All the petitions which were submitted in June 2016, irrespective of whether they were accepted or rejected, sorted by submission date from newest to oldest.
Note that petitions will only show in this list once they have been either accepted or rejected. Petitions still waiting to be checked are not made public until they have completed the moderation process. That's because publishing them before then would defeat the object of the support gathering phase, as well as risking the inadvertant publication of something defamatory or otherwise unlawful.
End the post Brexit political vacuum.Cancel the House of Commons Summer recess
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
So many leave voters have changed their minds that we should void the referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
That Nathan Bowen should be the next manager of Englands football team.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Implement a test to show basic understanding before being able to vote
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Hold a second in / out EU referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Submit the negotiated settlement of the relationship with the EU to a referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Discuss the establishment of a rival EU 'London based Global trading group'.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
6 signatures
Initiate Article 50 immediately
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a General Election as soon as possible
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Help me and Daisy get our lives together before addiction and early death
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: no-action
David Cameron to remain prime minister, to guide us through Tough times ahead.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back David Miliband and make him leader of the Labour Party to become PM
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
In an Indy ref 2, Scottish Regions that vote to remain in the uk should remain.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Monday 18th July 2016 to Wednesday 18th January 2017
7 signatures
Block the three weekly waste collection scheme approved for Oldham
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Honour the decision of the recent EU Referendum and uphold democracy.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Introduce freedom of movement between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Declare a vote of no confidence in the Government & call for a General Election.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Don't implement GCSE exam 9-1 grades, instead have A*, A, B*, B, C*, C, D, E, F.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
31 signatures
Make age appropriate basic life support mandatory in the national curriculum.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Thursday 28th July 2016 to Saturday 28th January 2017
42 signatures
MP's who refuse to accept the EU referendum result should resign.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
The Queen should give a televised address uniting us all together after Brexit
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: no-action
Nigel Farage has disgraced the UK as an MEP and must be removed from this post
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
EU Referendum – “Leave” must present their plan
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Remove Nigel Farage from his position in European Parliament
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Lower the voting age for all Elections and Referendums to 16 years old
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Investigate UK areas of deep social dislocation and propose remedial measures
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Friday 8th July 2016 to Sunday 8th January 2017
12 signatures
force the government to include Nigel Farage in the EU exit discussions
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: honours
Ban the use of in game purchases for non-permanent downloads
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
7 signatures
Please do not let Nigel Farage represent the UK in Brexit.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: honours
Respect the people choice in the EU referendum and invoke article 50 immediately
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold a referendum on the terms of the UK’s exit from the EU
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
David Cameron to implement artical 50 before he resigns.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Create an Independent Body to report on the accuracy of MPs' public statements.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Friday 15th July 2016 to Sunday 15th January 2017
50 signatures
END BSL ( Breed Specific Legislation )
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ages 15-17 to have a vote in the EU referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not trigger article 50 of the Lisbon treaty. Stop Brexit.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
ban betting advertising and sponsorship on television and UK press.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Tuesday 2nd August 2016 to Thursday 2nd February 2017
150 signatures
Repeat the EU referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 7th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Set aside the EU Referendum Result as the LEAVE Campaign misled the UK public.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Ban Nigel Farage from politics and any other public office to protect our future
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister. Re-hold the General Election.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 12th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Only parliament through a vote of MPs and not the PM can invoke article 50
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Call a referendum to confirm or reject the negotiated terms of Brexit
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Government to clarify the future rights of EU citizens already in the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Dismiss petitions demanding a revote as a result of the prevailing decision.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Debate the EU referendum [23/6/16]
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty Immediately
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Vote for Scotland to be removed from the United Kingdom
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
England team to donate all pay from Euro 2016 to charity
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Make Nigel Farage MEP donate 100% of his MEP salary to a refugee charity.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Hold an immediate general election after the conservative leader has been chosen
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Start Brexit and invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty without delay
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Limit airtime for Nigel Farage. He is an embarrassment to all Britons.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
We demand the HM Government immediately repeal the European Communities Act 1972
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make all political parties collaborate to heal damage caused by the referendum.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
We call on the Government not to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make Rugby the |National Sport of England
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Give us more support for people suffering with mental health problems.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Offer UK citizenship to EU citizen’s based in the UK prior to the EU referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make Harry Redknapp the new England manager.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Recall the MEP Nigel Farage.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Bring back Alliance & Academy RL to save and improve player development
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Do NOT implement Article 50 to leave the EU until after a General Election.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Cancel the summer recess/conferences and make MPs work together on a BREXIT plan
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Hold a general election on the resignation or removal of the Prime Minister
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make it so petition makers can represent their issue and argument in parliament.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 13th July 2016 to Friday 13th January 2017
9 signatures
To give 16 and 17 year olds a say on Brexit before the exit process is started.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A guarantee to preserve the rights of EU citizens currently in the UK.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Establish, for the UK, Norway's model of involvement with the European Union.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Save ST Joseph's Primary school Milngavie from closure.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Lower the cost of all FA Football Coaching Courses in the UK
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 8th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
We believe we need an election prior to article 50 to deliver democracy.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Make Political Education Compulsory at Secondary School.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Stop nicotine management programs that cover nhs hospitals.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Take corrective action for the Brexit campaign's misrepresentation
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty now and have Parliament endorse it
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Please help make the UK a real democracy by closing the house of Lords.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Why is VOLKSWAGEN not compensating EU owners for diesel emissions scandal?
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 22nd July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Nigel Farage to never be allowed to represent UK in any forum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: honours
Nigel Farage to resign as an MEP and the leader of the UK Independence Party.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
MPs to decide on whether to leave the EU
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Do not invoke Article 50 until £350m per week NHS commitment has been approved.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 18th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Tougher punishment and consequences for people that neglect and mistreat animals
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: no-action
Appoint Glen Hoddle as England football manager
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Once the Conservatives elect a new leader we should have a general election.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
The UK should remain in the EEA with free movement of goods, labour and capital.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: duplicate
David Cameron should withdraw his resignation and remain Prime Minister.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Parliament must establish if Article 50 should be invoked.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Sunday 3rd July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Petition for Jeremy Corbyn to oust the remaining Blairites from the Labour party
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 1st July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Vote for Fuggle for PM
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 29th June 2016 - reason: honours
Ensure that a Brexit-UK can contribute to and receive EU funding for science
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Friday 15th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
No longer recognise UKIP as a political party as it has achieved its objective.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Tuesday 5th July 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Annul the result of the 2016 EU Referendum
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 13th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
A Gen Election before Article 50, free of first past the post for EU membership.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Open from Wednesday 6th July 2016 to Friday 6th January 2017
61 signatures
We demand a General Election to ratify or reject the decision to leave the EU.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Wednesday 6th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Creation of political advertising standards; consequences for misleading voters.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 14th July 2016 - reason: duplicate
Let the people decide the next England football manager
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Thursday 30th June 2016 - reason: irrelevant
Make UK voting compulsory.
Submitted on Tuesday 28th June 2016
Rejected on Monday 4th July 2016 - reason: duplicate Sat, 01 Mar 2025 12:31:09 +0000