Some petitions get millions of signatures. A fair number get thousands. A lot get hundreds. But most don't. Most petitions only get signed by the petition's author and their mates. And some petition authors don't really have many mates at all.
This section is dedicated to those plucky triers. Or, to be more precise, those plucky failers. These are the petitions that didn't even reach double figures.
To be fair, some petitions end up with only a handful of signatures for reasons that are not their fault. When a general election is called and Parliament is dissolved, all petitions are closed immediately no matter how much longer they should have run for. To avoid penalising the unlucky ones that were submitted just before a dissolution, we're only including petitions here that ran for at least a month.
Redistribution of the BigSociety give practical help rather money.
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
1 signatures
Change the law so that injuries sustained as the result of a criminal act (such as theft of electrical cable) CANNOT be treated at taxpayer expense.
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
5 signatures
Change the law so that pensioners can set up their own personal services company to be paid through.
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st July 2013
2 signatures
Keir Starmer Dismissal
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st October 2012
5 signatures
Electrify the Weston super line as Bristol is just not far enough
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
2 signatures
Immediately scrap ALL government green levy's on households and businesses.
Open from Monday 30th July 2012 to Tuesday 30th July 2013
4 signatures
Allow Hearing Impaired People to join the Armed Forces
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
5 signatures
All Dicipline and Grievance Procedure Meetings to be Voice and Visually Recorded
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
2 signatures
Re-introduce Law Lords to the House of Lords
Open from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Friday 2nd August 2013
4 signatures
Take the Royal Family out of Taxation System
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st July 2013
2 signatures
Abandon the use of Programme Motions
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
1 signatures
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st July 2013
4 signatures
No Experience, No Job so where does that leave us?
Open from Monday 30th July 2012 to Tuesday 30th October 2012
2 signatures
stamp duty conscessions for over 60 to down size
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st July 2013
3 signatures
Open from Monday 30th July 2012 to Tuesday 30th July 2013
1 signatures
parents benefits being cut too pay for damage their children cause
Open from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Friday 2nd August 2013
6 signatures
close sickipedia website
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
4 signatures
Fairer car insurance prices for young males
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Wednesday 31st July 2013
4 signatures
Put Traffic Lights to Amber at Off Peak Times
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
6 signatures
Make it Law to Carry a Reflective Vest in Car for Breakdowns
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
3 signatures
British Childeren have the right to be taught by a Qualified Teacher.
Open from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Friday 2nd August 2013
7 signatures
Reduce top tax rate to 39%
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
1 signatures
More Information on official government websites to help children born of IVF locate their genetic parents
Open from Wednesday 1st August 2012 to Thursday 1st August 2013
1 signatures
To Abolish the use of Credit Check Agencies , for purposes of Mortgage Application, Loans secured on property, and Rental Agreements.
Open from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Friday 2nd August 2013
4 signatures
Save the BCCA Bournemouth
Open from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Friday 2nd November 2012
8 signatures
Order Camelot to cause their ticket machines to ring a very loud bell when a winning ticket is checked.
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
4 signatures
Stop our proxy war with Syria
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th November 2012
3 signatures
Right to water
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
2 signatures
Open from Friday 3rd August 2012 to Saturday 3rd August 2013
5 signatures
Zero vat days to boost the economy
Open from Friday 3rd August 2012 to Saturday 3rd November 2012
2 signatures
benifits for under 18 in education
Open from Friday 3rd August 2012 to Saturday 3rd August 2013
2 signatures
Make tax credits be explained in plain english
Open from Tuesday 14th August 2012 to Thursday 14th February 2013
1 signatures
Standardise actual cost charges across the financial sector
Open from Friday 3rd August 2012 to Saturday 3rd August 2013
4 signatures
police lay visitors
Open from Friday 3rd August 2012 to Saturday 3rd August 2013
2 signatures
National Anthem
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
2 signatures
For Jehovah's Witness law to become the secular law (test first)
Open from Monday 6th August 2012 to Tuesday 6th August 2013
1 signatures
Abolish 1p Coins
Open from Monday 6th August 2012 to Tuesday 6th November 2012
3 signatures
flashing headlights should mean 'you have my permission to go' and 'thankyou for letting me go'
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
2 signatures
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
1 signatures
Counry of Birth on Passport Application
Open from Thursday 16th August 2012 to Friday 16th August 2013
1 signatures
Demand Facebook removes/prosecutes Troll profiles
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
4 signatures
smokers' clubs
Open from Monday 6th August 2012 to Tuesday 6th August 2013
7 signatures
Keep Olympics in their entirety on Free-to-air TV
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th November 2012
1 signatures
social housing laws
Open from Friday 31st August 2012 to Saturday 31st August 2013
5 signatures
Great Britain & N. Ireland Olympic anthem
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
1 signatures
under age drinking
Open from Friday 24th August 2012 to Saturday 24th August 2013
1 signatures
Theft of Public Money by Local Councillors
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
4 signatures
Allow Estranged Parents A Say In How DLA For Children Is Used
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
2 signatures
Increase Seating Capacity at Major Railway Stations
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
3 signatures
Improve e-petition site quality - consolidate duplicates
Open from Tuesday 14th August 2012 to Wednesday 14th August 2013
3 signatures
Opt out of the Minimum Wage
Open from Monday 6th August 2012 to Tuesday 6th August 2013
5 signatures
Reduce Deposit for Police and Crime Commissioner Elections
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
4 signatures
Ban the sale of tattoo equipment to unlicensed individuals
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Tuesday 3rd September 2013
4 signatures
DO NOT Stop All Benefits For Drug Users
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
3 signatures
Create more jobs in health promotion and education and reduce public health issues
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
2 signatures
Anyone claiming benefits should clean the streets while searching for work
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
4 signatures
We Want M Ilias Ali and his Driver Ansar Ali to be Released Immediately
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Thursday 15th August 2013
5 signatures
British overseas territories
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Wednesday 15th May 2013
8 signatures
An Upper House to be Elected by Proportional Representation to replace the House of Lords
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
7 signatures
Parliament should not have a recess and should work all year round like the rest of the nation
Open from Tuesday 7th August 2012 to Wednesday 7th August 2013
3 signatures
B.A.S.I.C.S. Ban Alcohol Sales In Corner Shops.
Open from Friday 24th August 2012 to Saturday 24th August 2013
5 signatures
Stop taxpayers funding betting and gambling companies
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2012 to Thursday 8th August 2013
7 signatures
Save Our Pubs
Open from Wednesday 22nd August 2012 to Friday 22nd February 2013
5 signatures
Stop the Chancellor of the Exchequer using 110% as a measure
Open from Wednesday 8th August 2012 to Friday 8th February 2013
1 signatures
Leaking state
Open from Thursday 16th August 2012 to Friday 16th August 2013
1 signatures
Investigate Petrol Price Settings
Open from Friday 10th August 2012 to Saturday 10th August 2013
7 signatures
Taxi insurance
Open from Friday 10th August 2012 to Saturday 10th August 2013
7 signatures
Mandatory child safety advertisements on childrens television channels
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
7 signatures
Stop sanctions of medicine into Iran, which leaves children dying.
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Thursday 15th August 2013
8 signatures
Give the military a London Olympics 2012 medal
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th November 2012
2 signatures
Ensure that all the money earned by our olympians over the next 10 years is recovered to the national purse.
Open from Thursday 9th August 2012 to Friday 9th August 2013
3 signatures
Open from Friday 10th August 2012 to Saturday 10th August 2013
4 signatures
Barnwell Road Common Cambridge CB1
Open from Wednesday 12th September 2012 to Wednesday 12th December 2012
1 signatures
Publish the variation in money spent on managers in hospitals and Trusts
Open from Friday 10th August 2012 to Saturday 10th August 2013
4 signatures
Wounded service personnel
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Friday 15th February 2013
4 signatures
divert all foreign aid to sport in the uk
Open from Monday 20th August 2012 to Tuesday 20th August 2013
2 signatures
childrens olympics
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
1 signatures
Olympic accommodation to become accommodation for Members of parliament.
Open from Tuesday 14th August 2012 to Wednesday 14th August 2013
4 signatures
Separate Teams for England, Scotland, Wales at Rio Olympics
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
4 signatures
All future Defence Ministers Must have military experience
Open from Tuesday 21st August 2012 to Wednesday 21st August 2013
4 signatures
Causing death in a car while under the influence
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
3 signatures
To keep this feeling:Team GB for every sport and every international sporting (or non-sporting) competition.
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
2 signatures
Play the national anthem before all sporting events held in the UK
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
5 signatures
UK Road Safety is a Money-Spinning Joke
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
3 signatures
Funding for amateur sport facilities
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Sunday 17th February 2013
2 signatures
Total abolition the Metric system
Open from Wednesday 15th August 2012 to Thursday 15th August 2013
4 signatures
Open from Friday 17th August 2012 to Saturday 17th August 2013
1 signatures
Country selection - epetitions
Open from Tuesday 14th August 2012 to Wednesday 14th August 2013
2 signatures
Ban "Rollkur" Equine
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
3 signatures
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th November 2012
1 signatures
mammogrammes at 44
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
2 signatures
Change Postal town of North Solihull
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Tuesday 3rd September 2013
3 signatures
Reduce London rents
Open from Friday 31st August 2012 to Saturday 31st August 2013
3 signatures
Make door-to-door leafleting illegal!
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Tuesday 3rd September 2013
2 signatures
Stop gender bias in diagnosis and treatment for autism
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
4 signatures
Usain Bolt allowed to race in the uk without sponsorship tax deductions.
Open from Thursday 23rd August 2012 to Friday 23rd August 2013
3 signatures
Create a mobile NHS dental service for immobile / disabled people
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Wednesday 13th February 2013
3 signatures
london olympic village to have its postcode changed
Open from Monday 3rd September 2012 to Monday 3rd December 2012
1 signatures
Reversing diabetes
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
6 signatures
Make Fishing Licence exactly one year duration
Open from Monday 13th August 2012 to Tuesday 13th August 2013
4 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:51:09 +0000