Not all petitions are accepted for publication. The most common reasons for that are that the petition duplicates one that's already open for signatures, or that it relates to something that the government isn't responsible for.
All Manufacturers to label all products to show what is halal to all UK buyers.
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make the barrier at St Peters way bridge Bolton higher!
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make all fireworks noise free.
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Fix and maintain the roads in and around witney
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Snap election
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
For the Greek Government to permit burials of deceased refugees on hospital land
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
STOP the chancellors plan to stop military personal receiving their Pay increase
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Recognise the research on medical uses of cannabis conducted in the US.
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Vote of no confidence in Her Majesty's Government
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the Draft Communications Data Bill.
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduce more topics about homophobia in primary school lessons.
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban Fireworks except official displays
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Introduction of Paper Bags throughout the UK
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Force supermarkets to take uneven and different sized vegetables to reduce waste
Rejected on Friday 13th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
The Ministry of Health should reinstate all life extending cancer drugs
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Prevent the Government disregarding Creative subjects in Education.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Bring back Capital Punishment for Child Killers.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
more CCTV in schools
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Remove Britain First from the internet and prevent any more britain first pages
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Consideration for Commonwealth citizens
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
India blockage to Nepal
Humanitarian crisis in Nepal due to India blockage.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Create and enforce a standardised packet colour for crisp flavours in the UK
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Restrict supermarkets in their right to sell all dairy, arable and meat products
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Change Refunds/Exchange Policy to protect consumers and give peace of mind.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Remove the VAT for treating Pets at Vets.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make the law be the same for cats and dogs when hit by a moving vehicle
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Vote of confidence in The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Cumbria council must not take Syrian refugees in light of recent events.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Macclesfield council homing immigrants in Macclesfield 50 family's
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Close the borders of the United Kingdom to all migrants and refugees
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
no confidence vote against the tory government
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Do not reduce Luton's Childrens centres .
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop taking my student loans as a wage! I have to pay those back!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Make Government and Politics a compulsory lesson
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
lower student fees
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop all immorgants into Britain. KEEP ISIS OUT!!!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Improve education on homosexuality in schools in a bid to prevent homophobia.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Add Joel Plews back to UK Pop Punk
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Make PAT Testing a legal requirement at work. Failure would be against law.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
stop fireworks except organised Fireworks Displays
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Reverse the government's decision for a puppy farm in Hull for animal testing.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Change the law on rape as it is out dated and also in is gender specific!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Change the National Anthem to "Become 1" by Faithless.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Manor park Cemetary.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Close british borders
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ban the burka in our country
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Evict David Cameron as prime minister.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Criminally Prosecute Politicians Who Mislead Voters During Election Campaigns.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Credit Cards automatically disabled by the provider after 12 months of none use.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Means test MP's, ministers and Lord's for expenses claims
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Use renewable energy sources where possible
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
For Mrs May to Stand down as she is a threat to Security of the UK.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: honours
Band The Burqa in the United Kingdom
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
David Cameron to close borders amid Paris attack!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Give homeless British people homes in the UK before homeless foreign people.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop the taxs on tampons They not a luxury
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Please Mr Cameron Close Our Borders so we do not suffer the same fate as Paris!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Close our UK borders
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop ISIS by engaging British resources if not troops.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
No to Lidl's Proposal for Stirchley. We need a Bowling Alley and Gym!!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Legalise cannabis for medicine in the uk
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop Beckhampton Centre/School from getting closed down!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop! All fireworks unless they are in a controlled environment at a display.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Scrap university fees in England
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Keep the ban on fox hunting
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Bring back the death penalty for treason.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Mobility Scooter speed should be limited to walking pace.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Attack ISIS with ultimate force, to wipe then out once and for all
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get BradTheLadLong on Celebrity Big Brother 2016!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Stop Geo-Engineering aka Chemtrails
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Petition the residents of the UK to help us make our borders more secure.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Don't cut tax credits for British people. Why should we pay for your austerity?
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Maintain immigration by leaving the UK borders open until ISIS is defeated.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Ignore and oppose the petition created by Tina Reeves. Terrorism has no religion
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Shut the UK's Borders
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
STOP Russia,Iran& USA sending nuclear weapons/artillery to the Syrian President.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
ban assignments/ homework
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Force Alistair Burt to resign from his position as Health Minister.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: honours
Have Another General Election
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
We want a General Election in 2016. Not another 4 years of Conservative Rule!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Use Empty Taxpayer funded accomodatiom to house homeless families over Christmas
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
End body-mod discrimination in work and learning environments now
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Help us to stop animal testing!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Stop using Ethlyene Glycol and use Propylene Glycol in Antifreeze.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Fireworks should be banned. Only firework displays should be allowed!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
An immediate investigation into the aftermath support of air crash victims.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: no-action
Removal of Cameron due to abuse of power & he has breached the ministerial code.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: honours
Stop the proposed cuts to armed forces wages
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
PPC's provide pro-rata payment option before issuing extoritionate PCNs.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Close the borders as soon as possible. Do not let Paris' events repeat here.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Close our borders and protect our land! France is the prime example!
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Get rid of the Tampon Tax.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Follow France and close or borders now.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Allow workers to be able to claim fuel allowance like MP's
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
Prevent supermarkets making farmers waste healthy but 'unattractive' food.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Make it illegal for supermarkets to reject fruit and veg on cosmetic grounds
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate
Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 a week for one month.
Rejected on Monday 16th November 2015
Rejection code: irrelevant
To refer to ISIS as Daesh in public and in all publicly accessible documents.
Rejected on Tuesday 17th November 2015
Rejection code: duplicate Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:42:59 +0000