All the petitions which were submitted in June 2016, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
The petition calls upon MPs not to repeal the European Communities Act 1972
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 29th June 2016 to Thursday 29th December 2016
10,455 signatures
Force food suppliers & processors to use bio-degradable & recyclable packaging.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Parliament must vote not to invoke Article 50 of the 2009 Lisbon Treaty
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Deny the petition to hold a second referendum to remain in or leave the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Enact article 50 immediately
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold a referendum on the deal Britain negotiates with the EU on Brexit
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Reject any notion of having a 2nd EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Prevent a second UK/EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
No petition can be raised to object to the outcome of a national democratic vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Assure EU citizens in the UK that post-Brexit, they are welcome and valued
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Not consider a second referendum regarding leaving the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
As the referendum was so close, Parliament should have the final say on EU exit.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold the Government accountable for the delivery of £350M / week NHS investment
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age for the second EU referendum to 16.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop Brexit
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Leave the decision made as out the eu. No second vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The people have voted out that's what it should stay out is out no RE vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Create independent body to call re-elections if campaign promises are not kept
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
15 signatures
David Cameron to Invoke Article 50 with immediate effect.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a General Election once we have a new leader of the Conservative Party
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
We the undersigned call upon HM Government not to consider a second referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Respect the decision of UK voters and make leaving the EU legally binding
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure that Brexit goes ahead as decided by the referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not hold another referendum until you get the result you want. Leave won.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Don't invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to leave the EU.
Remain in the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Don't invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to leave the EU.
Remain in the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
In the event of a second EU referendum, allow 16-17 years old to vote.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Conduct enquiry into behaviour of political parties in EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow those 16 and older to vote in a second EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Increase the HM Government Petition Response and Action Commitment
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
9 signatures
UK Parliament to consider a vote on whether to accept the EU referendum result.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Refuse any possibility of a second referendum on Britain's exit from Europe
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Decline a 2nd EU referendum based on a petition signed by "in" voters.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow 16 +17 year olds to vote in a new EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
To insist on David Cameron remain as Prime Minister
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
To make sure the UK does not have a 2nd EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
The EU referendum was fair and democratic and must stand
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the UK having a second referendum regarding leaving the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Deny the petition for 2nd refurendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold a referendum on the final Brexit agreement.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ensure the PM hasn't held non UK citizenship within 5 years of taking office
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Hold a 2nd EU referendum with the eligible electorate to include 16 and 17 olds.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Grant British citizenship to all EU citizens currently resident in the UK.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make voting eligible to only those who have paid PAYE tax for 5 or more years
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
9 signatures
2nd Referendum allowing 16 year olds to vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Create an independent regulator to ensure truthful political campaigning
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Require the government to serve an article 50 notice on the EU immediately.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Say no to s second EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The decision to leave the EU must be kept and respected as an act of democracy.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Take action against the false information Nigel Farage used in his campaign
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 12th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Go ahead with leaving the EU, the nation has spoken.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Should we proceed with Leaving the European Union Risking Scotland leaving theUK
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Don't allow a second referendum to leave the EU as a democratic decision is made
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty immediately
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Honour the view of the British to leave the EU and NOT allow another referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow the youth (14-17) to vote in larger elections/referendums
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 30th June 2016 to Friday 30th December 2016
9 signatures
Keep David Cameron as PM
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Block Brexit in Parliament
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Protect UK Environment & Wildlife - adopt European environmental legislation.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
7,527 signatures
Put the final decision of remaining in the EU through Parliament.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Invoke article 50 of the Lisbon treaty and start the process to leave the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The Public have already spoken "Stop another EU referendum".
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty for five years
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Friday 1st July 2016 to Sunday 1st January 2017
48 signatures
Do not run the Referendum again!
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Issue "EU Leave Article. 50" decision ONLY AFTER sufficient Parliament Scrutiny.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 18th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make the EU referendum decision stand and do not call for a second referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make voting in pen a legal requirement.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop any attempts to hold a 2nd EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Scrap charges at hospital car parks.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 5th July 2016 to Thursday 5th January 2017
245 signatures
Give all teenagers aged under 18 on 23.6.16 a vote in a supplemental referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 7th July 2016 to Saturday 7th January 2017
25 signatures
15-17 year old should have the right to vote in a 2nd EU referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A General Election to give the people a Government for leaving the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not hold a second Brexit referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Keep the vote as it is. No need for new referendum. Leave won fair and square
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stand by the decision of the British people to leave the European Union.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
I wish to counter petition this petition for a new vote on brexit.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Lower the voting age restriction for the EU Referendum (to 16 years old).
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: no-action
Refuse the demand for a second referendum on membership of the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the petition to have a second referendum for leaving Europe
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not allow a second referendum,britian has chose to leave the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Second EU referendum to Save the United Kingdom.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Referendum on the terms of the UK Brexit and remain in if 60% not in favour
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold the 2nd EU referendum, allowing 15-17 year olds to vote
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Protect democracy and publicly denounce any call for a 2nd EU referendum.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Invalidate the referendum on Britain leaving the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a General Election for new Parliament & Prime Minister NOW
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The House of Commons to vote on a motion for an early General Election soonest
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop the petition to have a 2nd EU referendum,overturn the vote to leave the EU
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
EU Referendum Rules NOT triggering a 2nd EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow ALL resident EU citizens a vote in any future referendum on EU membership
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
No 2nd EU Referendum as Britain has voted to LEAVE the EU.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Trigger Article 50 immediately
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
to make immigrants work and pay tax for 4 years before they can claim benefits.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Open from Thursday 14th July 2016 to Saturday 14th January 2017
451 signatures
Deem 23/6/16 EU Referendum void due to Electoral Commission failures.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Say NO to another EU Referendum
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make it illegal to discuss a petition on a democratic vote outcome in Parliament
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Referendum votes cannot be overturned by a second referendum on the same subject
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Allow 16 and 17 year olds the vote in any further referenda on EU membership.
Submitted on Saturday 25th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 28th June 2016 - reason: duplicate Thu, 06 Mar 2025 07:27:28 +0000