
347 signatures
Free use of disability bus passes before 9:30 AM
Open from Monday 5th August 2013 to Wednesday 5th February 2014
347 signatures
Change the IVF criteria and STOP the Postcode lottery
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
347 signatures
Ban and remove IPP Sentencing for prisoners
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
347 signatures
Change squatters rights
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
347 signatures
Take concrete steps against Israeli settlements in Palestine
Open from Thursday 4th January 2024 to Wednesday 29th May 2024
346 signatures Mon, 10 Mar 2025 01:48:23 +0000