These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Legalize pepper spray as defense against dogs
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
27 signatures
Romanian influx NUmbers
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Wednesday 25th December 2013
27 signatures
Open from Wednesday 6th March 2013 to Thursday 6th March 2014
27 signatures
Open from Monday 4th March 2013 to Tuesday 4th March 2014
27 signatures
Distance Selling Regulations Review
Open from Friday 1st March 2013 to Saturday 1st March 2014
27 signatures
reduce VAT back to 17.5%
Open from Friday 15th February 2013 to Thursday 15th August 2013
27 signatures
To stop the possible disbanding of the Red Arrows as part of cost cutting.
Open from Monday 4th February 2013 to Tuesday 4th February 2014
27 signatures
Bill to end multiculturalism
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Tuesday 28th January 2014
27 signatures
Tyne Tunnel Toll Reduction
Open from Thursday 10th January 2013 to Friday 10th January 2014
27 signatures
Plain packaging of tobacco like Austrailia
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Tuesday 10th December 2013
27 signatures
Lack of Council housing for those that work and pay taxes
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Sunday 10th March 2013
27 signatures
government ripping off disabled people on esa how are we going to survive
Open from Wednesday 28th November 2012 to Thursday 28th November 2013
27 signatures
After 12 weeks of claiming Job Seekers Allowance - All claimaints should be made to do voluantry work within their local community.
Open from Monday 26th November 2012 to Tuesday 26th November 2013
27 signatures
Ensure that 'adult' prices are paid only by those officially recognised as adults by the United Kingdom's law, i.e. Anyone 18 years old and above.
Open from Monday 19th November 2012 to Tuesday 19th November 2013
27 signatures
Say No to the new GP Contract
Open from Thursday 15th November 2012 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
27 signatures
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Open from Tuesday 6th November 2012 to Tuesday 6th August 2013
27 signatures
Introduction of Legislation for the Protection of Static Holiday Caravan Owners
Open from Thursday 1st November 2012 to Friday 1st November 2013
27 signatures
Fine issuers of Vehicle Penalty Charges when they are wrongly issued
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Saturday 26th October 2013
27 signatures
Support continued use of European Arrest Warrants
Open from Tuesday 2nd October 2012 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
27 signatures
All new build housing developments to have fibre-optic or other high speed internet installed
Open from Wednesday 3rd October 2012 to Thursday 3rd October 2013
27 signatures
Parking permits for mobile care workers
Open from Tuesday 2nd October 2012 to Tuesday 2nd April 2013
27 signatures
Government Cabinet Ministers should have experience in their field
Open from Friday 21st September 2012 to Saturday 21st September 2013
27 signatures
Stop the government changing from GCSE to English Baccalaureate
Open from Friday 21st September 2012 to Thursday 21st March 2013
27 signatures
Noise Harassment
Open from Tuesday 2nd October 2012 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
27 signatures
Right to bear firearms, police to be armed, and ability to defend members of the community in trouble.
Open from Wednesday 19th September 2012 to Thursday 19th September 2013
27 signatures
Enforce current penalties for ignoring the Telephone Preference Service
Open from Wednesday 12th September 2012 to Thursday 12th September 2013
27 signatures
Dog Owners Licence
Open from Tuesday 28th August 2012 to Wednesday 28th August 2013
27 signatures
Inclusion of legal height restrictions for bamboo hedges in line with that for conifer and other hedges, fences & boundary walls
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
27 signatures
U.K C.M.O. 2006 policy to be updated to : At any time during pregnancy, alcohol consumption can harm your baby. National Campaign to be implemented.
Open from Wednesday 18th July 2012 to Thursday 18th July 2013
27 signatures
say no to reducing the 60 mph limit
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2012 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
27 signatures
Don't go back to the O-level keep the GCSE
Open from Thursday 28th June 2012 to Friday 28th June 2013
27 signatures
All British exam boards (AQA, OCR, Edexcel etc) should be merged to ensure fair testing.
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
27 signatures
Illegal Immigration Resolve
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2012 to Thursday 27th June 2013
27 signatures
Invest in worthy projects (like infrastructure, feeding poor households) in UK, not donating resources oversees (including India, China) willy-nilly
Open from Monday 28th May 2012 to Tuesday 28th May 2013
27 signatures
Childminders Deregulation
Open from Thursday 31st May 2012 to Friday 30th November 2012
27 signatures
Limit the Number of Supermarkets in Communities
Open from Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
27 signatures
George Galloway must be removed from his seat
Open from Monday 2nd April 2012 to Tuesday 2nd April 2013
27 signatures
Fund research into the concept of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
Open from Friday 30th March 2012 to Saturday 30th March 2013
27 signatures
All cosmetic products that have been tested on animals should state this on the label.
Open from Friday 30th March 2012 to Saturday 30th March 2013
27 signatures
Greggs sausage rolls
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
27 signatures
Fairness in fuel tax
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2012 to Friday 22nd March 2013
27 signatures
Fair & Equal Rules on Parking Fee's
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Friday 21st September 2012
27 signatures
Form a Centralised Organisation to manage and allocate ring fenced funding for learning disability services
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2012 to Thursday 20th September 2012
27 signatures
Petition for election
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Tuesday 19th March 2013
27 signatures
Ensure all children around the world are able to access primary education by 2015
Open from Friday 16th March 2012 to Sunday 16th September 2012
27 signatures
access to gp apoinment systems for deaf hearing impaired people
Open from Tuesday 13th March 2012 to Wednesday 13th March 2013
27 signatures
To ensure a level playing field for UK food producers.
Open from Friday 9th March 2012 to Saturday 9th March 2013
27 signatures
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
27 signatures
Scrap the existing US-UK extradition treaty and negotiate a new one which allows prosecution in British courts under the British legal system.
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
27 signatures
Remove alcohol licences from supermarkets and convenience stores
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
27 signatures
UK Space agency to start a manned space flight program
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
27 signatures
Break Royal Mail's monopoly over residential post
Open from Thursday 26th January 2012 to Saturday 26th January 2013
27 signatures
Independent complaints commission for NHS
Open from Monday 16th January 2012 to Wednesday 16th January 2013
27 signatures
Restrict child benefit to the first 2 children
Open from Thursday 19th January 2012 to Saturday 19th January 2013
27 signatures
Stop the governments plans to remove ESA after just one year
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
27 signatures
Change law to ban the importation and public display of Cetaceans such as Dolphins, Orca's, Whales.
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
27 signatures
Independent regulation of HMRC by the Bank of England, and HMRC conduct by the FSA
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Wednesday 9th January 2013
27 signatures
China crimes against humanity
Open from Tuesday 10th January 2012 to Thursday 10th January 2013
27 signatures
Investigate the use of ASPARTAME in food
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Thursday 6th December 2012
27 signatures
End the seperate definitions of mental and physical health services
Open from Thursday 1st December 2011 to Saturday 1st December 2012
27 signatures
Stop the closure of small Humanities departments
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
27 signatures
Open from Monday 21st November 2011 to Wednesday 21st November 2012
27 signatures
Save the Thames Estuary Airport project
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Wednesday 7th November 2012
27 signatures
Redefining private retail spaces as public land
Open from Friday 4th November 2011 to Sunday 4th November 2012
27 signatures
Additional Bank Holiday every Leap Year
Open from Thursday 27th October 2011 to Saturday 27th October 2012
27 signatures
UK to have a referenum on membership of the EU
Open from Wednesday 26th October 2011 to Friday 26th October 2012
27 signatures
Plastic carrier bag tax
Open from Tuesday 25th October 2011 to Thursday 25th October 2012
27 signatures
Save the Post Office, Hannon Road , Aylesbury
Open from Friday 21st October 2011 to Saturday 21st April 2012
27 signatures
It should be illegal to be drunk whilst pregnant.
Open from Tuesday 18th October 2011 to Thursday 18th October 2012
27 signatures
Stop Child Benefit Being paid to non-British born children
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2011 to Friday 19th October 2012
27 signatures
Make Britain Great - Tax Relief Proposal UK Manufacturing Enterprise
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2011 to Friday 19th October 2012
27 signatures
Give Kinship Carers the same Financial Support and Practical Support that Foster Carers receive
Open from Monday 3rd October 2011 to Wednesday 3rd October 2012
27 signatures
Stop babies born before 23 weeks from being left to die by NHS staff without lifesaving intervention
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2011 to Friday 21st September 2012
27 signatures
Ban gambling adverts from being shown on tv and from using other social media outlets to promote gambling.
Open from Wednesday 14th September 2011 to Friday 14th September 2012
27 signatures
preserve our green spaces
Open from Thursday 22nd September 2011 to Thursday 22nd March 2012
27 signatures
Proposal for Fair Calculation of Child Maintenance by the Child Support Agency
Open from Monday 12th September 2011 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
27 signatures
Mandatory driver-repairable car lighting
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
27 signatures
Teach Computer Science as a compulsory subject in schools
Open from Thursday 8th September 2011 to Saturday 8th September 2012
27 signatures
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th August 2012
27 signatures
Fair rail fare rises for commuters
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
27 signatures
all bull terrier type dogs to be kept on a lead at all times
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
27 signatures
A142 Traffic Lights at A14 slip roads in Newmarket
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
27 signatures
Support for educational support staff to stop the changes to long term contracts
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th February 2012
27 signatures
Riots! Many absent fathers petition for shared parenting to be standard family law .
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
27 signatures
Ban Smoking in the Palace of Westminister
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th February 2012
27 signatures
Overhaul Benefits System to Ensure it is for Essential Living Only
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
27 signatures
Petition to ask the government to radically change the attitude to discipline in schools
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
27 signatures
Hoodies should be banned on public transport
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
27 signatures
Make Halal meat in this country import only.
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
27 signatures
Fuel Duty and the disabled
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
27 signatures
Allow The Police To Use More Force In Controlling Riots
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
27 signatures
Ban playing of loud music in public places
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th August 2012
27 signatures
Outlaw all forms of homosexuality
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
27 signatures
Stop the Badger Cull!
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Saturday 12th May 2012
27 signatures
Fair rights for fathers
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
27 signatures
Fines for Cyclists that run red lights
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
27 signatures
Introduce a new non-religious oath for witnesses in court which will make clearer the consequences for those who commit perjury.
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
27 signatures
Immediate Suspension of Stamp Duty for 2 Years
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
27 signatures
Family courts transparency
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
27 signatures
Stop the spread of Car Parking Zones
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
27 signatures Thu, 06 Feb 2025 13:00:56 +0000