All the petitions which opened in October 2012, sorted by opening date from newest to oldest.
why should insured drivers subsidise uninsured drivers
Open from Thursday 18th October 2012 to Friday 18th October 2013
9 signatures
Spare Tyres Should Be Part Of An MOT
Open from Thursday 18th October 2012 to Thursday 18th April 2013
4 signatures
HPI Calls For Mileage Correction Firms To Be Banned
Open from Thursday 18th October 2012 to Friday 18th October 2013
1,137 signatures
Train Warning Horn use.
Open from Thursday 18th October 2012 to Friday 18th January 2013
298 signatures
Police and Crime Commisioners
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
31 signatures
Lap dancing clubs
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Wednesday 17th July 2013
2 signatures
Benefit cap
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
13 signatures
Prevent charities from using intimidation and bullying tactics to raise funds i.e. knocking on doors and stopping you in the street
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
5 signatures
Remove Prince Charles from the succession
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
8 signatures
Change the voting sytstem
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
3 signatures
General Election BEFORE Scottish Referendum: 100,000 votes needed urgently
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
10 signatures
Independent scientific review on current drug policies
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
3 signatures
Overturn the veto on the release of Prince Charles letters
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
216 signatures
Make schools accept private dyslexic assessments
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
25 signatures
Save Our Seals
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
12 signatures
Stop animals in circuses.
Open from Wednesday 17th October 2012 to Thursday 17th October 2013
78 signatures
Stop the CO-OP opening a large store in Lenham Maidstone
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Tuesday 16th April 2013
13 signatures
Without exception punish ALL who verbally abuse police officers on duty
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
3 signatures
Stop commissioning reports you're going to ignore
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
16 signatures
Investigate the FA's contribution to the Hillsborough disaster
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
14 signatures
Stop the justification of alleged child sexual abuse
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th January 2013
4 signatures
Decriminalization of DDoS Attack (Distributed denial of service) as a form of protest
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
8 signatures
Searching for Keith Bennett
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
5,983 signatures
criminal records clearance
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
8 signatures
gps tag your children
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
2 signatures
Extend the Animal Welfare Act to cover all farm and lab animals.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Tuesday 16th July 2013
68 signatures
compulsive work hrs
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
2 signatures
Benifit Claiming for EU and Non EU Citizens
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
37 signatures
Change 0845 to free 0800 numbers to contact the Job Centre
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
129 signatures
Grant immunity from prosecution to British Armed Forces Personnel on active service.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
8 signatures
army entry
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
4 signatures
A second chance system
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
14 signatures
Maintain XH588's operational flying status
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
52 signatures
artic convoy medal
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Tuesday 16th April 2013
1,822 signatures
Justify foreign aid
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
70 signatures
Punitive tax on energy suppliers profits following above inflation price rises.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th January 2013
1 signatures
help fund and find a cure for meniere's disease
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
384 signatures
Do not allow foreigners access to the NHS doctors or hospitals unless in an emergency.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
32 signatures
Use this recession (spare construction capacity, lower costs) to build new motorway between London and Cornwall
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
4 signatures
EEA 2 Applications
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
59 signatures
End aviation subsidy
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
10 signatures
Guarantee Dental Foundation Training places for UK graduates
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
3,805 signatures
Make it illegal for anybody to refer to treatment under the NHS as 'free'.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
4 signatures
Democratic Consideration of Withdrawal of England and Wales from 1707 Act of Union with Scotland
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
10 signatures
stop ministers getting public payouts when they resign or quit the government
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
6 signatures
Please impose sense on Eurozone.
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
5 signatures
dog licensing and responsibility
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
45 signatures
Impose restrictions on the amount of UK produce thrown away by supermarkets
Open from Tuesday 16th October 2012 to Wednesday 16th October 2013
7 signatures
Stop cuts to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th January 2013
1,544 signatures
Life sentences for systematic physical and sexual abuse of children.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
66 signatures
Make the killing or harming of pets a more serious offence
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
14 signatures
Concealing child abuse must be made into a criminal offence
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
60 signatures
Save GCSE's
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
7 signatures
Do you agree with bringing the EMA back?
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
4 signatures
Replace homework with extra school hours
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
8 signatures
Ban all EDL/BNP Marches and Demonstrations
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
217 signatures
Support Arab Spring Democracies
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
Syria and Israel
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
9 signatures
End all co-operation with Russia until Pussy Riot are freed
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
Do NOT use the syrian incursion into Turkey as a justification to call for a NATO soiree into the area.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
4 signatures
don't give the mau mau compensation
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th January 2013
3 signatures
The Government in Nepal should have more stringent training for airplane pilots
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
16 signatures
Reconsider the Schengen Area
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
13 signatures
Stop killing children
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
88 signatures
International Spam Agreement
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Monday 15th April 2013
3 signatures
Give Gibraltar back to España, but demand the UK keeps a military presence on the Island as part of the agreement!
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
The Norwegian Nobel Committee should resign
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
3 signatures
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
5 signatures
Raise issue in NATO: Invite Russia to join
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
3 signatures
Protest against the Ukraine "Gay Propaganda" Bill
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
6 signatures
GMO Crops To Be Banned
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
611 signatures
Reduce Police Pensions
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
4 signatures
The government should curb gas and electricity price increases
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
10 signatures
priority to high Energy Returned/Energy Invested sources
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
We demand a cap on energy company profits!
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Monday 15th April 2013
73 signatures
Stop price increase on new MS treatment (Alemtuzumab)
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
10 signatures
Bring back Child safety advertisements on TV
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
3 signatures
Silence the internet for rememberance day
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
Stop allowing non uk citizens to get free treatment on the nhs
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
38 signatures
Lower energy companies pricing
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
21 signatures
£50 million to commemorate start of WWI
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
10 signatures
Compulsory Voting
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
17 signatures
NHS - treatment for Health Tourists
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
122 signatures
Say NO to giving prisoners the right to vote
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
45 signatures
Please place an age rating on Energy drinks to stop Children drinking them, it is damaging their education and health.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
150 signatures
Army funding and cuts.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
244 signatures
Expand Birmingham Airport instead of Heathrow
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
12 signatures
Pollutants control of cars bought, sold and/or manufactured in the UK after 1/1/2014
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
1 signatures
Ensure companies trading in UK pay taxes on these earnings
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Monday 15th April 2013
10 signatures
Should the UK government close down tax havens such as Jersey ,Isle of Man or Cayman Island?
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
4 signatures
No 'U-Turn' on plans to implement the Mansion Tax
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
6 signatures
Against proposals by the ONS to change the RPI index so that its value will be regularly lower than it would have been if it wasent changed.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
6 signatures
Scrap tax exempt status for all religions.
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
66 signatures
Migration Fee
Open from Monday 15th October 2012 to Tuesday 15th October 2013
2 signatures
Turn off the Street lights
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th October 2013
9 signatures
Investigate the benefits of Maglev technology
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th October 2013
22 signatures
Make it illegal for MPs to vote on any topic without first taking steps to obtain the approval of his or her constituency electorate.
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th October 2013
3 signatures
alter e-petition terms and conditions
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th October 2013
3 signatures
jobs under 16s
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Saturday 12th January 2013
3 signatures
Anonymity until you have been charged
Open from Friday 12th October 2012 to Friday 12th April 2013
4 signatures Mon, 03 Mar 2025 19:56:42 +0000