All the petitions which closed in February 2016, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Give Students (12-16) A Choice To Dropout Of School To Start/Do Their Company.
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
8 signatures
Immediate halt to all benefit sanctions
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
6,208 signatures
Ban the Production and Sale of Alcohol and Classify it as a Class A Drug Now
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
5,425 signatures
Calling for a debate on a motion of no confidence in Mr Duncan Smith
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
2,258 signatures
Waiting times for driving test appointments should be equal across Great Britain
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
648 signatures
Please treat petitions on this site as mandates not suggestions
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
18 signatures
DECC to urgently review the current approach to the solar feed in tariff
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
27,695 signatures
Remove the new Court Charge imposed in March 2015
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
102 signatures
Introduce processes that speed up the resolution of disputes within Family Law
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
12,500 signatures
Sanction Israel until it obeys International Law and United Nations Resolutions.
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
1,480 signatures
Call a Referendum on the restoration of the death penalty for serious crimes
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
213 signatures
Reverse the decision to stop Tyler, The Creator from entering the UK.
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
1,832 signatures
It's 2015, begin uterus transplants on men so they too can have babies
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
7 signatures
Make the government provide a representatives name on petition responses.
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
12 signatures
Make cannabis oil (THC & CBD) legal and available on the NHS
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
5,923 signatures
Stop stunts at air shows on safety issues.
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
18 signatures
Legalise Euthanasia
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
23 signatures
Hold a local referendum to scrap the West Midlands Combined Authority and Mayor
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
66 signatures
Ban ex-VAT pricing
Open from Friday 28th August 2015 to Sunday 28th February 2016
16 signatures
Review Airfield Classification as Brownfield Sites
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
20,215 signatures
Make it law to inform a jury of their powers of jury nullification.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
666 signatures
Ban the use of "committed suicide" by public bodies or in any official context.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
2,011 signatures
Lift wild camping laws and grant access to unused buildings for the homeless.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
220 signatures
Allow charities to create drug consumption rooms for over 18's.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
30 signatures
The UK should end the alliance with Israel over its actions in the war
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
33 signatures
Abolish hospital car parking fees for patients.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
42 signatures
Halt fracking related activity within the UK and let people's voices be heard.
Open from Thursday 27th August 2015 to Saturday 27th February 2016
2,771 signatures
Make the production, sale and use of alcohol illegal.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
107 signatures
Referendum on the legalization of cannabis possession and cultivation in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
175 signatures
Ban the production, sale and use of alcohol and tobacco
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
382 signatures
End the 12 Month Deferral Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
3,191 signatures
Keep Hartlepool's Court Open.
Say No to becoming a Ghost Town.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
672 signatures
I would like for the government to stop wasting public money on this website
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
238 signatures
The use of Cannabis too be decriminalised for over 18/21's, and medical uses.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
1,391 signatures
Make the uk (the people)vote on the full legalisation of cannabis.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
84 signatures
Introduce Local Democracy to the Curriculum.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
13 signatures
Ban alcohol consumption in the UK
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
20 signatures
Hold a referendum about assisted suicide.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
655 signatures
Introduce a tax on sugary drinks in the UK to improve our children's health.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
155,516 signatures
Help problem gambling by preventing adverts and expand self exclusion laws.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
56 signatures
Cite sources for all facts contained in recent response to cannabis petition
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
145 signatures
Amend the Animal Welfare Act;make it illegal to leave an animal in a hot vehicle
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
10,184 signatures
Censor & shield children and teens 16- from sexual content in media and lyrics.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
25 signatures
Initiate a public inquiry regarding mismanagement of Stonehenge.
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
153 signatures
Stop recognizing Kosovo as an independent country
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
10 signatures
We need to start a child loss benefit for bereaved parents/carers
Open from Wednesday 26th August 2015 to Friday 26th February 2016
142 signatures
To ban the manufacture and sale of Slug pellets.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
17 signatures
Lower the age of smear tests in the UK to 16.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
736 signatures
Implement the findings of the Lloyd Inquiry into Gulf War Veterans illnesses.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
1,246 signatures
Stop all military aid to Israel as long as Palestine is under occupation
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
44 signatures
Make it ILLEGAL for schools to punish students for being different
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
33 signatures
Put measures in place to reduce the wait for DVSA driving tests.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
678 signatures
Reverse Home Office decision to stop Catherine West MP visiting Yarl's Wood.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
2,277 signatures
Government to cancel the Chilcot enquiry.
Irrelevant,time wasting and feeble
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
10 signatures
Ban trade of foiegras within UK/ ban the importation of foiegras into Britain.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
3,100 signatures
Protect libraries from council cuts
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
52 signatures
Increase the maximum sentence for death by dangerous driving while drunk
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
456 signatures
Stop allowing immigrants into the UK.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
216,949 signatures
A law requiring evidence for all supernatural claims ("nonsense avoidance law")
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
10 signatures
Move parliament to a new campus with halls, etc. No 2nd homes or expenses.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
18 signatures
To make the covering of a persons face in public unlawful.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
285 signatures
Ban the isis Flag
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
639 signatures
Give access to funds from a pension share after divorce if it can help to house.
Open from Tuesday 25th August 2015 to Thursday 25th February 2016
11 signatures
If a petition reaches 100,000. All mp's must attend parliament to debate it
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
47 signatures
Ban schools from serving halal meat to children without parents' consent
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
36,371 signatures
Make the U.S. Federal Law 'Stolen Valor' a law in the United Kingdom.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
106 signatures
Full disclosure of UFO's
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
29 signatures
Stop free childcare places for people on benefits!
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
1,037 signatures
Overturn ban on gay men waiting 12 months after having sex to donate blood.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
37 signatures
Official forms to have the option to declare nationality as English, not British
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
219 signatures
Create statutory requirement for BBC Weather to be provided by the UK Met Office
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
306 signatures
Mandatory Prison Sentence for anyone caught with knives in public
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
500 signatures
Change the law to stop establishments pocketing tips earned by staff
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
110 signatures
Introduce "life lessons" to the educational curriculum at senior school level.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
23 signatures
Clearly label garden insecticides with bee harming chemicals
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
81 signatures
Reconsider the new Dividend Tax for small businesses
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
58,293 signatures
Deport all non-British citizens.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
202 signatures
Amend the Act of Settlement, 1701 to remove all anti-Catholic provisions.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
10 signatures
Change the hate crime laws in the UK to include alternative sub-cultures
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
204 signatures
For a full investigation into recent & on going acts of abuse against children
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
14 signatures
Once completed, Renumber the A1(M) North of Aberford as the M1.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
15 signatures
Persuade the EU to ban live animal circus acts across Europe.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
130 signatures
In the name of humanity allow a passage of asylum to Syrian refugees.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
1,437 signatures
Stop the immoral and wrong practice going on in private dementia nursing homes
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
111 signatures
To legislatate to require councils to provide weekly waste collections.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
27 signatures
Send the Parachute Regiment to the Middle East to deal with ISIS.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
42 signatures
Apologize for Balfour Declaration and offer compensation to Palestinians
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
1,278 signatures
Ban advertising by gambling companies in particular on-line gambling.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
78 signatures
Relax the smoking ban to allow e-cigarettes indoors
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
34 signatures
Stop Natural England issuing licenses to kill, destroy nests or eggs of gulls
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
25 signatures
Apply more stringent restrictions on night flights at Gatwick.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
2,273 signatures
Bring an ECG into the national screening programme to protect our young people.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
370 signatures
seek for a peaceful political settlement to the crisis in Syria
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
22 signatures
Khaled Mashaal to be arrested for proven war crimes should he ever visit London.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
289 signatures
We want any animal abusers to have to sign a life-long register
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
166 signatures
Provide prescription charge exemption for patients on lifelong warfarin.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
405 signatures
Abolish the current student loan system, making tuition fees/grants fully funded
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
21 signatures
Enable forces veterans to volunteer to help at public events to aid security.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
40 signatures
Table a motion to call for a vote of no confidence in this government.
Open from Monday 24th August 2015 to Wednesday 24th February 2016
35 signatures
Use big labels on food high in sugar warning of tooth decay, obesity, diabetes
Open from Friday 21st August 2015 to Sunday 21st February 2016
80 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:48:19 +0000