All the petitions which closed in April 2013, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
A fairer deal for disabled people and bus travel
Open from Wednesday 31st October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1,357 signatures
Creation of a Pedophile database
Open from Wednesday 31st October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
7 signatures
BYOD(Bring your own device)
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1 signatures
change current legislation, so that ALL work related daths are included in HSE figures
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
2 signatures
"DLA for all children with type 1 diabetes until they are 16"
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
340 signatures
Fairer to fathers
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
9 signatures
Codex aliementarius
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
21 signatures
All products that are tested on animals should be stated clearly on the label.
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
46 signatures
Invest in Reaction engines Ltd Sabre project
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
161 signatures
school alert system to warn parents of events
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
160 signatures
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
3 signatures
housing market harborough
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
2 signatures
No to the F35 Lightning II, Yes to the Eurofighter Typhoon
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
6 signatures
FREE Paediatric First Aid Training for Parents and Carers.
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
121 signatures
Abolish Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
8 signatures
Call to ban Ketogenic enteral nutrition for cosmetic or weight loss purposes
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
11 signatures
change the adult mental health law
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
5 signatures
Eldery care-make inspections of all homes in the UK unannounced
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
7 signatures
Help for people with Emetophobia
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
11 signatures
Implement in full the recommendations of the Culture Media and Sport Committe's Football Governance report
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
7 signatures
Save Our Cranes
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
221 signatures
Shia Muslim genocide in Pakistan
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
3,868 signatures
Encouraging women to get involved in politics
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
9 signatures
put dye in cigarettes to make the smoke more visable
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
5 signatures
Stop Pharmaceutical Manufacturers limiting suppies of vital medication into the UK to limit the free movement of goods
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
11 signatures
Improving the standards of care delivered to the elderly particularly those with suffering from dementia
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
842 signatures
Compulsory CCTV in every residents room in care homes
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
21 signatures
subsidize gym membership to cut down on obesity
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
5 signatures
Allow Smoking in Private Members Clubs
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
3 signatures
GP charges for copying medical records
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1,581 signatures
CCTV to be available to all care recipients and their families
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
13 signatures
No increase in the United Kingdom's EU contribution
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
4 signatures
Lower the drinking age to 17
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
7 signatures
Human rights of religious minorities
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
2 signatures
Do not reclassify e-cigarettes as medicinal products.
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
30 signatures
St. Albans Hospital - Car Parking Charges
Open from Thursday 31st January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
7 signatures
Call for a change to the Hague Convention to see Childrens Welfare as paramount importance
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
12 signatures
Policy changes to stop the abuse of the immigration, NHS and benefits systems
Open from Tuesday 31st July 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
33 signatures
Save the Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Surgical Service at UHSM (Wythenshawe hospital)
Open from Wednesday 30th January 2013 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1,164 signatures
Discounted Bus travel for Over 60`s anytime
Open from Tuesday 30th October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1 signatures
set fees for immigration and deportation cases
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
18 signatures
Make Child Labour Illegal for UK Companies
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
9 signatures
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
4 signatures
Stop the proposal for a waste management centre in Brunel Newton Abbot
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1 signatures
Travellers to have to pay per hour for the weeks they stay in car parks just like everyone else would have to.
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
3 signatures
Save the New Mills and Buxton Ambulance Stations and create, if necessary, a new Ambulance hub in the High Peak
Open from Wednesday 31st October 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
1,977 signatures
Make clear laws on filming/using a camera in a public place.
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
10 signatures
Make the advertising of fake jobs illegal
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
15 signatures
Change the Patent laws to be only for genuine new inventions
Open from Monday 30th April 2012 to Tuesday 30th April 2013
2 signatures
Legalizing Voluntary Euthanasia
Open from Tuesday 29th January 2013 to Monday 29th April 2013
7 signatures
Restructuring Student finance England
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
17 signatures
Stop the bedroom tax NOW
Open from Tuesday 29th January 2013 to Monday 29th April 2013
1,496 signatures
Stop more children falling below the poverty line in the UK
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
3 signatures
Stop 100% cuts to the arts in Newcastle Upon-Tyne
Open from Tuesday 29th January 2013 to Monday 29th April 2013
60 signatures
NATIONWIDE campaign against the unfair new universal credit & housing benefit reforms
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
29 signatures
stop the housing benefit reform
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
91 signatures
Petition for the legal control of the raptor population
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
1 signatures
Cyberknife ...Cancer patients being let down
Open from Monday 29th October 2012 to Monday 29th April 2013
24 signatures
Introduce Portable Bank Account Numbers
Open from Tuesday 29th January 2013 to Monday 29th April 2013
247 signatures
Save Easington village from another wind turbine
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Sunday 28th April 2013
14 signatures
Stop the slaughter of Dolphins in Taiji
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Sunday 28th April 2013
20 signatures
UKBA Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Sunday 28th April 2013
6 signatures
Stamp Duty removal for First Time Buyers
Open from Monday 28th January 2013 to Sunday 28th April 2013
16 signatures
No Compulsory Microchipping of Dogs - Right to Choose
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
158 signatures
To reduce diesel fuel cost to the same as petrol fuel at filling stations.
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
13 signatures
keep dogs on leads near public play areas
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
10 signatures
Water Company Profits
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
5 signatures
mandatory recycling for all offices
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
4 signatures
Grand National fences Lower the height!
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
8 signatures
Ban horse racing
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
28 signatures
cruelty to horses in the grand national & cheltenham
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
19 signatures
Limit number of runners in steeple chase racing
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
5 signatures
ban horse racing
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
7 signatures
'Respect' for primary care nurses campaign
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
523 signatures
MPs should be immune from freedom of information requests
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
1 signatures
David Cameron and George Osbourne to Resign
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
32,401 signatures
£1 Yearly Allowance For Voters To Fund Political Parties
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
5 signatures
Police jurisdiction to fine veichles with excessive exhaust fumes
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
3 signatures
Tax Breaks for Job Creating Businesses
Open from Friday 27th April 2012 to Saturday 27th April 2013
2 signatures
Make Modesty Wraps Law
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
8 signatures
Criminal convictions for cyber bullies - R.I.P Amanda Todd
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
17 signatures
Prmium Bond holding limit should rise with inflation each year
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures
Chancellor assessment on what percentage of income people pay in tax
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
4 signatures
Remove a tax on a tax
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
9 signatures
End the black economy and drug dealing by moving to a cash free society
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures
Revoke the law against the home distillation of Alcohol
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures
Allow the full annual ISA allowance to be put into cash ISAs.
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
182 signatures
that charities engaged in commerce should also pay their taxes
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures
Every Child in Need - keep minimum standards for vulnerable children
Open from Thursday 26th July 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
1,253 signatures
Reasons to reduce the number of MP's
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
6 signatures
Requirement for all public building, shops and rail stations to have public of cost
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
10 signatures
bill banning insurance companies using scoring data to determine premiums
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
1 signatures
Ex-prisoners in the House of Lords
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
5 signatures
Let us use Child care voucher to pay for school meals
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures
Return democracy to Council Tax payer
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
3 signatures
Protect listed buildings and our heritage
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
4 signatures
Roman Catholic Church
Open from Thursday 26th July 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
6 signatures
Save Royal Bolton Hospital
Open from Friday 26th October 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
3,058 signatures
A Referendum to consult the British people on whether they want a Multicultural society.
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
14 signatures
Improving Local Democracy in England & Wales
Open from Thursday 26th April 2012 to Friday 26th April 2013
2 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 13:28:58 +0000