These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Compulsory Purchase of Empty / Derelict Homes
Open from Monday 25th March 2013 to Tuesday 25th March 2014
10 signatures
Fees being charged by dentists
Open from Thursday 28th March 2013 to Friday 28th March 2014
10 signatures
Shared Parenting should mean shared Costs/Payments
Open from Tuesday 2nd April 2013 to Wednesday 2nd October 2013
10 signatures
Individuals or companies with a controlling interest in Newspapers should be tax resident in the UK
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd October 2013
10 signatures
Build a Monument to Conscientious Objectors
Open from Monday 15th April 2013 to Tuesday 15th April 2014
10 signatures
All politicians - whatever their affiliation - to live the same standard of living as welfare claimants.
Open from Friday 5th April 2013 to Saturday 5th April 2014
10 signatures
Bar HBOS bosses Lord Stephenson, Sir James Crosby & Andy Hornby from all company directorships.
Open from Monday 8th April 2013 to Tuesday 8th April 2014
10 signatures
Wage Concern - Oppose any cut or freeze to the National Minimum Wage
Open from Monday 8th April 2013 to Tuesday 8th April 2014
10 signatures
Rename the Falkland Islands to Thatcher Islands
Open from Tuesday 9th April 2013 to Wednesday 9th April 2014
10 signatures
Street light motion sensors or late night switch off
Open from Monday 15th April 2013 to Tuesday 15th April 2014
10 signatures
Voting at 16
Open from Monday 15th April 2013 to Tuesday 15th April 2014
10 signatures
Stop animal testing on NON MEDICAL products (eg, make-up products)
Open from Thursday 18th April 2013 to Friday 18th April 2014
10 signatures
The NHS needs to provide more gym prescriptions for people suffering with specific mental health issues relating to anxiety and mood disorders.
Open from Monday 15th April 2013 to Tuesday 15th April 2014
10 signatures
No big funeral for Tony Blair
Open from Tuesday 23rd April 2013 to Wednesday 23rd April 2014
10 signatures
Save BBC Television Centre
Open from Monday 22nd April 2013 to Monday 22nd July 2013
10 signatures
Let's do the Swiss (Dog Licensing and Microchipping)
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
10 signatures
Orthodox Bishops
Open from Wednesday 1st May 2013 to Thursday 1st May 2014
10 signatures
removing fines for refusing to sign onto the electoral roll
Open from Monday 13th May 2013 to Tuesday 13th May 2014
10 signatures
Open from Wednesday 8th May 2013 to Thursday 8th August 2013
10 signatures
MP's should resign from private companies
Open from Friday 10th May 2013 to Saturday 10th May 2014
10 signatures
David Cameron and his meeting with HH Dalai Lama
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
10 signatures
Labeling a chemistry set a "boys toy" is illogical. I think the Government should regulate this by introducing a new law.
Open from Thursday 16th May 2013 to Friday 16th May 2014
10 signatures
Redesign M 6 Junction 8 at Great Barr Birmingham
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2013 to Wednesday 14th May 2014
10 signatures
Unwanted call legislation/control
Open from Monday 20th May 2013 to Tuesday 20th May 2014
10 signatures
Ban the Unauthorised use of Mosquito Boxes
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
10 signatures
It's time for a general election
Open from Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Friday 23rd May 2014
10 signatures
DWP to request medical evidence from professionals, not applicants
Open from Tuesday 4th June 2013 to Wednesday 4th June 2014
10 signatures
Introduce a watershed for the reporting of child sexual abuse
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
10 signatures
Atos Kills
Open from Tuesday 4th June 2013 to Wednesday 4th December 2013
10 signatures
stop the payment of National insurance
Open from Monday 10th June 2013 to Tuesday 10th June 2014
10 signatures
Make it illegal for taxpayer pounds to be used by charities to fund lawyers to bring legal proceedings, on behalf of foreigners, against the UK.
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th July 2014
10 signatures
Change the law to ban the NHS from spending taxpayer pounds on interpreters and translators.
Open from Tuesday 4th June 2013 to Wednesday 4th June 2014
10 signatures
Assistance on Trains for Disabled People
Open from Wednesday 5th June 2013 to Thursday 5th June 2014
10 signatures
Accounts or subscriptions which are created or managed online should, by law, offer online cancellation.
Open from Wednesday 5th June 2013 to Thursday 5th June 2014
10 signatures
Keep Birmingham Airport flightpaths away from Solihull
Open from Tuesday 11th June 2013 to Wednesday 11th June 2014
10 signatures
Overseas aid
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th July 2014
10 signatures
Abolish air passenger duty
Open from Monday 17th June 2013 to Tuesday 17th June 2014
10 signatures
Give people the power to decide whether supermarkets get planning permission
Open from Tuesday 25th June 2013 to Wednesday 25th June 2014
10 signatures
Extraordinary General Election to Scottish Parliament in event of No vote in Independence Referendum
Open from Monday 24th June 2013 to Tuesday 24th June 2014
10 signatures
Elininate The Need for Food Banks in almost Every Major Town by Diverting money from Foreign Aid
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th July 2014
10 signatures
The NHS should be reimbursed by private hospitals for dealing with complications
Open from Wednesday 26th June 2013 to Thursday 26th June 2014
10 signatures
Putting Public Interest at the top of the Privatisation agenda
Open from Friday 5th July 2013 to Saturday 5th July 2014
10 signatures
Put work riders back on shortage profession list.
Open from Monday 8th July 2013 to Tuesday 8th October 2013
10 signatures
Harrasment from loud car stereos
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2013 to Thursday 10th July 2014
10 signatures
Ignore latest echr judgment on life sentences
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2013 to Thursday 10th July 2014
10 signatures
All National sports events to be shown live on BBC
Open from Friday 12th July 2013 to Saturday 12th July 2014
10 signatures
Empty properties total council tax exemption
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
10 signatures
Petition against the possibility of the "Go Home or Face Arrest" Van becoming a nationwide campaign.
Open from Monday 5th August 2013 to Tuesday 5th August 2014
10 signatures
VAT on LED light bulbs
Open from Friday 2nd August 2013 to Saturday 2nd August 2014
10 signatures
Child maintenance into vouchers
Open from Thursday 1st August 2013 to Friday 1st August 2014
10 signatures
40% Tax Bracket should be revised
Open from Monday 12th August 2013 to Tuesday 12th August 2014
10 signatures
Ban airbrushing in media aimed at children and teens.
Open from Wednesday 14th August 2013 to Thursday 14th August 2014
10 signatures
Let people with ginger hair be one of the protective characteristics in the equality acts.
Open from Tuesday 20th August 2013 to Wednesday 20th August 2014
10 signatures
Stop RyanAir unfair charges/fines for customers
Open from Friday 16th August 2013 to Sunday 16th February 2014
10 signatures
Saying NO to Facking in Northumberland
Open from Tuesday 20th August 2013 to Thursday 20th February 2014
10 signatures
Stop the planned regulation of investigators
Open from Monday 19th August 2013 to Tuesday 19th August 2014
10 signatures
egypt travel
Open from Monday 19th August 2013 to Tuesday 19th November 2013
10 signatures
Migrant workers
Open from Tuesday 20th August 2013 to Wednesday 20th August 2014
10 signatures
Implement Full Financial Compensation for individuals serving Jury Duty
Open from Wednesday 21st August 2013 to Thursday 21st August 2014
10 signatures
All commercial organisations to provide email address for contact
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
10 signatures
Make Pornography History
Open from Friday 30th August 2013 to Saturday 30th August 2014
10 signatures
Statutory paternity pay should be avaliable for self employed fathers
Open from Monday 2nd September 2013 to Tuesday 2nd September 2014
10 signatures
NHS to have a system where it flags up if you have ever had cancer
Open from Monday 9th September 2013 to Sunday 9th March 2014
10 signatures
Childrens Hospices
Open from Monday 9th September 2013 to Tuesday 9th September 2014
10 signatures
Make Holocaust denial illegal.
Open from Wednesday 11th September 2013 to Thursday 11th September 2014
10 signatures
helping disabled children to access more facilities
Open from Tuesday 17th September 2013 to Wednesday 17th September 2014
10 signatures
dual passport holders
Open from Monday 23rd September 2013 to Sunday 23rd March 2014
10 signatures
Open from Thursday 26th September 2013 to Friday 26th September 2014
10 signatures
Extend the ban on interpreters and translators during driving tests to the WHOLE of taxpayer funded activity in this country.
Open from Tuesday 15th October 2013 to Wednesday 15th October 2014
10 signatures
The deforestation in Brazil
Open from Tuesday 12th November 2013 to Wednesday 12th November 2014
10 signatures
Better rights for cohabitants
Open from Friday 18th October 2013 to Saturday 18th October 2014
10 signatures
buy British with British tax money!
Open from Friday 18th October 2013 to Saturday 18th October 2014
10 signatures
Removal of a statues and plaques commemorating or supporting a terrorist or terrorist act.
Open from Monday 21st October 2013 to Tuesday 21st October 2014
10 signatures
Stop giving British money to fund Indian space trip to Mars
Open from Thursday 7th November 2013 to Friday 7th November 2014
10 signatures
Link the two northern branches of HS2 with a new fast rail line along the former Woodhead route.
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th October 2014
10 signatures
welling high street bus Lane
Open from Tuesday 29th October 2013 to Wednesday 29th January 2014
10 signatures
Calls to student finance should be free.
Open from Thursday 31st October 2013 to Friday 31st October 2014
10 signatures
Means Test for MP salary eligibility
Open from Tuesday 5th November 2013 to Wednesday 5th November 2014
10 signatures
Reduce overseas aid by the amount it spends on its space program
Open from Friday 15th November 2013 to Saturday 15th November 2014
10 signatures
Disabled Access - Stop Changes At Theme Parks
Open from Wednesday 13th November 2013 to Thursday 13th November 2014
10 signatures
PETA (stop tobacco and cigarette companies testing their products on animals)
Open from Friday 8th November 2013 to Thursday 8th May 2014
10 signatures
Force private companies awarded contracts with taxpayer funds to pay corporation tax
Open from Monday 18th November 2013 to Tuesday 18th November 2014
10 signatures
change the length of service to put an unfair dismissal case against an employer from 2yrs employed to 1 year
Open from Wednesday 20th November 2013 to Thursday 20th November 2014
10 signatures
Allow under 16s to be referred to CAHMS without the need for parental permission
Open from Tuesday 26th November 2013 to Wednesday 26th November 2014
10 signatures
Executive pay should not be more than fourteen times the average wage
Open from Wednesday 20th November 2013 to Thursday 20th November 2014
10 signatures
Allow dogs in private rented, council rented, leasehold and freehold homes!!!
Open from Friday 29th November 2013 to Saturday 29th November 2014
10 signatures
Income support for full time students.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
10 signatures
Make it harder for buyers to pull out of house sales
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Monday 2nd June 2014
10 signatures
Reduce the welfare benefit cap, per household, to GBP10,000.00p per calendar year.
Open from Monday 2nd December 2013 to Tuesday 2nd December 2014
10 signatures
Anti-Social Behaviour of Social Housing Tenants
Open from Tuesday 10th December 2013 to Wednesday 10th December 2014
10 signatures
Shut down Leading pet company in sutton
Open from Monday 16th December 2013 to Tuesday 16th December 2014
10 signatures
STOP CHARGING US FOR 0800,0845,0808,0500 NUMBERS
Open from Tuesday 17th December 2013 to Wednesday 17th September 2014
10 signatures
Have third party motor insurance paid through petrol tax
Open from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Tuesday 23rd December 2014
10 signatures
Reintroduce Military service
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Saturday 10th January 2015
10 signatures
Scrap Fuel Duty / Replace Fuel Duty With Standard VAT Only
Open from Thursday 9th January 2014 to Friday 9th January 2015
10 signatures
bring back marshfield train station
Open from Wednesday 8th January 2014 to Thursday 8th January 2015
10 signatures
Benefit changes The effects to the disabled
Open from Thursday 9th January 2014 to Wednesday 9th July 2014
10 signatures
Make Britons a priority for employment over foreigners!
Open from Friday 10th January 2014 to Saturday 10th January 2015
10 signatures
ANZAC Contribution to World War 1 be recognised.
Open from Monday 13th January 2014 to Sunday 13th July 2014
10 signatures
Stop the cpc
Open from Tuesday 14th January 2014 to Wednesday 14th January 2015
10 signatures Tue, 25 Feb 2025 08:03:05 +0000