All the petitions which closed in December 2020, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Keep schools closed until Covid 19 is no longer a threat
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
70,337 signatures
Reintroduce the Milk Marketing Board
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
507 signatures
Introduce mandatory Identity Cards
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
1,783 signatures
Clear student debts for all newly qualified & final year medical students.
Open from Friday 5th June 2020 to Saturday 5th December 2020
23 signatures
Set up a Royal Commission into Government planning and handling of pandemics
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
331 signatures
Set up nationalised manufacturing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
264 signatures
Provide all small companies not entitled to existing support a grant of £25,000
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
737 signatures
Review police powers and behaviour during the lockdown
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
397 signatures
Make stockpiling PPE law in case of future pandemics.
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
17 signatures
Make Economics an Ebacc subject for GCSE alongside History and Geography.
Open from Thursday 4th June 2020 to Friday 4th December 2020
20 signatures
Grants for New businesses trading from 1st April 2020
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
13 signatures
Call for a Public Inquiry into the number of deaths in Care Homes
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
1,081 signatures
Scrap the new 'Stay Alert' message and reinstate the 'Stay at Home' message
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
36 signatures
One-off Grant To Be Paid To Anyone Who Has Not Benefited From A Covid-19 Scheme
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
55,188 signatures
To create a public inquiry into the media reporting and presenting of the virus
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
7,189 signatures
Make any contact tracing app promulgated by the Government open source
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
17 signatures
Permit weddings of 5 people (registrar/couple/2 witnesses) during COVID19
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
24,327 signatures
Commission & fund a National Pandemic Memorial, Institute & annual commemoration
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
280 signatures
Call a Covid-19 General Election
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
4,552 signatures
Legalise conjugal visits in England
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
44 signatures
Fund more advertising for helplines for children and domestic violence victims
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
51 signatures
Stop the release of the HMP prisoners early due to Covid19 virus
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
34 signatures
Prevent applying for Universal Credit automatically ending legacy benefits
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
26 signatures
Allow parents over age of 65 to join British Citizens, as adult dependents.
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
7,068 signatures
Protect Child Tax Credit renewal for Key Workers working extra hours covid19
Open from Wednesday 3rd June 2020 to Thursday 3rd December 2020
17 signatures
Introduce Public Transport and Logistics Industry Grant For Covid-19
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
18 signatures
Ensure the NHSX Covid-19 Contact Tracing App Protects User Privacy
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
1,160 signatures
Extend the Covid-19 business rates relief to cover human and animal healthcare
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
7,255 signatures
Urgently extend the statutory age limit for SEN provision given Covid19
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
5,303 signatures
Issue a secondary grant payment for SBRR recipients and rate-paying businesses
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
29 signatures
All private healthcare policies to be subject to 50% tax to go directly to NHS.
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
16 signatures
Public inquiry into the deaths of NHS workers during the Covid-19 outbreak
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
23 signatures
Start an All-Party Beveridge-Style ‘Futures’ Report
Open from Tuesday 2nd June 2020 to Wednesday 2nd December 2020
60 signatures
Reimburse any resident of England that has been fined for breaking the lock down
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
45 signatures
Public Inquiry into consistent enforcement of lockdown rules
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
177 signatures
Lockdown breaches by Government officials must be treated as Gross Misconduct
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
13,996 signatures
Reduce curriculum content for year 10 & 12 students who will sit exams in 2021.
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
148,388 signatures
Include wholesale businesses in the COVID 19 Business Rates Relief
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
1,068 signatures
Exempt non-Furloughed employees from any tax rises to pay for Furlough scheme
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
365 signatures
Extend Self-Employment income support in alignment with the Job Retention scheme
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
4,244 signatures
End COVID-19 social distancing
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
6,620 signatures
Include service charge & tips in income paid by Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
75 signatures
Pay self-employed workers 80% of trading profit regardless of other income/jobs
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
59 signatures
Blanket payment for the self-employed similar to the AU and US stimulus payment
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
32 signatures
Base self employed income support grant on 2019-20 tax returns
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
314 signatures
Extend the RTI deadline of 19 March for contractors and employees for the CJRS
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
52 signatures
Provide better financial support for early years settings during this crisis
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
18 signatures
Pay all breaks for NHS employees
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
71 signatures
Those having to work during covid-19 should not be subject to tax increases
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
624 signatures
Increase the weekly Employment Support Allowance.
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
16 signatures
Work with exam boards to design a less stressful exam schedule
Open from Monday 1st June 2020 to Tuesday 1st December 2020
66 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:39:12 +0000