Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Sack Francis Maude for targeting the workers on low pay and taking there pension
Open from Friday 2nd December 2011 to Sunday 2nd December 2012
4 signatures
Open from Friday 2nd December 2011 to Sunday 2nd December 2012
25 signatures
Pensions for Carers on Carer's Allowance
Open from Friday 2nd December 2011 to Sunday 2nd December 2012
3 signatures
Change the law so that Benefits can never increase by more than average earnings in any one year.
Open from Monday 5th December 2011 to Wednesday 5th December 2012
1 signatures
One Pension System For All
Open from Monday 5th December 2011 to Wednesday 5th December 2012
1 signatures
MP`s Pay
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Thursday 6th December 2012
4 signatures
Stop Tax payer money going to Unions
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Thursday 6th December 2012
9 signatures
Italian PM takes no salary - How about British Cabinet Members?
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Tuesday 6th March 2012
3 signatures
Exempt Front Line Ambulance Staff From Working Longer
Open from Tuesday 6th December 2011 to Thursday 6th December 2012
1,390 signatures
Public Sector Pension Equality
Open from Monday 12th December 2011 to Wednesday 12th December 2012
140 signatures
Freeze All Benefits except pensions for the remainder of this Parliment
Open from Monday 12th December 2011 to Wednesday 12th December 2012
5 signatures
Public sector pension terms and index linking to remain as originally agreed for existing employees and pensions.
Open from Tuesday 13th December 2011 to Thursday 13th December 2012
3 signatures
Open from Wednesday 14th December 2011 to Friday 14th December 2012
3 signatures
Income Tax on Armed Forces pensions
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Saturday 15th December 2012
57 signatures
Make Armed Forces Pensions, past and present TAX FREE
Open from Thursday 15th December 2011 to Saturday 15th December 2012
14 signatures
Freeze ALL pensions outside the UK or not freeze them at all.
Open from Friday 16th December 2011 to Friday 16th March 2012
3 signatures
speedit up
Open from Monday 19th December 2011 to Wednesday 19th December 2012
1 signatures
Open from Monday 19th December 2011 to Wednesday 19th December 2012
5 signatures
Make Public Sector Employee pay for there pensions
Open from Monday 19th December 2011 to Wednesday 19th December 2012
4 signatures
Help Working Families With Childcare Costs
Open from Monday 19th December 2011 to Wednesday 19th December 2012
24 signatures
All Pensions TAX FREE if income under $15000
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
4 signatures
Exempt War Disablement from 'Assessable Income'
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
3 signatures
Council Tax Opt Out For Payment into Public Sector Pensions
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
5 signatures
EU Pensions
Open from Wednesday 21st December 2011 to Friday 21st December 2012
63 signatures
Abolish all non-contributory personal pensions
Open from Thursday 22nd December 2011 to Saturday 22nd December 2012
2 signatures
Make Forces Pensions past & present TAX FREE
Open from Wednesday 4th January 2012 to Wednesday 4th July 2012
2 signatures
stop the implementation of going back into serps
Open from Monday 9th January 2012 to Monday 9th April 2012
2 signatures
Scrap the Olympic Subsidy - Pay Pensions
Open from Friday 20th January 2012 to Sunday 20th January 2013
2 signatures
Abolish the 60% income tax rate
Open from Monday 23rd January 2012 to Wednesday 23rd January 2013
5 signatures
Open from Tuesday 24th January 2012 to Thursday 24th January 2013
4 signatures
Call for Mr. Lansley to resign
Open from Tuesday 24th January 2012 to Thursday 24th January 2013
498 signatures
Open from Tuesday 24th January 2012 to Thursday 24th January 2013
30 signatures
Cap on Welfare Bill rejected by House of Lords at the cost of the average taxpayer. Make the Lords pay!
Open from Wednesday 25th January 2012 to Wednesday 25th July 2012
2 signatures
Stop taxing our pensions
Open from Wednesday 1st February 2012 to Friday 1st February 2013
35 signatures
single members' contributions paying for local government 'inherited pensions'
Open from Thursday 2nd February 2012 to Saturday 2nd February 2013
3 signatures
MP and councillors reform of pay and conditions
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Sunday 3rd February 2013
31 signatures
Don't means-test the free bus pass!
Open from Friday 3rd February 2012 to Saturday 3rd November 2012
1,139 signatures
Create a Maximum Pension of £35K
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
2 signatures
Cap all tax payer paid pensions at £26k per annum
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
2 signatures
Continue to Freeze UK State Pensions paid to Ex and Non Domiciled UK Citizens
Open from Tuesday 7th February 2012 to Thursday 7th February 2013
3 signatures
Open from Wednesday 8th February 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
6 signatures
Tax on State Pensions
Open from Friday 10th February 2012 to Sunday 10th February 2013
137 signatures
Retain private pension relief at 40%
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Sunday 13th May 2012
5 signatures
UK Banks who use funds from Quantative Easing should not be paid Bonuses.
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
3 signatures
Cut taxes!!
Open from Monday 13th February 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
14 signatures
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
8 signatures
Scrap proposal to remove the tax free benefit for lump sum retirement payments
Open from Tuesday 21st February 2012 to Thursday 21st February 2013
86 signatures
Close ALL civil service type pension schemes
Open from Thursday 1st March 2012 to Friday 1st March 2013
2 signatures
Attack on Firefighter Pension Scheme
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd March 2013
1,558 signatures
UK benefits should not be paid to those that take up residence in another country
Open from Monday 12th March 2012 to Tuesday 12th March 2013
5 signatures
Review the impact of a Bedroom Tax
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2012 to Friday 14th September 2012
22 signatures
pension surrender
Open from Thursday 15th March 2012 to Friday 15th June 2012
5 signatures
national pay rates
Open from Monday 19th March 2012 to Wednesday 19th September 2012
2 signatures
Army Pensions Should NOT be a Substitute to Benefits
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2012 to Friday 21st September 2012
140 signatures
Think again on unfair Granny Tax on pensions
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
2,887 signatures
Abolish Pensions tax allowance and child benefit
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
3 signatures
State Pension cuts - Budget 2012
Open from Monday 26th March 2012 to Tuesday 26th March 2013
57 signatures
Public sector pensions - Stop the Maxwell approach
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2012 to Wednesday 27th March 2013
2 signatures
Restoration of indexation of public service pension to RPI.
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2012 to Wednesday 27th March 2013
37 signatures
Serps and graduated pensions
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2012 to Thursday 28th March 2013
43 signatures
Overturn pension credit con
Open from Thursday 29th March 2012 to Friday 29th March 2013
15 signatures
Stop the Cancellor ending SERPS for pensioners who are already entitled to it.
Open from Friday 30th March 2012 to Sunday 30th September 2012
2 signatures
NI after age 60 with new retirement ages
Open from Friday 30th March 2012 to Sunday 30th September 2012
3 signatures
Total Outright Abolishion Of Benefits Appeals System
Open from Monday 2nd April 2012 to Tuesday 2nd October 2012
1 signatures
Stop the means testing of contributory ESA when universal credit is introduced.
Open from Tuesday 3rd April 2012 to Wednesday 3rd April 2013
72 signatures
Appoint a pensioner tsar
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2012 to Thursday 4th April 2013
10 signatures
MPs should work 1 week p.a. with nurses & 1 with a pensioners charity
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2012 to Thursday 4th April 2013
3 signatures
Pensioners Tax
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2012 to Thursday 11th April 2013
31 signatures
Repeal the change in the maximum allowable income for Drawdown Pensions
Open from Thursday 12th April 2012 to Friday 12th April 2013
169 signatures
Replace JSA with unemployment benefit
Open from Thursday 19th April 2012 to Friday 19th April 2013
8 signatures
Stop increasing State Pension age without first reviewing qualifying rules
Open from Monday 23rd April 2012 to Tuesday 23rd April 2013
18 signatures
'Respect' for primary care nurses campaign
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
523 signatures
Recording of Medical Assessments carried out by Atos or other companies.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2012 to Thursday 8th November 2012
60 signatures
make all pensioners equal
Open from Friday 11th May 2012 to Saturday 11th May 2013
47 signatures
MP's, Government Ministers & Performance Related Pay
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2012 to Friday 30th November 2012
7 signatures
Robustly reform NHS pensions. Doctors strike action is an outrage.
Open from Thursday 31st May 2012 to Friday 31st August 2012
2 signatures
Andrew Lansley and DoH pensions
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2012 to Thursday 6th September 2012
1,612 signatures
Open from Thursday 7th June 2012 to Friday 7th June 2013
4 signatures
Increase the rick tax from 45% to 55%
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th June 2013
3 signatures
A list of doctors who will not strike on the 21st of June.
Open from Wednesday 13th June 2012 to Thursday 13th September 2012
5 signatures
Drug Test all Benefit Claimants
Open from Friday 15th June 2012 to Saturday 15th June 2013
78 signatures
Police Reforms/Public Pensions - Conflict of Interests
Open from Monday 18th June 2012 to Tuesday 18th June 2013
62 signatures
eu robbing our pensions
Open from Wednesday 20th June 2012 to Thursday 20th June 2013
16 signatures
Honour the promise in the Coalition Agreement not to increase the state pension age for men and women.
Open from Tuesday 26th June 2012 to Wednesday 26th December 2012
36 signatures
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2012 to Wednesday 3rd October 2012
2 signatures
redction of drawdown on private pensions
Open from Wednesday 4th July 2012 to Thursday 4th July 2013
16 signatures
Option to have State pensions/benefits paid monthly
Open from Monday 9th July 2012 to Tuesday 9th July 2013
6 signatures
No to OAP welfare cuts, yes to MP salary and pension cuts.
Open from Wednesday 11th July 2012 to Thursday 11th July 2013
84 signatures
MP's must only be paid by the public they serve
Open from Monday 16th July 2012 to Tuesday 16th October 2012
373 signatures
Open from Thursday 19th July 2012 to Friday 19th July 2013
30 signatures
bank directors bonuses and payoffs
Open from Thursday 19th July 2012 to Friday 19th July 2013
10 signatures
extending jury service age qualifications
Open from Tuesday 24th July 2012 to Wednesday 24th July 2013
3 signatures
stop the government from taking disabilty benefit people
Open from Friday 27th July 2012 to Saturday 27th July 2013
1,699 signatures
Stop the government changing Military pensions due at 55
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
13 signatures
Open from Monday 20th August 2012 to Tuesday 20th August 2013
8 signatures
Protect miners MPs and BCSSS schemes from demise
Open from Wednesday 22nd August 2012 to Thursday 22nd August 2013
73 signatures
Please help to stop the government from taking DVLC & passport from post offices
Open from Thursday 30th August 2012 to Friday 30th August 2013
21 signatures
Pensions to be paid until higher rate pension introduced
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Tuesday 3rd September 2013
62 signatures
Pay prisoners state pension whilst serving sentence.
Open from Monday 10th September 2012 to Tuesday 10th September 2013
8 signatures
councillor pensions
Open from Thursday 13th September 2012 to Friday 13th September 2013
11 signatures Wed, 26 Feb 2025 18:37:12 +0000