Tags are generated automatically from the petition contents, so sometimes they do end up being a bit imprecise. But manually tagging over a 100,000 petitions would be a bit of a stretch, so we'll just have to put up with the occasional dodgy tag. Sorry about that.
British students to receive U.K student loan when studying a whole degree abroad
Open from Friday 20th July 2018 to Sunday 20th January 2019
114 signatures
Scrap NHS surcharge for non EU living in UK who already pay N.I contributions
Open from Thursday 19th July 2018 to Saturday 19th January 2019
4,165 signatures
Discontinue Pay As You Dine and Reinstate Monthly Food Charges
Open from Tuesday 17th July 2018 to Thursday 17th January 2019
9 signatures
Devolve TV Broadcasting to Scottish Government Arts, Culture & Sport Ministry
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
36 signatures
Urge the Nigerian Government to protect civilians
Open from Monday 16th July 2018 to Wednesday 16th January 2019
27 signatures
Ensure British food standards are met in any free trade agreement with USA
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
142 signatures
Constitution to prevent ceding sovereignty to foreign powers without referendum
Open from Friday 13th July 2018 to Sunday 13th January 2019
109 signatures
Keep British Summer Time (BST) all year round in UK
Open from Thursday 12th July 2018 to Saturday 12th January 2019
561 signatures
Allow Bashir Ahmadzai to stay in the UK indefinitely.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
571 signatures
Examine Greybull's actions in respect of insolvency of Monarch Airline/Holidays.
Open from Tuesday 10th July 2018 to Thursday 10th January 2019
11 signatures
British National (Overseas) Citizens should be given full British Citizenship.
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
11,928 signatures
Abolish International Student Fees and Finance Ineligibility for UK Citizens
Open from Monday 9th July 2018 to Wednesday 9th January 2019
14 signatures
Make gender-neutral passports available for British citizens
Open from Friday 6th July 2018 to Sunday 6th January 2019
39 signatures
Introduce Emergency Visitor Visa for families of citizens with critical illness
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2018 to Thursday 3rd January 2019
556 signatures
Make March 29th a public holiday from March 29th 2019
Open from Tuesday 3rd July 2018 to Thursday 3rd January 2019
102 signatures
Re-skill ALL shop floor workers who have been made redundant in 2018 onwards.
Open from Monday 2nd July 2018 to Wednesday 2nd January 2019
16 signatures
Ban TV adverts of gambling sites and betting firms sponsoring football shirts.
Open from Friday 29th June 2018 to Saturday 29th December 2018
86 signatures
Allow individuals with Coeliac Disease to join the British Armed Forces
Open from Wednesday 27th June 2018 to Thursday 27th December 2018
62 signatures
Cancel Donald Trump’s visit to the U.K. due to the immigrant children scandal
Open from Friday 22nd June 2018 to Saturday 22nd December 2018
1,024 signatures
Invoke the Parliament Act if the Lords reject the EU (Withdrawal) Bill
Open from Friday 15th June 2018 to Saturday 15th December 2018
3,707 signatures
Remove Capita from recruiting for the Army and use Soldiers to recruit Soldiers
Open from Thursday 14th June 2018 to Friday 14th December 2018
4,359 signatures
Condemn the actions of the 1970-79 Governments in taking the UK into the EEC
Open from Tuesday 12th June 2018 to Wednesday 12th December 2018
506 signatures
Condemn the Israeli government killing innocent civilians and unarmed protesters
Open from Friday 8th June 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018
53 signatures
Require Parliamentary Approval before Ratifying Treaties or MOUs
Open from Thursday 7th June 2018 to Friday 7th December 2018
19 signatures
Ban Concentrated Animal feeding Operations (CAFO) in the UK
Open from Wednesday 6th June 2018 to Thursday 6th December 2018
64 signatures
Make a legal requirement to have a valid horse owners certificate to own a horse
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
11 signatures
Parliament to debate withdrawal of British support for Iran Nuclear deal.
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
90 signatures
Urge the Indian Government to investigate and prevent Sterlite pollution
Open from Wednesday 30th May 2018 to Friday 30th November 2018
33 signatures
Stop paying tax on pensions
Open from Tuesday 29th May 2018 to Thursday 29th November 2018
45 signatures
Allow all British Armed Forces personnel to have a beard if they so wish.
Open from Thursday 24th May 2018 to Saturday 24th November 2018
2,857 signatures
british soldier should be free from prosecution unless dishonourably discharged
Open from Thursday 24th May 2018 to Saturday 24th November 2018
10 signatures
Take the UK out of the EU's Customs Union in 2021 as promised.
Open from Wednesday 23rd May 2018 to Friday 23rd November 2018
94 signatures
We urge the UK Government to recognise the State of Palestine.
Open from Wednesday 23rd May 2018 to Friday 23rd November 2018
2,858 signatures
Cancel fees for children born in UK before their parents acquired settlement
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
33 signatures
Grant leave to remain to Brenda Ackerman and change the Immigration Rules
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
4,196 signatures
Grant immunity from prosecution for military, whilst on Govt Duty.
Open from Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to Thursday 22nd November 2018
528 signatures
Break all ties with EU institutions and policies completely
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
28,546 signatures
Bring Back the Right of Appeal to Family Visit Visa Applicants.
Open from Monday 21st May 2018 to Wednesday 21st November 2018
164 signatures
Make burning or mistreating a Union Jack in public a criminal offence.
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
3,032 signatures
Award a medal to British personnel involved in any nuclear testing program
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
10,919 signatures
British Soldiers who served in N. Ireland must have immunity from prosecution.
Open from Friday 18th May 2018 to Sunday 18th November 2018
54,116 signatures
Make it a criminal act for any British politician to lie or deceive UK citizens
Open from Thursday 17th May 2018 to Saturday 17th November 2018
35 signatures
Put an end to the breeding and hunting of ‘game’ birds.
Open from Thursday 17th May 2018 to Saturday 17th November 2018
167 signatures
Cap the price of UK train fares so they are in line with other major economies
Open from Wednesday 16th May 2018 to Friday 16th November 2018
39 signatures
Prohibit operating tractors & other agricultural vehicles between 07:30 - 09:00
Open from Wednesday 16th May 2018 to Friday 16th November 2018
13 signatures
Prime Minister to establish Windrush Day as a national day celebrating migration
Open from Monday 14th May 2018 to Wednesday 14th November 2018
1,514 signatures
Low cost path to CITIZENSHIP for all EU Citizens with PERMANENT RESIDENCY status
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
1,813 signatures
Amend Representation of the Peoples act 1983 to include Social Media campaigns.
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
72 signatures
Make AED Defibrillators available more publicly (at least every second street).
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
49 signatures
Apology from British government for 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in India
Open from Friday 11th May 2018 to Sunday 11th November 2018
24 signatures
Rename HMS Prince Of Wales to HMS Ark Royal
Open from Thursday 10th May 2018 to Saturday 10th November 2018
10 signatures
Support the curry industry by reviewing immigration policy
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
696 signatures
Refund the application fee for all unsuccessful British Citizenship applications
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
16 signatures
Issue British passports without the EU logo.
Open from Wednesday 9th May 2018 to Friday 9th November 2018
87 signatures
Britain should apologize for forced conscription in her West African colonies.
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
32 signatures
The Government should urge the FA not to sell Wembley
Open from Tuesday 8th May 2018 to Thursday 8th November 2018
226 signatures
Make Legal Aid available for applicants forced to prove immigration status in UK
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
1,739 signatures
A commemorative plaque for the contributions made by the Windrush Generation.
Open from Friday 4th May 2018 to Sunday 4th November 2018
40 signatures
Ban snares because animals suffer terrible injuries and deaths
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
93 signatures
Make teaching coping mechanisms compulsory in secondary schools
Open from Wednesday 2nd May 2018 to Friday 2nd November 2018
123 signatures
Investigate the destruction of Windrush records by the Home Office.
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
74 signatures
Please remove age restriction in s3(5) of the British Nationality Act
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
17 signatures
Increase British military spending to £65 Billion
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
10 signatures
Supermarkets to be legally obliged to sell high sugar cereals separately.
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
96 signatures
Non transitioned transgender* members of military serve as identified gender
Open from Friday 27th April 2018 to Saturday 27th October 2018
18 signatures
Automatic British Citizenship for Indefinite Leave to Remainers settled 15 years
Open from Thursday 26th April 2018 to Friday 26th October 2018
14 signatures
Create a Strategic Marine Resources Act
Open from Thursday 26th April 2018 to Friday 26th October 2018
19 signatures
Abolish the house of lords.
Open from Wednesday 25th April 2018 to Thursday 25th October 2018
3,859 signatures
If no agreement on the Ireland Border can be reached, Brexit must be abandoned.
Open from Friday 20th April 2018 to Saturday 20th October 2018
7,553 signatures
Hold a snap election in response to Theresa May's poor leadership over Syria.
Open from Friday 20th April 2018 to Saturday 20th October 2018
19 signatures
Halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
181 signatures
Cancel HS2 and use the allocated funds to help find a cure for cancer.
Open from Thursday 19th April 2018 to Friday 19th October 2018
17 signatures
British Army only to be used overseas at the request of a Sovereign Government.
Open from Wednesday 18th April 2018 to Thursday 18th October 2018
9 signatures
Codify the requirement for parliamentary authorisation of military action.
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
45 signatures
Legally require the Net Internal Floor area to be quoted for every home on sale.
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
227 signatures
The Government must make Parliament Vote on Military Intervention in Syria.
Open from Tuesday 17th April 2018 to Wednesday 17th October 2018
47 signatures
Add 1p Income Tax & Reduce Aid to OECD average to create a BREXIT readiness fund
Open from Thursday 12th April 2018 to Friday 12th October 2018
7 signatures
Introduce a South African Vulnerable Persons' Resettlement Programme
Open from Wednesday 11th April 2018 to Thursday 11th October 2018
31 signatures
Withdraw the UK from the EU even if Parliament rejects the final Brexit deal.
Open from Tuesday 10th April 2018 to Wednesday 10th October 2018
8,344 signatures
Make 30th November a national holiday in memory of Sir Winston Churchill
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
17 signatures
Make Battle of Britain Day, the 15th of September, a public holiday.
Open from Monday 9th April 2018 to Tuesday 9th October 2018
40 signatures
Abolish the TV licence
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
5,680 signatures
Introduce MPs to represent the interests of British citizens living abroad.
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
2,202 signatures
Amnesty for anyone who was a minor that arrived In Britain between 1948 to 1971
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
180,482 signatures
Make sign language part of the national curriculum
Open from Friday 6th April 2018 to Saturday 6th October 2018
337 signatures
Call upon the British Government to stop Northern Ireland MLAs pay.
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
49 signatures
Fund and support a monument to the POLISH PILOT HEROES of the Battle of Britain.
Open from Wednesday 28th March 2018 to Friday 28th September 2018
11,872 signatures
Start development of a satellite carrier rocket.
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
12 signatures
A Referendum on EU Leaving Deal
Open from Tuesday 27th March 2018 to Thursday 27th September 2018
66 signatures
Introduce an Act making it mandatory to manufacture British passports in the UK.
Open from Monday 26th March 2018 to Wednesday 26th September 2018
47 signatures
Stop extradition to the UAE
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
71 signatures
Parliament debate whether Israel has 'improper influence' over British Politics
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
13,282 signatures
Encourage British Sign Language in KS1 in Schools
Open from Thursday 22nd March 2018 to Saturday 22nd September 2018
255 signatures
Bring Home The QE2
Open from Wednesday 21st March 2018 to Friday 21st September 2018
13 signatures
Start a voluntary emigration programme for people who want to leave the UK.
Open from Tuesday 20th March 2018 to Thursday 20th September 2018
11 signatures
Full-scale independent inquiry into mismanagement of all UK rail transport.
Open from Monday 19th March 2018 to Wednesday 19th September 2018
70 signatures
Start a British Foreign Legion.
Open from Friday 16th March 2018 to Sunday 16th September 2018
10 signatures
Require Schools in England to teach & sing the National Anthem once a week
Open from Friday 16th March 2018 to Sunday 16th September 2018
15 signatures
Change the official name & branding of the House of Lords to the House of Peers
Open from Wednesday 14th March 2018 to Friday 14th September 2018
40 signatures
Get Michael Gove to maintain farming subsidies after Brexit.
Open from Friday 9th March 2018 to Sunday 9th September 2018
9 signatures Tue, 04 Mar 2025 04:57:00 +0000