All the petitions which closed in September 2016, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Ban the use of neonicotinoids in the UK
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
62 signatures
Change the Gambling Act to prevent bookmakers conning people.
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
791 signatures
Stop car insurance companies from discrimination against sex, age and occupation
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
14 signatures
Allow British expats and British nationals overseas the right to a dedicated MP
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
2,382 signatures
To revoke British Citizenship and passport if you commit a crime
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
24 signatures
Allow transgender people to self-define their legal gender
Open from Thursday 17th March 2016 to Saturday 17th September 2016
26 signatures
Relax working tax credit claim criteria for self-employed freelancers, artisans
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,009 signatures
not to extend school hours - it would affect privately run after school clubs
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,144 signatures
Extend free school dinners to those on Working Tax Credits
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
24 signatures
scrap universal credit..its not right and its not fair.people are not surviving
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,127 signatures
Hold a public inquiry and a referendum over turning all schools into academies
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
156,599 signatures
Raise motorway speed limit to 80mph with a minimum of 55mph.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
32 signatures
Amend the Investigatory Powers Bill (IP Bill) to meet international standards.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
131 signatures
Freeze all disability benefits reviews for Scottish Residents till April 2017
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
1,445 signatures
Scrap plans to force state schools to become academies.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
151,403 signatures
Stop Our Dad Being Deported In 24hours!Theresa May please dont' break my family
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
109 signatures
We need a National Alan Turing Remembrance Day.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
23 signatures
Reform the Commons: Three days full time with compulsory attendance for all MPs.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
27 signatures
Save Violet Melchett Health Centre in Chelsea from Closure
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
21 signatures
Stop schools forcing children to pray and sing religious songs in assembly.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
17 signatures
Iain Duncan Smith MP: Give sick cancer patients access to financial support
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
467 signatures
Introduce a temporary visa scheme for refugees
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
17 signatures
Allow Diagnosed Transgender persons the right to change their Birth Certificate
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
101 signatures
Get Chiropractors working in the NHS
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
37 signatures
Declare all far right wing parties as terrorist organizations
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
1,354 signatures
Crimes of Paedophilia, to carry a higher statutory sentence except murder.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
23 signatures
Food tolerance testing on the NHS
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
7 signatures
Deport Foreign Criminals Earlier Increase ERS Scheme Time from 9 to 18 months
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
12 signatures
Pursue a free movement treaty between the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
45,800 signatures
Make all students houses pay Council Tax
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
14 signatures
Remove loophole allowing under aged girl married to an adult to live or be in UK
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
13 signatures
Bring back the Emerging Personality Disorder Unit in Somerset Areas
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
47 signatures
Make it the law for all UK eateries to sell gluten free & lowfat dairy free food
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
21 signatures
Adding lessons about eating disorders to the PSHCE national curriculum
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
88 signatures
Ban telemarketing companies from using fake mobile or fake local phone numbers
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
22 signatures
Make Crown Indemnity available to all NHS GP practices in the UK.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,207 signatures
Pay carers fair rate
Currently get £73.10wk for35 hrs of care
That's £2.08ph
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
20 signatures
Make childcare costs exempt from Income tax
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
20 signatures
DVLA to review their policies of exemption circumstances for medical conditions
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
10 signatures
Ask Saudi government to stop executing young innocent people
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
12 signatures
Allow Pensioners free dental treament
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
8 signatures
The BBC board of governors should not be appointed by HM Government.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
319 signatures
Strip the regulatory bodies of their charitable status
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
34 signatures
CPR should be made part of the national curriculum and taught to all school kids
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,837 signatures
Stop the change to the points system for Personal Independence Payments
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
3,002 signatures
Compulsory blood test for anyone taken to hospital for suspected drug spiking
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
108 signatures
create a law to make all cyclists wear correctly fitting cycle helmets
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
120 signatures
Reject the PM's deal: put an option in the referendum to demand a democratic EU.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
16 signatures
Call for the Ministry of Justice to fix the law on teenage Statutory Rape.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
526 signatures
Citizenship Granted to Ex-Servicemen & Women after serving in the British Forces
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
269 signatures
Completely ban Sunday trading for high-street retailers.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
18 signatures
Bring Back national service in the UK with forced conscription
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
44 signatures
Intervene in Crimea and return it to the Ukraine Government
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
8 signatures
David Cameron to honour his promise that Shipbuilding would remain in Portsmouth
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
38 signatures
An accused should have the right to total anonymity until a verdict is passed.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
24 signatures
Introduce a Financial Transaction Tax, use revenue to help fight austerity cuts
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
12 signatures
Make people who claim benefits do voluntary work/work alongside local council
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
21 signatures
Review the NHS111/Ambulance Service and ensure adequate governance/safeguarding.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
473 signatures
Regulate Private Hire Fares
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
276 signatures
TRADE DEAL with EU after BREXIT must prohibit unrestricted immigration
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
65 signatures
Increase funding rate for 3-4 year olds needing to provide pensions for staff.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
10,131 signatures
Make it a criminal act for child contact denial to be accountable for.
Open from Wednesday 16th March 2016 to Friday 16th September 2016
97 signatures
Implement a Fibroids Education Awareness and Screening Program
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
27 signatures
Include Menstrual Cups and Reusable Sanitary Towels in Free Prescriptions.
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
27 signatures
Create a framework for PSHE in KS4
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
23 signatures
Ban domesticated cats from being allowed to roam freely outdoors
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
35 signatures
Treat war pensions the same as the state pension, apply a triple lock increase.
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
20 signatures
Make conjugal visits legal in the UK
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
45 signatures
Reject proposals to increase Insurance Premium Tax
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
11 signatures
National Lottery money should stay in the UK and be Not For Profit
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
52 signatures
Make Education Maintenance Allowance universal for all school pupils over 16
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
89 signatures
Require a minimum turnout of 70% and a majority of 10% in the EU referendum
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
72 signatures
Bring England in line with the rest of the UK & make Prescriptions Free for all.
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
122 signatures
Stop planned cuts to the Personal Independence Payments.
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
9,256 signatures
Change of employment law for terminal/long term cancer carers
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
692 signatures
Increase NHS Pay in Accordance with the Living Wage Increases
Open from Tuesday 15th March 2016 to Thursday 15th September 2016
5,486 signatures
Put a lesson on Inter-sectional Feminism in the British PSHE curriculum.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
77 signatures
Make more funding to have Admiral nurses in every county of the UK.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
520 signatures
Vaccinate all children against the ACWY strain of meningitis
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
15 signatures
Make disability awareness a regular thing taught in schools
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
33 signatures
Reinstate allowances regarding spelling for pupils with dyslexia.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
15,713 signatures
Training on Mental Health for Ambulance service
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
20 signatures
Funding for every primary school to employ a primary PE teacher
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
65 signatures
Call an emergency parliament session to properly discuss NHS Reinstatement Bill.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
14,434 signatures
Save UK Air Cadet Gliding
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
17,892 signatures
Tax "junk foods", & give the money to Companies who produce healthy products.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
24 signatures
Increase university loans for art based courses.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
399 signatures
Ban the use of Audible bird scarers
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
124 signatures
Make local councils responsible for the law on cannabis in their area.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
112 signatures
Make the selling of electronic devices with pre-installed malware/adware illegal
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
20 signatures
Stop all terrier work
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
41 signatures
Regulate imports of clothing from unethical sources.
Open from Monday 14th March 2016 to Wednesday 14th September 2016
10 signatures
Allow the public to decide the order private members' bills are debated.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
33 signatures
Provide the needed equipment to stop the collapse of the Mosul Dam.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
19 signatures
National Travel Ban on Foreign Anti-gay Officials
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
10 signatures
Make companies legally obliged to allow staff time off work to donate blood
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
18 signatures
Flash glucose monitoring systems to be available on the NHS.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
318 signatures
Provide the Air Training Corps with a glider fleet fit for purpose.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
22 signatures
Remove reprimands from PNC records as soon as the offender turns into an adult.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
19 signatures
Reverse the decision that four year olds should be tested.
Open from Friday 11th March 2016 to Sunday 11th September 2016
83 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:31:11 +0000