Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
Don't build anymore houses
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
let all uk shops sell japan sweets drinks chocolate toys and anyproducts from jp
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Shut down all existing Sharia law Courts in Britain
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Show parliament a video of the effects of the bombing campaign, seek alternates.
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ensure mandatory lifelong imprisonment for all U.K. paedophiles.
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Random drugs test on members of parliament.
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To create a system that reduces food waste, and feeds people who most need it.
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Teach more about LGBTQ+ in classrooms
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Set up an independently judged STUNT OFF between members of Wadeye and Wonk Unit
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Recommend Nigel Farage for a Knighthood - for services to the British public
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
ban sharia law courts in our country
Rejected on Friday 18th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Challenge the way the Media portrays Muslims as Extremists or Terrorists.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Lower the elegibilty age to get a bus pass in England to 60 years old.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Parking in parent and child space enforceable by law
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Hold a ballot from registered Knowledge students before any changes can be made.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make ex forces priority for housing.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Lose 10 Numbers from National Lottery so people have a fair chance of winning.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow "The Lords Prayer" to be shown before films in cinemas.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Should screening for genetic sociopathy be mandatory for politicians?
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
To provide 'Children's Transports' for Syrian refugee children fleeing war
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Impose tougher measures on islamaphobia
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make Stonegate York.Purplegate after the real time hero charity worker Purpleman
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Form a volunteer home defence force, to counter the threat of Islamic terrorism
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Dissolve the royal family's power and wealth to the people
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Knighthood for Tim Peake to appear in the New Year 2016 Honours List.
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
Change the rule for £18 600 spouse visa
Rejected on Thursday 17th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Re-do The General Election in January 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Repeal the last provision of the Cancer Act 1939.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop part of my UK taxes being handed to Scottish government
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make it the law where women take the child's father to court to stop access
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Reinstate the Treason Law for acts of terror and the incitement of terrorism
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Force UNHCR to process Calais refugees asylum claims. Provide safe Shelters/heat
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove all of the violent verses from the Islamic Quran
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Greater immigration ties with Commonwealth countries in particular Australia.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Deport the family relatives of Terrorists and strip them of British Citizenship
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Remove Lucy Allan MP from Parliament
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Allow the police to chase stolen motorbikes if the rider has a helmet or not.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Order the BBC to immediately release the Dame Janet Smith Review findings.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Cessation of all foreign aid payments, funds diverted to UK nationals in need
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Nationalise DartCharge to remove the bridge from private company hands.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
All illegal immigrants entering Britain illegally will be sent to South Georgia.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Please prohibit email votes in the referendum in case of fraud
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
The Commons Committee on Standards to investigate Prime Minister David Cameron.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Change the vote on Syria as MPs have conflict of interest, links with arms firms
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Reduce the cost of parking fines and allow more time to pay reduced amount.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
The UK government to expose the truth about oil vs control in the Middle East.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Guarantee that no innocent civilians will be killed by UK air strikes in Syria
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Allow Motorcycles & Scooters on ALL Bus lanes in UK
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Tougher and longer sentences for paedophiles and sex offenders
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the introduction of quarterly tax returns for small businesses.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop The Royal School for the Deaf in Margate from closing
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the closure of the Royal School for Deaf Children in Margate.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop British military action in Iraq and Syria
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: fake-name
Stop all military action over Syria and withdraw from the Middle East
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
MPs who have been proved to lie to voters in their election should resign.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
No Quarterly Tax returns for millions of small business and self employed
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
End the lobbyists in politics, especially the lobbyists that favor Israel!
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Give legal protection to all soldiers who served in Northern Ireland.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Hold a referendum of no confidence in the government.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
M.P.s should not vote on military action if they could gain financially from it.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Bring David Cameron to justice for genocide and war crimes against Syria.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make all our police forces around britain carry fire arms NOW at ALL TIMES.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get grimsby orphan boy band to play at Leeds festival
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
De-activate traffic lights on roundabout in areas of low traffic. From 11pm-6am
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
When assessing barring UK entry scrutinise returning jihadists before D Trump.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Don't put British Troops on the ground in Syria ever.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop bogus charities collecting monies in the name of military veterans.
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make the school/college start time later
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
UK Government to stop all trades and deals with Saudi Arabia
Rejected on Wednesday 16th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Invite Co. Donegal to re-join the United Kingdom
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Get the government to take action against Perjury under Family Law
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Watford Custody needs to remain open!
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Ensure fair working conditions in the Far East and prevent exploitation there.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Invite Donald Trump to the UK so we can laugh at him in person.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Force bookmakers to have Id entry to use fix odds betting terminals
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Muslim Extremists entering United Kingdom
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Stop David Cameron lavishing millions on foreign Aid. Get this aid reduced
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop discrimination against tall people.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ask Parliament to allow the Queen to be made Empress on her Diamond Jubilee.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: honours
I, As A UK Citizen, Would Support The Call For A Snap Election.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make hate preaching a criminal offence, freedom of speech... to an extent?
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Ban anyone who has left the UK to join IS/ISIL even if they were born here.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Thoroughly ignore Donald Trump.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make healthy food e.g fruits, veg & salad cheaper to buy than unhealthy food.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
More financial support for carers and recognition of the work we do.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To turn all telephone boxes in all capital cities in to wifi hotspots.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Invite Donald Trump to the UK so he can take over our country and save us all.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Continue to allow tax relief on mortgage interest for buy-to-let properties.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Legalize marijuana for medical use and recreational in the UK.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Regulate private rents. Make them affordable Stop investors buying everything.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Petitions must carry boxes for signing agreement, abstention & disagreement.
Rejected on Tuesday 15th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Resignation of David Cameron, Vote of no confidence in our leadership
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
A vote of no confidence in David Cameron following the decision to bomb Syria.
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Deport all immigrants convicted of any sex crime against anyone in the UK.
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Create a law like the Scottish MP's did to end 'gazumping' & 'gazundering'.
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To implement a full independent inquiry into the supply of British arms to ISIS.
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
make it law that cats should be reported if hit by a car or bike etc
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
To abolish the gender pay wage gap for the good of all.
Rejected on Monday 14th December 2015
Rejection code: no-action Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:08:56 +0000