All the petitions which opened in May 2016, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
Stop increasing the pension age. Reverse it back to 62 and 67 now.
Open from Monday 9th May 2016 to Wednesday 9th November 2016
19 signatures
We call upon the Secretary of State for Health to define "A Seven Day NHS"
Open from Monday 9th May 2016 to Wednesday 9th November 2016
87 signatures
Exemption of the 3% tax levy on parents helping their children to buy a home.
Open from Monday 9th May 2016 to Wednesday 9th November 2016
16 signatures
David Cameron TO ASK Bangladesh Government about killing Opposition Politicians
Open from Monday 9th May 2016 to Wednesday 9th November 2016
393 signatures
Ban GMO crops in the UK
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
54 signatures
Let the people of the UK decide if it should be split by Scotland's departure.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
150 signatures
No longer allow letting agents to discriminate against 'dss'
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
261 signatures
Introduce compulsory voting and also a 'none of the above' box on ballot papers
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
570 signatures
Change the law to stop insurance companies discrimating against people with HIV
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
11 signatures
Stop the cuts to the funding of Sharnbrook Upper School Sixth Form
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
12 signatures
Introduce a rule to prevent the trading of insults and irrelevant remarks at PMQ
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
22 signatures
A Bill for The Protection, Breeding Limitation and Monitoring Law for Canines
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
344 signatures
Sell the Palace of Westminster. MPs to vote on where to relocate Parliament.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
59 signatures
Call for an independent review into political bias within the BBC.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
90 signatures
The Government should not proceed with plans to increase immigration court fees.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
4,588 signatures
Legalise car cruising or give us designated areas to meet
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
6,814 signatures
Erect a statue of a famous woman on Parliament square.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
21 signatures
Ban UKPC from being able to recieve driver information from the DVLA.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
23 signatures
Prevent women from fighting in close combat roles in the British Armed Forces.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
24 signatures
Link all public sector salaries to MPs' salaries (Backdated to April 2014)
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
45 signatures
Make voting a legal requirement
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
36 signatures
We demand a Public Inquiry into the UK Government's culture of lying to voters
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
33,556 signatures
Create more apprenticeships in policing and security.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
15 signatures
Stop volunteers doing mock interviews in schools, use paid Career Coaches
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
8 signatures
Ensure Knowsley students have the opportunity to take A-Levels
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
423 signatures
Gerard Batten, to lead the delegation negotiating terms for leaving the EU
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
57 signatures
Legalise the sale,possession and consumption of hash heesh.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
13 signatures
Make may 2nd a national holiday to mark Leicester city's title win
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
9 signatures
Ban ride sharing scheme known as 'pooling' for passenger's and driver's safety.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
1,038 signatures
Reduce the annual UK Foreign Aid budget from its present level.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
12 signatures
Open a public inquiry into privately contracted benefit assessments by the DWP
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
24 signatures
Relieve Capita of their contract for assessing disabled people
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
179 signatures
To Issue National Identity Cards for everyone to protect our National Security.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
69 signatures
Hold a referendum to implement a Universal Basic Income scheme in the UK.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
39 signatures
Add a "none of the above" option to all ballot papers.
Open from Friday 6th May 2016 to Sunday 6th November 2016
99 signatures
Parents of British children must be exempt from No Recourse To Public Funds
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
1,247 signatures
Abolish the harsh new curriculum for secondary students!
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
7 signatures
Lifetime Driving Ban If You Are Found Guilty Of Killing Someone Whilst Driving.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
385 signatures
Give ALL Uni Students EQUAL opportunity for same amount of living grant (loan)
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
42 signatures
Extend the "Help to Buy: Mortgage Guarantee" scheme until at least December 2017
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
131 signatures
Make all voting in PEN only
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
300 signatures
Apply the triple lock to existing old age pensions up to the new annual rate.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
11 signatures
Prevent tractors from using main roads during rush hour.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
9 signatures
Change the law so a Hit and Run driver must serve a life sentence.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
1,537 signatures
Abolish the 2 year retake of the CBT.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
98 signatures
Urge the Nigerian Government to stop the massacre of Igbos
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
2,027 signatures
Stop MECCG capping Continuing Health Care in a domicile setting to save money.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
214 signatures
Reinstate RPI index linking to Military pensions from the current CPI index link
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
13,042 signatures
Spend more money on public services rather than spending it on the military.
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
9 signatures
Ban real animal fur from being sold in the UK
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
25 signatures
The UK must put a complete Ban on Child Immigrants from anywhere in the world
Open from Thursday 5th May 2016 to Saturday 5th November 2016
2,664 signatures
Make it illegal for companies to charge late payment fees.
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
7 signatures
Limit paying out Child Benefit to the first two children only.
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
77 signatures
Make a ‘car mode’ setting a mandatory feature on all new smartphones.
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
21 signatures
Provide obese people with specialist help in their locality - it's their right
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
149 signatures
Call on the Government to review how the Honours & Forfeiture Committees Operate
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
155 signatures
Cats not in an approved breeding programme should be microchipped and neutered.
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
589 signatures
Petition, Allow MARINE LE PEN into the U.K. to give her Views On British Brexit.
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
110 signatures
23rd April to become Prince George of Cambridge’s Official birthday
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
43 signatures
Ban Marine Le Pen from entering the UK
Open from Wednesday 4th May 2016 to Friday 4th November 2016
9 signatures
Call on the Government to create a new regulatory body for the security industry
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
168 signatures
Change the law to make cyber-bullying a criminal offence
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
26 signatures
Local GPs should have more training in dealing with transgender patients
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
78 signatures
The NHS to provide meals for staff, including staff at Queen's Medical Centre.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
8 signatures
Free medical prescriptions for undergraduates of any age.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
3,800 signatures
Allow Doctors to Issue Temporary Disabled Parking Badges
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
62 signatures
Improve continuity of care for students with mental health issues
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
210 signatures
Legislate that employers must publish how many professional roles are part time
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
7 signatures
Bring Leasehold Housing into the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
60 signatures
Offer a free workshop on healthy eating on a budget to all UK residents
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
14 signatures
Invest in cleaning up and preventing the pollution in the River Thames
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
34 signatures
Confirm that there are no current or future plans to privatise the NHS
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
9 signatures
A & E, Maternity, Stroke services be maintained at the NDDH.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
4,058 signatures
Make Mondays part of the weekend every week.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
24 signatures
Give Claudio Ranieri a knighthood in the next Honours List!
Rejected on Wednesday 4th May 2016 - reason: honours
Child Maintenance should not be payable whilst a custody battle is ongoing
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
36 signatures
Everyone on National Minimum Wage should receive the same wage regardless of age
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
915 signatures
Allow everyone working (self employed or employed) to claim travel expenses.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
9 signatures
Change the title of the Ministry of Defence to the Ministry of Attack
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
13 signatures
Recognise the importance of gardening and horticulture
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
910 signatures
Reconsider the National Insurance banding for public sector employees.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
26 signatures
Legalise euthanasia for terminally ill patients.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
157 signatures
Get Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on the NHS for Fibromyalgia sufferers.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
10,394 signatures
Clean Up City Air: Ban Harmful Diesel Engined, Air-Polluting Public Transport
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
145 signatures
Make consumer debt statute barred after 4 not 6 years.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
35 signatures
Stop Special Advisers for family members of Government Ministers and MP's
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
10 signatures
Manditory detainment for persons arrested on suspicion of terrorism - no bail
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
50 signatures
Make an INDEPENDENT EU booklet - facts, figures, forecasts if we STAY + if we GO
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
16 signatures
Make 'may contain' warnings mandatory on food labels.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
767 signatures
Stop the temporary closure of brookside children and adolescent unit
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
147 signatures
Debate the EU's Five Presidents’ Report & its likely impact on the UK.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
19 signatures
stop means testing carers allowance
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
17 signatures
To end linear A-levels and reinstate AS examinations
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
338 signatures
Change the level on B12 blood test as it is set too low
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
1,153 signatures
Allow citizens to raise concerns about behaviour of MPs during Commons' Debates
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
245 signatures
Prevent any Council setting up charges for Park Run or any similar event.
Open from Tuesday 3rd May 2016 to Thursday 3rd November 2016
279 signatures
To educate parents of the dangers- arrangement of furniture in child's bedroom.
Open from Sunday 1st May 2016 to Tuesday 1st November 2016
661 signatures
Stop providing security for Tony Blair's Overseas commitments
Open from Sunday 1st May 2016 to Tuesday 1st November 2016
139 signatures
Legalise DMT
Open from Sunday 1st May 2016 to Tuesday 1st November 2016
7 signatures
Legislate for homeopathic medicines to be tested to provide proof of efficacy.
Open from Sunday 1st May 2016 to Tuesday 1st November 2016
23 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:55:31 +0000