All the petitions which closed in March 2014, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Imprison Disqualified Drivers caught driving
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
3 signatures
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
508 signatures
Parking ticket charges
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
6 signatures
Make it an offence to leave Diesel engines running outside of schools when children are present
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
3 signatures
gas reserves
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
4 signatures
Make Alternative energies available
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
3 signatures
Ban Grey Imports
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
2 signatures
Romanian expats not scroungers
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
31 signatures
id cards
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
13 signatures
Women born in 1950's to lose out yet again in Pension Robbery
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
32 signatures
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
3 signatures
Petition for a televised debate between the Prime Minister and First Minister of Scotland, regarding Scottish independence.
Open from Tuesday 24th September 2013 to Monday 24th March 2014
1,792 signatures
Please provide an alternative connection to the new 101 non geographic number
Open from Tuesday 24th December 2013 to Monday 24th March 2014
3 signatures
Save Toton's Green Belt
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
12 signatures
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
2 signatures
Stop Widnes,Cheshire becoming part of Merseyside in April 2014
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
1,204 signatures
Save Workington fire engine / Oppose all Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service cuts
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
114 signatures
Accurate monitoring & recording of Bulgarian & Romanian citizens
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
1 signatures
Record and publish accurate data for all (non British) EU citizens entering & leaving the UK from January 2014
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
2 signatures
Judge Gillian Matthews
Open from Monday 23rd September 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
61 signatures
dual passport holders
Open from Monday 23rd September 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
10 signatures
EFRA Select Committee: Take primate welfare seriously and ban the trade in primates as pets
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
2,005 signatures
Swakeleys Pole Hill Road to be made wider
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
1 signatures
New icons for the new banknotes
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
2 signatures
Change to dog breeding laws
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
6,772 signatures
Set up a commision to assess those of foreign nationality claiming benefits
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
4 signatures
Make discriminating against people because they have ginger hair illegal.
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
55 signatures
Levy a fine for any email spam sender.
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
4 signatures
No government money to be spent on the Olympic stadium when West Ham take it over.
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
34 signatures
The Ashes should be free to air on UK TV
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
8 signatures
nuicance calls
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
18 signatures
NHS patients should contribute to their hospital food and accommodation costs.
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
3 signatures
Don't Blame Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
1 signatures
Free Tampons Available to All Who Require Them
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
172 signatures
Reinstate Child Benefit for One Earner Families
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
15 signatures
Childcare Vouchers Now!
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
2 signatures
Tax credits for single people working 16 - 20 hours a week
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
7 signatures
'Firstbuy', 'Help to buy' and other such financial assistance schemes should be scrapped
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
522 signatures
Consider a Brandon relief road after A11 dualling
Open from Friday 22nd March 2013 to Saturday 22nd March 2014
56 signatures
Don't tax our bedrooms government
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
15 signatures
Family Courts Need More Powers
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
2 signatures
HMS liverpool to be berthed in liverpool as per HMS Belfast is in London
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
16 signatures
Discrimination to ask someone for ID because they look young for their age. Judging someone like this is wrong. Everyone to be asked or no one.
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
2 signatures
Do we need to have repeated CRB documents
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
2 signatures
Bomber Command Medal
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
395 signatures
Give the Paras back their parachutes
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
37 signatures
Eradicate Plastic Carrier Bags Now
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
12 signatures
Ban the advertisement for military recruitment
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
12 signatures
Protected status for the Lincolnshire Sausage
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
4 signatures
Ban Nicotine Based Fertilisers and Save the Bees and Humanity (EU ban)
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
134 signatures
Equal benefit payments
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
2 signatures
Allow Conjugal visits in all uk prisons
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
60 signatures
Mothers should be prosecuted for child abuse if their baby is born with FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
17 signatures
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
20 signatures
Change the law surrounding domestic abuse
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
8 signatures
Reduce extortionate prison telephone costs
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
5 signatures
Make it illegal for those fighting deportation to have access to ANY amount of money from the UK Legal Aid Fund.
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
11 signatures
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
794 signatures
revisit all child sexual abuse cases
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
7 signatures
Train service Scarborough to Whitby
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
38 signatures
Age of sexual consent
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
8 signatures
Re-train Health Visitors
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
7 signatures
Prohibit smoking for post-millennium birth dates.
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
15 signatures
Investigation in to the appointment of Assistant Police & Crime Commissioners in Northamptonshire
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
125 signatures
Fat Tax
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
4 signatures
Stop the closure of the HMRC Enquiry Centre Network
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
1,810 signatures
Update the 1844 Bank Charter Act to include electronic money
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
4 signatures
Stop using UK taxpayer pounds to fund EU bailouts by the back door.
Open from Thursday 21st March 2013 to Friday 21st March 2014
9 signatures
Keep the empty homes exempt from council tax at 6 months
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
8 signatures
Recognise pagan religion
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
8 signatures
community service work
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
2 signatures
stop immgrants geting council houses first
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
117 signatures
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
54 signatures
Stop arming the terrorists in Syria
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
43 signatures
Legisate to prevent government raiding personal bank accounts as is happening in Cyprus
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
5 signatures
Recognise the Republic of China (Taiwan) and open formal diplomatic relations with the state
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
2 signatures
United Service Users Committee (USUC) save our drop-in with coummunity care workes.
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
10 signatures
Room to Care - for the elderly
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
3 signatures
IT Equipment VAT Price Reduction
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
2 signatures
Scrap inheritance tax completely
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
80 signatures
Lower the cost of Road Tax
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
7 signatures
Free Public Transport
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
4 signatures
lift restrictions on the type of firearms that can be used in UK firing ranges
Open from Wednesday 20th March 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
6 signatures
Dulverton Middle School - Overturn the reduction in funding of rural schools
Open from Friday 20th December 2013 to Thursday 20th March 2014
24 signatures
Force Facebook to make it possible for users to be unsearchable by name
Open from Thursday 19th December 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
15 signatures
Tighter regulation of companies offering payment by Direct Debit
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
10 signatures
Regulation by quota, of "Recruitment Agency" jobs
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
16 signatures
Unsolicited mail and phone calls
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
36 signatures
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
2 signatures
Stop the Abuse&Neglect Of Ponys And Donkeys In Asian Countries
Open from Thursday 19th September 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
4 signatures
Create a Emergency Broadcast System for the UK.
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
17 signatures
Abolish the House of Lords
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
14 signatures
Regulate Facebook Images
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
4 signatures
Regulate Digital Rights Management
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
1 signatures
Regulate Weapon Information
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
2 signatures
birkenhead institute ww1 memorial pavillion
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
12 signatures
Stop any restrictions being put on Freedom of the Press
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
15 signatures
Stop porn on social networking sites!
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
16 signatures
That the UK Government ratify the 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
24 signatures
Make Poker clubs separate to Casinos
Open from Tuesday 19th March 2013 to Wednesday 19th March 2014
1 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:30:30 +0000