These are the petitions which have closed. You can no longer sign these, but you can still discuss them here.
Require a full driving test for mopeds and scooters
Open from Friday 12th August 2011 to Sunday 12th August 2012
6 signatures
Introduce a Penal Colony on the Falkland Islands
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
ALL citizens to pay tax by PAYE
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd February 2012
6 signatures
Complaints against Police
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Wednesday 16th May 2012
6 signatures
Police Community Support Officers
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th May 2012
6 signatures
Elections voting should be Mandatory
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
no more council tax
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
abolish harmful software patents
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Outsource Prisons to Europe
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Bring Back Beat Policing to our streets
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Political Parties Funded By The State
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Reconsider the proposed cuts to the Police budget.
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Remove the automatic right of juvenile defendants to anonymity in Court
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th February 2012
6 signatures
££500 Bonus for every Police officer on duty during the riots
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Petition for greater democratic freedom through e-referendums on major national decisions
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
prevent criminals from hiding behind human rights act
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Democracy Not Lobby Groups
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
That a life sentence means life
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
6 signatures
Give the OLYMPIC Council TAX Charges BACK to EVERYONE who paid it
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
'Dress down fridays' in parliment
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
sentences for police assault
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
The NHS needs managers with a medical background.
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Create a maximum national wage
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Save Our Police and Armed Forces - Stop the drastic budget cuts to these services our security is being put at risk by the current government
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Give parents criminal responsibility.
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
stop medical examintaions for all dissabled benefits
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Tuesday 15th November 2011
6 signatures
Benefits for Working Families
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Rights to defend your property and family
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Give Mental Heath sufferers the Right to Assessment and Treatment
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Banks – Divide & Conquer
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
More help when made redundant
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Create an offshore prison service for habitual criminals
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Introduce a Community National Service
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
compulsory attendance of parents when their child is in court
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
The Government to give away Heroin for free.
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th February 2012
6 signatures
Make it illegal to be able to withold your Telephone number when making a telephone call.
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Marginalise stamp duty - make it fair
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
To introduce headlights ON anytime
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Stop Kids Having Kids
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
Cap MPs wages to 30k and the difference put to the national deficit
Open from Monday 15th August 2011 to Wednesday 15th August 2012
6 signatures
NHS a compensation free zone
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Army for convicted rioters
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
stop all foreign aid and allocate this money to britains police forces
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Increased tax rate for the wealthy
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Make the rioters work to pay for the damage they caused
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Wednesday 16th November 2011
6 signatures
Outlaw sharp practives by Car Park operators.
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Recognise other cultures National Holidays
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Release the boy from prison who recieved 26 weeks in prison for stealing a bottle of water during the riots
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Child benefits must cease for children borne after nine months have elapsed. This will not affect existing, or expecting, parents.
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
ban 34% duel fuel increase for disabled pensioners
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Thursday 17th November 2011
6 signatures
Benefit reform
Open from Tuesday 16th August 2011 to Thursday 16th August 2012
6 signatures
Invite Argentina to hold a referendum on the Falkland Islands
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Lloyds Banking Group to be shut down
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
reduce fuel tax by 50p per litre
Open from Wednesday 14th December 2011 to Friday 14th December 2012
6 signatures
Employment rights for members of the Reserve Forces mobilsed for Active Duty
Open from Wednesday 17th August 2011 to Friday 17th August 2012
6 signatures
Ambulance Chasing Lawers
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
please bankrupt the debt and let us restart before its to late
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Teach Basic Parenting Skills in Schools
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
6 signatures
Stop insurance and phone companies charging high cancellatin fees
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Fair sentencing for MP expense fraudsters and for rioters
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Abolish the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Get Rid of Financial Services Authority (Not Police!)
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Tax Free 'State Pension'
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Revise in immigration and human rights laws
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
6 signatures
Stop Manufacturers rigging UK prices to consumers
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Prime Minister not to refer to country as 'Broken Britain'
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Health and safety issues on overcrowded trains
Open from Thursday 18th August 2011 to Saturday 18th August 2012
6 signatures
Lease Dover Port do not sell it
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Friday 19th August 2011 to Sunday 19th August 2012
6 signatures
Wasting our Money
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th August 2012
6 signatures
Increase funding should be given into research into the ‘holy grail’ of nuclear fusion and other green technologies
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Make police escorts and security for former MPs and Prime Ministers means tested
Open from Friday 26th August 2011 to Sunday 26th August 2012
6 signatures
Disabilty card for disabled children
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Introduce Animal services to the 999 emergency services
Open from Friday 26th August 2011 to Sunday 26th August 2012
6 signatures
Petitions With 10% Of The Population's Signatures to be put to a Referendum
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd February 2012
6 signatures
Change Immigration Rules to allow unmarried partners to retain right to remain as victims of domestic violence
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Tuesday 22nd May 2012
6 signatures
Scrap 50p tax bracket and replace with property tax for homes valued over £2 million
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
6 signatures
Raise Gambling Age To 25
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Jobs for British Passport Citizens
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
6 signatures
The introduction of an Independent Parliamentary Complaints Commission, and Code of Conduct.
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
should criminal records be deleted if 1st offence and not offended over 20 years
Open from Monday 22nd August 2011 to Wednesday 22nd August 2012
6 signatures
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Disband Halton Borough Council
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
Make the drinking age 16!
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Ban the sale, use, possession and distribution of Paan, Areca/Betel Nut and affiliated mix
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Cheaper electricity for those living near wind farms
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Create an requirement for employees in jobs involving Health & Safety or Public interfacing to meet minimum standards of English Language
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
Enforcement Changes to the Sale of Goods Act 1979
Open from Tuesday 23rd August 2011 to Thursday 23rd August 2012
6 signatures
MP's Expenses to be released for public view.
Open from Wednesday 24th August 2011 to Friday 24th August 2012
6 signatures
Decrease the 120 qualifying time for GSM for those who served in Cyprus in 1956
Open from Tuesday 30th August 2011 to Thursday 30th August 2012
6 signatures
Reduce tax on tobacco and alcohol
Open from Thursday 1st September 2011 to Saturday 1st September 2012
6 signatures
Statutory sick pay review
Open from Thursday 25th August 2011 to Saturday 25th August 2012
6 signatures Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:08:42 +0000