Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
Standardise the age at which adult admissions/fares are charged in accordance with national age restrictions
Open from Wednesday 10th July 2013 to Thursday 10th July 2014
17 signatures
To reduce the speed limit to 20mph around schools.
Open from Sunday 7th August 2011 to Tuesday 7th August 2012
17 signatures
Establish Compulsory Mental Health & Wellbeing Workshops for Secondary Schools
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
17 signatures
Disallow Schools To Confiscate Mobile Phones
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2018 to Friday 14th September 2018
17 signatures
Require schools and exam boards to bring forward results day for autumn exams
Open from Wednesday 4th November 2020 to Tuesday 4th May 2021
17 signatures
Ban school uniform & prevent teachers from confiscating mobile phones in schools
Open from Thursday 10th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
17 signatures
All staff in semh schools to be MHFA trained and a minimum of 7 inset days.
Open from Monday 22nd October 2018 to Monday 22nd April 2019
17 signatures
Ban smoking around schools and nurseries premises
Open from Thursday 31st May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
17 signatures
Create an "ice cream van exclusion zone" around UK primary schools
Open from Monday 27th March 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
17 signatures
the govt must order a full inquiry into the impacts of all school covid measures
Open from Monday 14th February 2022 to Sunday 14th August 2022
17 signatures
Put grammar schools in all counties
Open from Tuesday 5th December 2017 to Tuesday 5th June 2018
17 signatures
Make it the law for defibrillators to be at sports centres, schools, businesses
Open from Wednesday 15th June 2016 to Thursday 15th December 2016
17 signatures
Standardising School Term Times Across LEAs
Open from Monday 25th February 2013 to Sunday 25th August 2013
17 signatures
Provide face coverings to all pupils over ten in receipt of free school meals.
Open from Friday 4th September 2020 to Thursday 4th March 2021
17 signatures
Stop schools forcing children to pray and sing religious songs in assembly.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
17 signatures
I’m asking for mindfulness and self love taught compulsory in schools.
Open from Wednesday 12th December 2018 to Wednesday 12th June 2019
17 signatures
I want compulsory and periodic Performance testing for Politicians.
Open from Friday 19th February 2016 to Friday 19th August 2016
17 signatures
For HIV to be tought in secondary schools yr7-yr9
Open from Friday 19th July 2013 to Saturday 19th July 2014
17 signatures
Child benefit
Open from Wednesday 9th January 2013 to Tuesday 9th July 2013
17 signatures
Make sensory rooms compulsory in schools and provide separate funding for it.
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2018 to Friday 8th February 2019
17 signatures
Make Japanese a language that all secondary schools teach as a GCSE option
Open from Tuesday 24th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
17 signatures
Free school transport for primary schools and high schools
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
17 signatures
Require all schools to teach children about the severity of acid attacks.
Open from Tuesday 6th February 2018 to Monday 6th August 2018
17 signatures
Require all schools give GCSE and A Level students study leave before exams
Open from Thursday 24th March 2022 to Saturday 8th October 2022
17 signatures
Bring Drama as a subject to the national curriculum for Primary Schools
Open from Tuesday 1st September 2015 to Tuesday 1st March 2016
17 signatures
Compulsory pedestrian crossings outside schools should be UK Govt. policy.
Open from Thursday 26th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
17 signatures
Option blocks to be removed from High School education systems
Open from Thursday 26th June 2014 to Friday 26th September 2014
17 signatures
Liverpool tenants unfairly treated by housing benefit and universal credit (UC) caps
Open from Monday 21st May 2012 to Tuesday 21st May 2013
17 signatures
Re-introduce Grammar Schools
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
17 signatures
Increase donations to food banks by forcing schools to give away uneaten food
Open from Tuesday 12th February 2019 to Monday 12th August 2019
17 signatures
Shutdown Ofsted
Open from Friday 9th October 2015 to Saturday 9th April 2016
17 signatures
To scrap Grades 1 - 9 and go back to A - U grading/marking.
Open from Friday 22nd July 2016 to Sunday 22nd January 2017
17 signatures
Prevent schools from cancelling summer holidays due to coronavirus
Open from Monday 8th June 2020 to Tuesday 8th December 2020
17 signatures
To add to the national curriculum the role of the British Empire in World Wars
Open from Thursday 24th October 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
17 signatures
Prohibit schools from confiscating student property for more than one day
Open from Tuesday 4th April 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
16 signatures
Stop using our schools as polling stations
Open from Friday 2nd March 2012 to Saturday 2nd March 2013
16 signatures
Remove right of teachers to confiscate phones and view their content
Open from Friday 28th May 2021 to Sunday 28th November 2021
16 signatures
Prevent international migrants from claiming benefits
Open from Tuesday 7th January 2014 to Tuesday 7th October 2014
16 signatures
Review amount of homework schools set and issue guidance limiting this
Open from Thursday 15th October 2020 to Thursday 15th April 2021
16 signatures
Open from Friday 21st October 2011 to Sunday 21st October 2012
16 signatures
Fund a one-off payment of £1,000 to all teachers
Open from Tuesday 9th February 2021 to Monday 9th August 2021
16 signatures
Stop the Government from limiting student's options in the Arts
Open from Thursday 31st October 2013 to Friday 31st October 2014
16 signatures
Require schools to have active threat lockdown policies
Open from Tuesday 14th December 2021 to Tuesday 14th June 2022
16 signatures
Anyone who is found to be bullying should be expelled from school
Open from Tuesday 23rd July 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
16 signatures
Make the Cambodian genocide required teaching in the secondary curriculum
Open from Monday 26th April 2021 to Tuesday 26th October 2021
16 signatures
Prevent spread of Covid in schools with planned breaks through the school term.
Open from Monday 11th January 2021 to Sunday 11th July 2021
16 signatures
Give a higher bursary to areas that are more deprived.
Open from Friday 27th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
16 signatures
Make it illegal to say that being gay is wrong.
Open from Tuesday 20th December 2011 to Thursday 20th December 2012
16 signatures
Parliament to amend the law, requiring all councils to provide textile recycling
Open from Wednesday 18th January 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
16 signatures
Schools to have paediatric adrenaline auto-injectors for children in anaphylaxis
Open from Monday 9th October 2017 to Monday 9th April 2018
16 signatures
Inclusion of a Mental Wellbeing & Emotional Wealth Standalone GCSE in schools
Open from Monday 5th October 2020 to Monday 5th April 2021
16 signatures
Stop more housing in Woodstock and long Hanborough
Open from Thursday 25th September 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
16 signatures
I want disability education to become a mandatory lesson in all schools.
Open from Thursday 7th February 2019 to Wednesday 7th August 2019
16 signatures
Call to ban ‘cruel’ pupil restraint in special schools
Open from Friday 14th December 2018 to Friday 14th June 2019
16 signatures
Teach Creationism (Bible) as a Fact in all State and Academy Schools
Open from Tuesday 22nd March 2016 to Thursday 22nd September 2016
16 signatures
Adopt the 'Australian Points Test Mechanism'. Reform our Immigration policy.
Open from Wednesday 16th November 2011 to Friday 16th November 2012
16 signatures
Increase Physical Education Time in Schools - Olympic Legacy
Open from Friday 14th September 2012 to Saturday 14th September 2013
16 signatures
Allow 11-12 year olds to use the NHS Track and Trace App with parental consent
Open from Thursday 22nd October 2020 to Thursday 22nd April 2021
16 signatures
Bring back the cane & smacking in schools
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Friday 18th November 2011
16 signatures
Fund higher-level classes for profoundly gifted GCSE students
Open from Wednesday 13th December 2017 to Wednesday 13th June 2018
16 signatures
Increase provision for children with speech language & communication needs(SLCN)
Open from Friday 14th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
16 signatures
Make all UK schools take GCSEs
Open from Wednesday 24th October 2018 to Wednesday 24th April 2019
16 signatures
Ban schools from punishing children for late dinner money
Open from Tuesday 4th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
16 signatures
Stop Sexual Harrassment in Schools
Open from Monday 22nd August 2016 to Wednesday 22nd February 2017
16 signatures
Make 'Curriculum for Life' compulsory for all schools in the UK.
Open from Monday 30th September 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
16 signatures
Stop the violence in our Classrooms! Call for a return to specialist schools and units for severely emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children
Open from Tuesday 13th May 2014 to Thursday 13th November 2014
16 signatures
Offer teachers salary sacrifice car scheme
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2016 to Thursday 23rd February 2017
16 signatures
Remove Homework in all primary schools in England
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
16 signatures
Reinstate Clause 28
Open from Monday 7th November 2011 to Wednesday 7th November 2012
16 signatures
Provide 'Be a Tree' training to children in schools.
Open from Wednesday 15th June 2016 to Thursday 15th December 2016
16 signatures
Reform the education system to end standardised testing for 16-year-olds
Open from Thursday 6th August 2020 to Saturday 6th February 2021
15 signatures
Staff in schools should be liable to damage/loss if they are the cause
Open from Tuesday 16th April 2013 to Tuesday 16th July 2013
15 signatures
Give us volunteer traffic enforcement officers at our schools
Open from Friday 21st March 2014 to Saturday 21st March 2015
15 signatures
Right to choose our own school holidays passed to parents
Open from Monday 16th May 2016 to Wednesday 16th November 2016
15 signatures
Teach miscarriage in schools
Open from Friday 28th November 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
15 signatures
Make P.E. optional for Secondary Schools on return in September.
Open from Wednesday 30th September 2020 to Tuesday 30th March 2021
15 signatures
Ban Holiday Homework
Open from Thursday 29th March 2012 to Friday 29th March 2013
15 signatures
Introduce minimum teaching / training standards for gymnastics coaches.
Open from Wednesday 12th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
15 signatures
Bring back nit nurse to UK schools send them home till treated and clear 2018
Open from Wednesday 4th April 2018 to Thursday 4th October 2018
15 signatures
ban school uniform in public schools
Open from Thursday 11th October 2012 to Friday 11th October 2013
15 signatures
Introduce Human and Child Rights (covering the UNCRC) to the primary curriculum
Open from Wednesday 30th September 2020 to Tuesday 30th March 2021
15 signatures
Make it a requirement to teach healthy relationships in schools
Open from Tuesday 14th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
15 signatures
Enabled Payment for School Dinners with Child Care Vouchers
Open from Monday 18th April 2016 to Tuesday 18th October 2016
15 signatures
Teach sea safety in all costal schools.
Open from Tuesday 9th August 2016 to Thursday 9th February 2017
15 signatures
Add the 9/11 attacks to the national curriculum
Open from Wednesday 6th April 2022 to Thursday 20th October 2022
15 signatures
Make students learn how to manage money and finance in secondary schools
Open from Thursday 3rd November 2016 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
15 signatures
Open from Wednesday 19th September 2012 to Thursday 19th September 2013
15 signatures
Add Welsh language education to the English school curriculum.
Open from Monday 6th February 2017 to Tuesday 2nd May 2017
15 signatures
Big Society?! Job Seekers who want to do Voluntary Work in order to make themselves more Employable are being Penalised
Open from Monday 31st October 2011 to Wednesday 31st October 2012
15 signatures
Safer Parking Near Schools
Open from Thursday 4th August 2011 to Saturday 4th August 2012
15 signatures
Stop roll out of "Academies" to SEN schools.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
15 signatures
Make Recycling Compulsory
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
15 signatures
Stop schools charging a fee to allow children to eat packed lunches.
Open from Friday 1st April 2016 to Saturday 1st October 2016
15 signatures
child cruelty and the failure of existing measures to combat it
Open from Thursday 15th August 2013 to Friday 15th November 2013
15 signatures
Take seriously and investigate the disappearance of children from Schools because of Forced Marriage
Open from Tuesday 14th January 2014 to Tuesday 14th October 2014
15 signatures
Require Schools in England to teach & sing the National Anthem once a week
Open from Friday 16th March 2018 to Sunday 16th September 2018
15 signatures
Make parking on footpaths outside schools illegal
Open from Thursday 13th June 2019 to Wednesday 6th November 2019
15 signatures
Revoke Independent Schools' Charitable Status
Open from Monday 26th February 2018 to Sunday 26th August 2018
15 signatures
first aid compulsory for all parents/teachers/carers
Open from Wednesday 26th September 2012 to Thursday 26th September 2013
15 signatures
Lets provide mandatory education in confidence & self awareness at schools nationwide.
Open from Thursday 16th October 2014 to Monday 30th March 2015
15 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:18:35 +0000