Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Ban Online Casinos
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2018 to Thursday 31st January 2019
28 signatures
Ban narrow 1.5m cycle lanes on busy main roads
Open from Monday 16th November 2015 to Monday 16th May 2016
28 signatures
Rid the TV licence fee for all students living away from home
Open from Tuesday 19th September 2017 to Monday 19th March 2018
28 signatures
The Health & Wellbeing of School Staff Matters.
Open from Wednesday 5th March 2014 to Thursday 5th March 2015
28 signatures
Introduce compulsory regulation of all domestic builders and tradespeople
Open from Thursday 4th April 2019 to Friday 4th October 2019
28 signatures
Review Collection Processes (Letters, Inspections, etc) for TV Licensing
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
28 signatures
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
28 signatures
Put 1p on income tax and from proceeds fund NHS deficit £6b and social care £6b.
Open from Monday 10th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
28 signatures
Reduce energy bills
Open from Monday 14th October 2013 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
28 signatures
Review Tax Credit Overpayment system
Opened on Thursday 28th November 2024
28 signatures so far
Change the conveyancing process in England to make buying & selling more secure.
Open from Monday 25th July 2016 to Wednesday 25th January 2017
28 signatures
DVLA Driving licence section 88 medical updates
Open from Thursday 12th December 2013 to Friday 12th December 2014
28 signatures
Open from Tuesday 13th September 2011 to Thursday 13th September 2012
28 signatures
Amend the PPERA 2000 to ban all foreign donations at all times
Open from Monday 18th June 2018 to Tuesday 18th December 2018
28 signatures
NHS and foreign health tourists. Get the money back from the Overseas Aid Budget
Open from Monday 22nd July 2013 to Tuesday 22nd July 2014
28 signatures
Drug tests for parents on benefits with vouchers for necessities if they fail
Open from Monday 14th December 2015 to Tuesday 14th June 2016
28 signatures
Don’t spend billions on HS2,but on education and NHS as we matter more than HS2.
Open from Tuesday 22nd December 2015 to Wednesday 22nd June 2016
28 signatures
Open from Monday 8th August 2011 to Wednesday 8th August 2012
28 signatures
probate and inheritance
Open from Monday 12th November 2012 to Tuesday 12th November 2013
28 signatures
If Brexit happens. All previous EU spending should be forced to go to the NHS.
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
28 signatures
say no to reducing the 60 mph limit
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2012 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
27 signatures
Stop the building of 7 new Nuclear Power Stations
Open from Monday 28th October 2013 to Tuesday 28th October 2014
27 signatures
Reduce the 0.7% GDP target for Foreign Aid to 0.5% and increase NHS spending
Open from Monday 4th March 2019 to Wednesday 4th September 2019
27 signatures
Cover 80% of wages for people who are having to shield for 12 weeks.
Open from Monday 11th May 2020 to Wednesday 11th November 2020
27 signatures
Reform rules on Ministerial office, the House of Lords and political donations
Open from Thursday 15th April 2021 to Friday 15th October 2021
27 signatures
Open from Thursday 14th November 2013 to Friday 14th February 2014
27 signatures
Make changes against cold calls saying 'our records indicate...' when it's a lie
Open from Monday 3rd August 2015 to Wednesday 3rd February 2016
27 signatures
NHS science based only
Open from Monday 20th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
27 signatures
Compulsory teaching of media bias in secondary education
Open from Wednesday 23rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
27 signatures
Change the 40% tax bracket to 30%
Open from Monday 15th April 2019 to Tuesday 15th October 2019
27 signatures
Free nursery places for children who's families are working but who are in a low income
Open from Tuesday 21st May 2013 to Wednesday 21st May 2014
27 signatures
Give the British public a referendum on cutting foreign aid. Give it to the NHS
Open from Thursday 2nd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
27 signatures
Lack of Council housing for those that work and pay taxes
Open from Monday 10th December 2012 to Sunday 10th March 2013
27 signatures
End the seperate definitions of mental and physical health services
Open from Thursday 1st December 2011 to Saturday 1st December 2012
27 signatures
Reform unjust Inheritance Tax law which can penalise the less well-off
Open from Tuesday 23rd February 2021 to Monday 23rd August 2021
27 signatures
Stop Child Benefit Being paid to non-British born children
Open from Wednesday 19th October 2011 to Friday 19th October 2012
27 signatures
Provide additional funding to increase the number of Practical Driving Tests
Open from Wednesday 21st July 2021 to Friday 21st January 2022
27 signatures
Open from Wednesday 29th February 2012 to Thursday 28th February 2013
27 signatures
Stop car insurers hiking premiums for 'non-fault' or 'notification only' cases
Open from Friday 15th February 2019 to Thursday 15th August 2019
27 signatures
Stop the spread of Car Parking Zones
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
27 signatures
Use proceeds from Covid-19 fines to fund a bonus for frontline NHS staff
Open from Wednesday 20th January 2021 to Tuesday 20th July 2021
27 signatures
Allow Chris Brown to enter the UK and perform as he has a huge fan base here.
Open from Wednesday 14th August 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
27 signatures
Pensioners get £113/ week, New Immigrants/ Refugees get £250/ week - REDUCE IMMIGRANT Benefits & Give Pensioners more.
Open from Thursday 20th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
27 signatures
Change the gambling age to 21+ now!
Open from Thursday 21st July 2016 to Saturday 21st January 2017
27 signatures
Dog Owners Licence
Open from Tuesday 28th August 2012 to Wednesday 28th August 2013
27 signatures
Invest in worthy projects (like infrastructure, feeding poor households) in UK, not donating resources oversees (including India, China) willy-nilly
Open from Monday 28th May 2012 to Tuesday 28th May 2013
27 signatures
Require fathers who pay child support to be named on the birth certificate.
Open from Thursday 8th November 2018 to Wednesday 8th May 2019
27 signatures
Stop West Ham getting the Olympic stadium
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Thursday 3rd April 2014
27 signatures
George Galloway must be removed from his seat
Open from Monday 2nd April 2012 to Tuesday 2nd April 2013
27 signatures
Make life and mental wellbeing lessons part of the national curriculum
Open from Wednesday 12th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
27 signatures
Evict illegal immigrants from council and social housing
Open from Friday 14th June 2013 to Saturday 14th June 2014
27 signatures
Fair rights for fathers
Open from Wednesday 10th August 2011 to Friday 10th August 2012
27 signatures
Include financial education in the national curriculum for primary schools
Open from Monday 22nd November 2021 to Sunday 22nd May 2022
27 signatures
Reduce income tax for people who are earning under £43,000 from 20% to 15%.
Open from Friday 3rd March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
27 signatures
Government to take back FULL control of the Rail Network, end Privatisation!
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
27 signatures
Stop babies born before 23 weeks from being left to die by NHS staff without lifesaving intervention
Open from Wednesday 21st September 2011 to Friday 21st September 2012
27 signatures
Change the CMS to make it more transparent for paying parents
Opened on Thursday 16th January 2025
27 signatures so far
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th August 2012
27 signatures
Raise NHS Staff pay by a minimum 5% for £18-25k, 4% for 25k-35k
Open from Friday 12th March 2021 to Sunday 12th September 2021
26 signatures
Return the District Councils to Cornwall
Open from Monday 22nd August 2016 to Wednesday 22nd February 2017
26 signatures
Introduce National Conscription with the opportunity to volunteer overeseas.
Open from Monday 3rd September 2018 to Sunday 3rd March 2019
26 signatures
Say No to UK European Health Insurance Cards being used by Foreigners for Free NHS Care Funded by UK Tax Payers
Open from Wednesday 31st October 2012 to Thursday 31st October 2013
26 signatures
Scrap HS2, use the money to fund environmental projects.
Open from Monday 24th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
We need more police! We need to see them on the streets and driving around!
Open from Monday 12th October 2015 to Tuesday 12th April 2016
26 signatures
Income Tax: Mid-Winter/Christmas Payment Holiday
Open from Monday 24th March 2014 to Tuesday 24th March 2015
26 signatures
Fine parents who refuse to vaccinate children
Open from Tuesday 7th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
26 signatures
Increase Funds for Non-Animal Research for Cancer
Open from Friday 27th May 2022 to Sunday 11th December 2022
26 signatures
Fund overnight hostels for homeless people in each town and city
Open from Friday 9th November 2018 to Thursday 9th May 2019
26 signatures
Make all school 'inset days' during 'half term' periods, to save childcare cost.
Open from Thursday 8th December 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
26 signatures
Stop penalising people for over payments for tax credits own errors
Open from Thursday 15th October 2015 to Friday 15th April 2016
26 signatures
Ban the sale of property to limited companies not registered in the UK
Open from Monday 18th October 2021 to Monday 18th April 2022
26 signatures
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Open from Friday 26th July 2013 to Saturday 26th July 2014
26 signatures
Government to stop giving immigrants and refugees free ESOL and education.
Open from Sunday 20th March 2016 to Tuesday 20th September 2016
26 signatures
Umbrella payroll Company's should be banned .
Open from Monday 18th March 2019 to Wednesday 18th September 2019
26 signatures
Fund free travel on public transport for all students in England.
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
26 signatures
100% Tax Free Childcare
Open from Friday 25th November 2011 to Saturday 25th February 2012
26 signatures
Open from Wednesday 17th July 2013 to Friday 17th January 2014
26 signatures
Apprentices should be eligible for half fare travelcard
Open from Wednesday 3rd April 2013 to Friday 3rd January 2014
26 signatures
Issue grants to landlords for lost rental income due to Covid-19
Open from Wednesday 3rd March 2021 to Friday 3rd September 2021
26 signatures
MPs taking other jobs of more than 20 hours a week must stand for re-election.
Open from Monday 27th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
26 signatures
Cap private housing rent based on the house value
Open from Thursday 14th February 2019 to Wednesday 14th August 2019
26 signatures
Scrap Hinkley Point C in favour of a different nuclear power plant design
Open from Thursday 24th September 2015 to Thursday 24th March 2016
26 signatures
Stop paying wealthy pensioners the tax-free winter fuel payment.
Open from Monday 13th November 2017 to Sunday 13th May 2018
26 signatures
Government to assist households with winter energy bills during Covid Pandemic
Open from Wednesday 6th January 2021 to Tuesday 6th July 2021
26 signatures
Stop British military action in Iraq and Syria
Open from Friday 18th December 2015 to Saturday 18th June 2016
26 signatures
Extend the Gambling Act to cover Loot Boxes
Open from Tuesday 3rd November 2020 to Monday 3rd May 2021
26 signatures
Make it mandatory for big office buildings to have paper+plastic recycling bins.
Open from Thursday 26th November 2015 to Thursday 26th May 2016
26 signatures
Is David Cameron mis-using public funds when giving Pakistan £680m for education whilst cutting back on education funding here in the UK
Open from Thursday 13th September 2012 to Friday 13th September 2013
26 signatures
Cycle road tax
Open from Thursday 22nd November 2012 to Friday 22nd November 2013
26 signatures
Cut Spending On Foreign Aid And Use Money To Help Uk Homeless Families / People
Open from Tuesday 14th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Increase statutory maternity pay from 39 weeks to 52 weeks
Open from Thursday 30th May 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
26 signatures
Stop inefficient wind generation development
Open from Monday 12th September 2011 to Wednesday 12th September 2012
26 signatures
Make it standard practice to take the names of people reporting benefits claimants for 'fraud'.
Open from Tuesday 4th March 2014 to Wednesday 4th March 2015
26 signatures
Enable Election Voting via Smartphone App and Internet Access
Open from Thursday 7th November 2013 to Friday 7th November 2014
26 signatures
MPs to be ranked by constituents for effectiveness and value for money
Open from Thursday 23rd January 2014 to Friday 23rd January 2015
26 signatures
energy infrastructure
Open from Monday 26th November 2012 to Tuesday 26th November 2013
25 signatures
Open from Wednesday 30th November 2011 to Wednesday 29th February 2012
25 signatures
Remove Wanstead Flats from City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018
Open from Friday 26th July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
25 signatures
Donate any surplus or unsuitable NHS masks to the public
Open from Tuesday 6th October 2020 to Tuesday 6th April 2021
25 signatures
Free University Education for English students now that we are leaving the EU.
Open from Wednesday 29th June 2016 to Thursday 29th December 2016
25 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:02:18 +0000