All the petitions which closed in March 2016, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Revive our secondary education by making all subjects mandatory till 18 yrs old.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
13 signatures
Deny all refugees entering the UK full British Citizenship in the future.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
416 signatures
Hold David Cameron to his word, a cap of no more than 20,000 refugees in the UK.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
107 signatures
Protect Syrians in Syria not take 20,000 migrants.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
57 signatures
Accept lone child refugees who have already made the journey to Europe
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
1,252 signatures
Make the GCSE's the same as previous years, make no changes for 2017.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
50 signatures
Make Winston Churchill's birthday, 30th November, a UK bank holiday.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
89 signatures
Reduce road tax for low emission vehicles in 2017
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
13 signatures
Allow parents to decide whether or not twins should stay together in class.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
13 signatures
For an enquiry into the BBC's lack of impartiality.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
173 signatures
Refugees Should only be children women the sick & elderly.Not any man aged 18-55
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
207 signatures
Help Free Syrian Army by all means necessary to bring democracy & peace to Syria
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
9 signatures
Debate the effect on the refugee crisis of UK's role in arming sectarian groups.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
35 signatures
Money for our homeless,orphan's,elderly,veteran's, mentally ill,and disabled.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
53 signatures
The priority to accept Syrian asylum seekers who have relatives in UK
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
1,516 signatures
Do not arrest Benjamin Netanyahu when he arrives in London.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
17 signatures
Provide greater, official budgetary funding and support for the homeless.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
43 signatures
Broadband providers advertised speeds should be available to 50% of customers
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
20 signatures
Punish those who steal someone's pet with an automatic 10 years extra sentence.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
64 signatures
Have a UK vote on how much the govt can spend on war, aid & non-british Citizens
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
64 signatures
The government need to do more to help our homeless veterans
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
2,089 signatures
Stop taking advantage of our young, put quality over quantity on apprenticeships
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
21 signatures
Urge Israel to grant right of return to Palestinian Refugees fleeing Syria
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
40 signatures
We demand the UK Government stops immigration from Muslim majority countries.
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
695 signatures
RAF Aircrews who flew from Italy should be awarded the Bomber Command Clasp .
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
5,792 signatures
Prohibit the building of mosques in the UK
Open from Thursday 10th September 2015 to Thursday 10th March 2016
23,141 signatures
Raise income tax by 1% (ie 20% becomes 20.2%) towards funding refugee aid
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
7 signatures
Prioritize Christians and Yazidis for asylum in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
316 signatures
Standardizing the work week to 4 days with a 3 day weekend.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
225 signatures
Two classes of state pension from April - unfair and unjust - remedy required
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
1,318 signatures
Children must speak English, before being allowed to attend any UK state school.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
126 signatures
Direct the PM to invoke Article 50, Treaty on European Union for UK to exit now.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
4,807 signatures
Make it a criminal offence to run over a cat
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
45 signatures
Compulsory education days in primary and senior school awareness of disibilities
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
247 signatures
Make owning a mobile phone with internet access illegal for those under 14 years
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
16 signatures
Give no benefits or housing to legal immigrants or asylum seekers.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
66 signatures
Introduce free mental health training as part of every university health course
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
14 signatures
Introduce a tax on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and alcohol to fund support groups.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
23 signatures
Ban the sale of products containing the chemical PPD (para-phenylenediamine)
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
182 signatures
To demand a no fuss IN/OUT referendum on the EU within the next six months.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
222 signatures
Pressure to be placed on US government, to ban dolphin and whale captivity.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
22 signatures
Take in charge shipping cost of containers to send to refugees camps in Greece.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
40 signatures
Give stay to asylum seekers who have been here more than 5 years
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
29 signatures
Government to build housing for ex service men/woman. So not to end up homeless
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
38 signatures
Ban smoking outside entrances of public buildings (especially hospitals)
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
87 signatures
Consider building a MP's apartment complex in London to save taxpayers money
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
18 signatures
Increase earnings limit for carers before affecting their carers allowance
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
38 signatures
Stop Economic Migrants entering the UK
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
78 signatures
The authorities should reserve the right to revoke all asylum granted.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
145 signatures
Utilise the British military resources to bring migrants and refugees to the UK.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
10 signatures
Reinstate all of the drugs recently removed from the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF)
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
3,343 signatures
Begin taking these petitions seriously, and actually debate them as you should
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
39 signatures
get all British homeless into houses before other countries
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
72 signatures
Recognise Advanced Nurse Practitioners as playing a crucial role within the NHS
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
1,646 signatures
Enforce/inform the public to move left on the motorway while not overtaking
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
33 signatures
Stop the entry to the UK of migrants given passports in other EEC countries
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
1,013 signatures
Open up empty property to the homeless and refugees.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
49 signatures
Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
463,501 signatures
Allow Asylum Seekers to be registered at UK embassy/consular offices Europe wide
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
2,191 signatures
Not tax compulsory overtime that civil servants, crown servants do due to work
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
8 signatures
Change asylum policy to allow people to claim asylum from foreign countries
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
148 signatures
Set a limit on Refugees we can take based on a budget taken out of foreign aid.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
23 signatures
Refugee uk national vote: do we or don't we let them in?
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
14 signatures
petition for a vote of no confidence in the government
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
16 signatures
Ask Hungarian Government to accept Humanitarian aid, UNHCR support for refugees.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
26 signatures
Prioritise Christian refugees from the Syrian crisis.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
196 signatures
Continuous blood glucose monitoring for diabetics to be funded by NHS
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
10,879 signatures
Save Hamza Bendelladj of Algeria from death sentence. UK government pressure US.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
24 signatures
I want veterans to be treated better than migrants and political refugees.
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
237 signatures
Kinder Transport (Child Transport) for the orphaned/displaced children of Syria
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
28 signatures
Reverse the decision to allow "thousands" of Syrian migrants into the UK
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
19,012 signatures
Change the 100 year rule for public viewing of a National Census
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
27 signatures
Condemn the Palestinian's terrorist government for its rocket attacks on Israel
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
20 signatures
stop the BBC licence procecution service from hurting lives with Balliffs !
Open from Wednesday 9th September 2015 to Wednesday 9th March 2016
35 signatures
Keep the free school meal program
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
828 signatures
Legislate to protect the identities of police officers for their personal safety
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
1,964 signatures
Have the national minimum wage at £7.50 per hour.
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
20 signatures
Take in Syrian refugees who are already stranded in the EU.
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
18 signatures
Resist emotional and political pressure to admit any more non EU citizens.
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
53 signatures
Deploy the Royal Navy to rescue and turn back migrant boats from EU shores
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
48 signatures
The UK should put pressure on the Saudi goverment to do more for Syrian refugees
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
66 signatures
New food labeling system where NATURAL & ADDED SUGAR amounts are clearly stated
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
22 signatures
Emergency referendum on the migrant crisis
Open from Tuesday 8th September 2015 to Tuesday 8th March 2016
14 signatures
Easier transport for blind and disabled
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
210 signatures
No more asylum seekers let into the UK and no benefits for 4 years in the UK.
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
79 signatures
Make those British Subjects who support non-EU migration legally responsible.
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
112 signatures
Make it illegal to buy/sell personal data
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
60 signatures
Help fund University tuition fees for Asylum seekers
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
8 signatures
Stop schools telling children how they can wear their hair
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
21 signatures
Refuse to take more asylum seekers. Support asylum seekers in other ways.
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
110 signatures
Limit credit cards to 10% of annual salary preventing people getting into debt.
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
12 signatures
Clearly show your face at any UK border
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
69 signatures
abolish the house of Lords and replace with an elected body of say 200 people
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
14 signatures
Re-evaluate the eligibility for Child Care Benefit
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
15 signatures
Put a minimum cap of £1.20 on 4 pints of milk to help farmers
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
12 signatures
Get the 'UK' out of the 'EU' NOW
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
8,368 signatures
I am starting this petition to demand an end to Greyhound racing in the UK.
Open from Monday 7th September 2015 to Monday 7th March 2016
1,278 signatures
Open from Friday 4th September 2015 to Friday 4th March 2016
21 signatures
Abraxane MUST be put back on CDF list to improve survival of pancreatic cancer
Open from Friday 4th September 2015 to Friday 4th March 2016
38,070 signatures
Allow for a disvote on Parliamentary petitions.
Open from Friday 4th September 2015 to Friday 4th March 2016
10 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:55:43 +0000