All the petitions which closed in September 2016, sorted by closing date from newest to oldest.
Link the subsidiary lights on the sides of long vehicles to the signal lights.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
120 signatures
To implement a minimum wage for people under the age of 16.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
14 signatures
Ban bonfires in residential areas between the hours of 600 and 1900 on weekdays
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
60 signatures
Educate 11-18 s in self-defence, financial management and emotional literacy.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
19 signatures
Make tinted/mirrored motorbike visors legal
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
44 signatures
Make it illegal to advertise e-cigarettes on television.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
14 signatures
Declassify and Remove D Notices on All Files of Crimes Against Children
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
962 signatures
Close loopholes for multinationals before adding Licence Fees for BBC iPlayer
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
14 signatures
Stop the building of large housing estates nationwide on green belt land.
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
2,328 signatures
Set a time scale for disabled people to get an answer and payment off pip. .
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
17 signatures
Lower the legal age of smear tests from 25 to 16
Open from Monday 7th March 2016 to Wednesday 7th September 2016
681 signatures
Force the BBC to scrap the licence fee in favour of funding from advertisements.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
96 signatures
Increase Police funding to proactively tackle driveway car thefts.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
24 signatures
Make Cannabis Oil (THC & CBD) Legal and Available on the NHS in the UK
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
4,283 signatures
A Start Date for the Mottram-in-Longdendale, Hollingworth & Tintwistle Bypass
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
2,456 signatures
Give unmarried widows equal rights in registering paternity of their children
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
2,690 signatures
Allow all television broadcasts to use extracts of parliamentary proceedings.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
89 signatures
Re-instate the death penalty
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
49 signatures
Ban artificial colours (E numbers) from children's medicine in the UK
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
72 signatures
Apply a "one out one in" system to any new appointments to the House of Lords.
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
23 signatures
Franchise to commit c2c to fast train services with stops at Southend stations
Open from Friday 4th March 2016 to Sunday 4th September 2016
382 signatures
Amend the Dangerous Dogs Act to allow for fair, uniform return of seized dogs.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
12,102 signatures
By LAW, owners of micro-chipped pets change the details as with a car log book.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
16 signatures
Stop Michael Fallon from spending £642m on Trident before a vote in Parliament.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
245 signatures
We need more military personnel at least 500K to give use the security we need.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
26 signatures
Introduce Environmental Studies into the National school curriculum
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
29 signatures
Don't ban tackling in school rugby.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
24,680 signatures
Ask all MPs to use Email and Twitter to allow their constituents to contact them
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
174 signatures
Provide funding, equipment, training & materials to repair to Iraq's Mosul Dam
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
19 signatures
DWP to recognise Hidradenitis Suppurativa as a debilitating medical condition.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
330 signatures
Reform education, make it evidence based ato protect our children from stress.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
108 signatures
The refugee crisis distorts views on the EU. Postpone the referendum now.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
22 signatures
Reverse changes to Spousal Visa requirements made in 2012
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
39 signatures
Stop any added increase to the pensionable age of retirement
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
13 signatures
The government must ensure schools provide instrumental lessons for all pupils
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
139 signatures
Call for a vote of no confidence in David Cameron
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
8,771 signatures
Make all cyclists responsible for their actions on public roads!
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
13 signatures
The 23 June should be designated as Independence Day, and celebrated annually.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
21,292 signatures
Create Stricter Laws On Laser Attacks On Aircraft.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
8 signatures
Formation of an independent public inquiry into the governments 7 day NHS plans.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
928 signatures
Support breastfeeding mothers by giving us access to specialists when we need it
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
3,680 signatures
Make it a legal requirement that all animals knocked over by cars are reported.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
38 signatures
Give mandatory sentences for criminal cases involving Child pornography
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
148 signatures
To reduce the TV license fee due to BBC taking a channel off air to save money
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
18 signatures
Enforce respectful/professional behaviour from MPs during Parliamentary sessions
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
530 signatures
Ban utility companies from charging existing customers more than new customers.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
9 signatures
Stop current MPs being either be a director or shareholder of a company.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
9 signatures
To protect the districts of Kirklees, Calderdale from river flooding
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
37 signatures
We, the public, call for an emergency re-run of the general election.
Open from Thursday 3rd March 2016 to Saturday 3rd September 2016
8,603 signatures
Give the Meningitis B vaccine up to the age of 18!
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
25 signatures
Reduce the retirement age for workers in physical jobs.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
259 signatures
Give the Meningitis B vaccine to all UK children by cutting overseas aid budget
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
34 signatures
Raise British solider starting salary by 20% (£21,600).
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
37 signatures
Reduce the minimum drinking age of low ABV alcoholic beverages to 16.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
11 signatures
Medals awarded to British service Personal to be made in UK not France.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
92 signatures
Raising the minimum wage for 18 year olds.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
43 signatures
Raise awareness of girls' right to education in Somalia.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
300 signatures
If the Planning Inspector refuses a planning application the decision is final.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
235 signatures
Consider upping the drinking age to 21
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
11 signatures
Abolishment of the Scottish Parliament returning all powers to Westminster
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
1,484 signatures
Cancel the planned referendum on Britain's continued membership of the EU.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
62,478 signatures
Admit all children with a British connection to the UK from the French camps.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
60 signatures
Save Hinckley Cottage Hospital, Leics. from being closed down and the land sold!
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
2,005 signatures
Change the NLA guidelines to allow mobile workers to be paid for travel.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
11 signatures
Make basic healthcare part of the curriculum in high schools.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
54 signatures
Change the cannabis law to allow use to be allowed and sold within special shops
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
105 signatures
Enact a law making deception and lying by politicians a criminal offence.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
5,204 signatures
£15 an hour and travel time for all carers
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
25 signatures
Write off student loans, in exchange for 5 year commitment to UK state teaching
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
21 signatures
Allow pharmacists to have basic prescribing rights for minor illnesses
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
15 signatures
Government must release all data about EU migrant National Insurance numbers!
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
334 signatures
Add political studies onto the national curriculum.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
1,120 signatures
We ask government to help fund the efforts of "soldiers off the street".
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
66 signatures
Give Liverpool City Council the right to ban racist marches in Liverpool
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
121 signatures
Make the use of mobile phones while driving an instant driving ban.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
145 signatures
Pressure public establishments to provide baby changing facilities for men.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
280 signatures
Make running over a cat and driving off without reporting it a criminal offense
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
4,327 signatures
Create more facilities for those with mental health issues
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
8 signatures
Start issuing on the spot fines for foreign drivers breaking UK driving laws
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
119 signatures
Make life sentences in prison proper life sentences.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
19 signatures
Launch a Parliamentary enquiry into the Whirlpool Tumble Dryer recall
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
293 signatures
Turn empty buildings into homeless shelters and housing
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
701 signatures
Give parents rights to be involved with their disabled adult childs decisions.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
5,518 signatures
We require parliament to debate Lord Kilmuir's letter to Edward Heath
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
10,396 signatures
Up the minimum wage from £6.70 to £7.50 for all workers above the age of 21.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
14 signatures
Lower car insurance for ages 17-25. No matter on Postcode.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
177 signatures
Suspend benefit claimant assessments until a public inquiry is undertaken.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
2,217 signatures
Classify laser devices as an offensive weapon when pointed at aircraft.
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
2,203 signatures
Censor and ban IS 'recruiting' websites
Open from Wednesday 2nd March 2016 to Friday 2nd September 2016
15 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:44:37 +0000